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Search results

  1. Anthile

    INTP main characters?

    Indecisive Man is most certainly INTP.
  2. Anthile

    another person in the forums

    'sup. :cat:
  3. Anthile

    Science & religion ?

  4. Anthile

    Picture Personality (Short Test)

  5. Anthile

    MBTI public identifiers

    Stopped reading there. You can always say you were into it before it got popular. :cat:
  6. Anthile

    Medical Marijuana

    My experience is that a vast majority cannot handle any kind of addictive substances. So legalizing all drugs would be a fatal move.
  7. Anthile

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    I lol'd.
  8. Anthile

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    Jean-Luc Picard An accomplished diplomat who can virtually do no wrong, you sometimes know it is best to rely on the council of others while holding the reins. There are some words which I have known since I was a schoolboy. "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech...
  9. Anthile

    Dealing with a sociopath

    That's a horrible idea. Even a weak person can seriously harm someone. I don't think LifeLine wants to go to prison just because of a school bully.
  10. Anthile

    Babys!!! what will you name yours?

    Oh, I forgot. If it's a girl, her name will be Quixota.
  11. Anthile

    Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

    *hides his semi-croatian skin from the crazy serbs* :phear:
  12. Anthile

    <creative greeting>

  13. Anthile

    Babys!!! what will you name yours?

  14. Anthile

    Indie cred

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYgqdtjRha4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzEaFSVTzQo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCjpbjCH5L0 (if you don't know NMH, you most likely aren't a proper INTP to begin with D: ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6t42CW7sOE
  15. Anthile

    Mac Vs. PC

    It's just a tool, nothing I'd ever love or hate. Only the result is important.
  16. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    DJ Okawari - Luv Letter
  17. Anthile

    Experiments In The Revival of Organisms

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4894196323956293980&q=Experiments+in+the+Revival+of+Organisms&hl=en# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Experiments_in_the_Revival_of_Organisms I'll just leave this here.
  18. Anthile

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    sgt. - Apollo Program
  19. Anthile


    I hope that it will give us better search functions. :slashnew:
  20. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    Well, yeah, the problem is, Indians don't vote for American presidents.
  21. Anthile

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    Well, the point is, when you open a thread and can't stand it when people disagree with your opinion, you shouldn't bother with it in the first place. This is a discussion forum and not freaking LiveJournal.
  22. Anthile

    Favorite Quotations

    "A witty saying proves nothing." ~Voltaire
  23. Anthile

    ~The Melkor BIRTHDAY club~

    Re: ~The Melkor club~ That seems like a sound idea, except for the parts that involve any kinds of Melkors.
  24. Anthile

    The Cover Game

    Outside of competition:
  25. Anthile

    What personality type is the Joker?

    Okay, here is the trick: The Joker is hypersane which means he is aware that he is a character in a comic book. He does what he does because he knows that he's not really hurting anyone. In conclusion: I am right and you are wrong. Bad luck, guys.
  26. Anthile

    The Cover Game

    HIV/AIDS in El Salvador - Glasses and too long shorts? Genre: Emocore Country: America Release: 1993
  27. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    AIDS/HIV is not going to discourage anyone in Africa from having sex thanks to a lack of sexual education and the lack of testing procedures. Not to mention that this kind of passive genocide is ethically extremely questionable.
  28. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    Why is there no autoban on mentioning Kurzweil? I really should talk to Ragnar about that issue.
  29. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    You watched a 95 minutes long movie in 10 minutes?
  30. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

  31. Anthile

    The Cover Game

    Louis Joseph Antoine de Potter - Almost a degradation Genre: Singer-Songwriter Country: France Release: 1967 (this kinda sucks)
  32. Anthile

    The Cover Game

    Flora of Nihoa - This Place is TIIIGHT! Genre: Shoegaze with female vocalist Country: Canada Release: 2003
  33. Anthile

    The Cover Game

    1. Go to wikipedia, click random article - this is your band name. 2. Go to wikiquote, click random quote - the last 3-5 words of the first quote are your album title. 3. Go to flickr, last 7 days - 5th picture is your album cover. 4. Combine everything in photoshop and post result. 5. Next...
  34. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    Jonathan Swift would be proud of you.
  35. Anthile

    How should over-population be solved?

    On what foundation rests your claim that overpopulation will be a problem in the future?
  36. Anthile

    White Background

    I really hate forums that look like stillborn iPods.
  37. Anthile

    Indie cred

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-Tm0gm9lfk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snL3mVI6qTU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_45JMyrP6Q
  38. Anthile

    I'm no feeler, but...

    That's because we attach things like 'They could fight back" or "They probably had it coming" to humans while we see animals as helpless and innocent.
  39. Anthile

    Should I read the DSM-IV?

    Also, the DSM is more of a book of reference and nothing you read from beginning to end.
  40. Anthile

    Indie cred

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te1Mb_KuZkM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTXY_NjLPhU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FW3sqo934g
  41. Anthile

    Hey y'all

  42. Anthile

    Absence from the forum

    Wrong thread, guys.
  43. Anthile

    Indie cred

    In this thread: We build up our indie cred. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUscLn9dRxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJB2jqToa2E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r4yQdUy618
  44. Anthile

    MBTI Posters

    I made a new one:
  45. Anthile

    Make a prediction for 2014

    In 4 years, we will all be 4 years older.
  46. Anthile

    The Fangirl club.

    http://www.demon-sushi.com/warning/mee.html And you thought you FF fanboys were crazy...
  47. Anthile

    Insecurity/Overcoming your shadows

    The terminus technicus is accessory fruit. Always beware the difference between the culinary and the botanical definition of the word fruit.
  48. Anthile

    why the SP's and SJ's rule the world.

    True true. I still like Beebe's approach the most but it is not easy to understand if one is not familiar with Jung's writing and that is not something you can expect from random people on the internet.
  49. Anthile

    why the SP's and SJ's rule the world.

    That was very interesting. I agree with most of the criticism in that paper.
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