I have been perusing the INFJ forum recently, and I have noticed a pattern that is all too common.
They will accuse me of being wrong, and then challenge me by making a claim.
I disagree with their claim, and counter their argument with my own.
They realize I have actually thought my argument through, shit their pants, then their poorly developed Ti squeals in fear, and then they flee.
So I thought to myself "Wow, they are so scared to death of their own Ti, that they are not even going to attempt to use it. Instead they just say "I don't want to argue with you, we'll never see eye to eye!" and storm off, even though they are the ones that started the argument in the first place."
That is actually pathetic for an INFJ, to have only strong use of your Ni and Fe, and nothing else. I got the thinking "So is this what people think of when they hear INFJ? Wow, no wonder everyone's perception of personality types is so screwed up."
That is when it hit me.
It is the test, as well as the descriptions. The test is technically only checking proficiency in your top two functions, and the descriptions are only describing a person that has proficient use of their top two function. That means that a person who has developed more than their Top two functions will more than likely test as something else, and they will contradict and not relate to the description.
So the people that take the test and have accurate results are most likely not a well developed model of their personality type, unless of course they know themselves very well. And the types that are actually well developed are being mistyped as something else. Which is why the INFJs that get mistyped as INTP are all strong Ti users, and are who I personally consider the "True" INFJs, as opposed to their weaker counter parts that you find on INFJf.
What this means, is that MBTI has created perceptions and understandings of personality types that is based solely on the most bottom of the barrel, undeveloped versions of these types. And I when I say "bottom of the barrel" I really mean it, having only proficient use of your two near side functions is terrible.
No really, think about this for a second, your only real understand of personality type is based only on a description of the most poorly developed personalities, and we are ascribing all personalities, including the well developed ones to these descriptions. Do you see now how terribly incompetent this system is?
I am not surprised that the MBTI is only applicable to 60% to 75%, because the rest do fit into the 16 types, because they have developed themselves farther than the test can predict, and the descriptions can describe. It is no wonder everyone thinks the INFP are all mopey emo kids, they are only looking at the worst models.
And I am not just hating on the INFJ either, because you INTPs are no different. The idea of an INTP that has proficient use of Si or Fe is almost alien to you guys. Which is why most of you are so quick to jump on the "That guy is a J!" train as soon as you see the first sign of directiveness in an INTP. It is almost as if being well developed is discouraged in MBTI, and that really pisses me off.
This attitude of discouraging the use of all but our two top functions is completely asinine and just plain destructive. There is nothing good about having only proficient use of half of your abilities, the personality model that has a proficiency in all of their functions will always be stronger than the one that does not.
Edit: Yes, I do realized that being mistyped does not automagically mean you are well developed. It could mean a number of things, ranging from not knowing yourself, to Having an unusual development pattern such as Dominant and Tertiary well developed, and Auxiliary and Inferior underdeveloped. But the statement I made is still relevant regardless of the other possibilities.
They will accuse me of being wrong, and then challenge me by making a claim.
I disagree with their claim, and counter their argument with my own.
They realize I have actually thought my argument through, shit their pants, then their poorly developed Ti squeals in fear, and then they flee.
So I thought to myself "Wow, they are so scared to death of their own Ti, that they are not even going to attempt to use it. Instead they just say "I don't want to argue with you, we'll never see eye to eye!" and storm off, even though they are the ones that started the argument in the first place."
That is actually pathetic for an INFJ, to have only strong use of your Ni and Fe, and nothing else. I got the thinking "So is this what people think of when they hear INFJ? Wow, no wonder everyone's perception of personality types is so screwed up."
That is when it hit me.
It is the test, as well as the descriptions. The test is technically only checking proficiency in your top two functions, and the descriptions are only describing a person that has proficient use of their top two function. That means that a person who has developed more than their Top two functions will more than likely test as something else, and they will contradict and not relate to the description.
So the people that take the test and have accurate results are most likely not a well developed model of their personality type, unless of course they know themselves very well. And the types that are actually well developed are being mistyped as something else. Which is why the INFJs that get mistyped as INTP are all strong Ti users, and are who I personally consider the "True" INFJs, as opposed to their weaker counter parts that you find on INFJf.
What this means, is that MBTI has created perceptions and understandings of personality types that is based solely on the most bottom of the barrel, undeveloped versions of these types. And I when I say "bottom of the barrel" I really mean it, having only proficient use of your two near side functions is terrible.
No really, think about this for a second, your only real understand of personality type is based only on a description of the most poorly developed personalities, and we are ascribing all personalities, including the well developed ones to these descriptions. Do you see now how terribly incompetent this system is?
I am not surprised that the MBTI is only applicable to 60% to 75%, because the rest do fit into the 16 types, because they have developed themselves farther than the test can predict, and the descriptions can describe. It is no wonder everyone thinks the INFP are all mopey emo kids, they are only looking at the worst models.
And I am not just hating on the INFJ either, because you INTPs are no different. The idea of an INTP that has proficient use of Si or Fe is almost alien to you guys. Which is why most of you are so quick to jump on the "That guy is a J!" train as soon as you see the first sign of directiveness in an INTP. It is almost as if being well developed is discouraged in MBTI, and that really pisses me off.
This attitude of discouraging the use of all but our two top functions is completely asinine and just plain destructive. There is nothing good about having only proficient use of half of your abilities, the personality model that has a proficiency in all of their functions will always be stronger than the one that does not.
Edit: Yes, I do realized that being mistyped does not automagically mean you are well developed. It could mean a number of things, ranging from not knowing yourself, to Having an unusual development pattern such as Dominant and Tertiary well developed, and Auxiliary and Inferior underdeveloped. But the statement I made is still relevant regardless of the other possibilities.