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Search results

  1. shoeless

    The High Club

    i know what utah mormons are like. and that's pretty excellent, i have to tell you. i'll share stories when i can remember them. i'm sure i have plenty, but most of them are you-had-to-be-there or you-have-to-know-him kind of stories. ah well.
  2. shoeless

    Destined to Doom?

    lighten up, guys. nobody can't do what they want to do. you just have to kick yourself in the ass enough to get started. no point in giving up before you even start. no point in starting if you only intend to give up.
  3. shoeless

    fear of emotions preventing me from dating...

    the problem is, that risk is always, always going to be there. people are weird. shit happens. you just have to go for it anyway and hope for the best. if you keep avoiding it because you're scared, then you're never going to be happy.
  4. shoeless

    Server Hack of the 20th

    there ARE a bunch of turks living in germany. especially where i am it seems, in baden-wuerttemburg. there's a village next to where i live that people less-than-affectionately refer to as "turk town", and it's scary as nuts in there. but yeah. in the dark of night: watch out for large groups...
  5. shoeless

    Server Hack of the 20th

    my friend got jumped by a couple turkish guys before. really, they're everywhere here. good food though.
  6. shoeless

    I'm not a INTP.

    i'm not either. ...we can take 'em.
  7. shoeless

    fear of emotions preventing me from dating...

    it's not that goddamn hard to find someone who can be your best friend AND your boy/girlfriend. it just requires maturity and commitment, which is not nearly as scary as people keep making it out to be. of course luck is a factor to some extent, but i wouldn't even call it luck as much as i...
  8. shoeless

    The High Club

    apparently there's kids in my 4th period class (it's a drama class, but i'm the student aid) that talk about how much i look like a stoner. they don't even know the half of it. also, yeah, since i've turned to the bud i've definitely given up drinking. i don't even enjoy it anymore. it's...
  9. shoeless

    Should I move out of my parents' house and move in with two circus clowns I just met?

    make sure it's legit. then definitely go for it.
  10. shoeless

    How old are you people?

    17. and a half. ish.
  11. shoeless


    i trust people super duper easily. some people don't trust anyone at all ever. based on my current observations, it seems that those people who are more trusting of their family seem to be less trusting of others, and those who don't trust their families much might be more willing to trust...
  12. shoeless

    ESTP Lust

    one of my really good friends i think may be an ESTP. either that or an ENTP, but when he does things like SUDDENLY OUT OF NOWHERE in the middle of a huge rainstorm in the forest notice the ONE SPOT, like seriously two square feet big, where the trees completely shelter the rain... i think...
  13. shoeless

    look at us

    a world full of ENTPs wouldn't be any better than a world full of INTPs. it would just be louder. i'm an ENTP according to adymus, take that for what you will, and i don't do shit that's productive at all. i'm happy, though. happy just chillin and taking life for what it is, doing what i can to...
  14. shoeless

    Anyone move across a country for love?

    well i've considered it before, when it was actually... feasible (at least in theory), but i never did because, well, i was still underage. currently if i had to move across the country to be with my feller, i'd do it in a heartbeat. i wouldn't think twice. but luckily i don't have to make that...
  15. shoeless

    Lenore Thomson, folks

    Re: A Plea and a Declaration of War you have to understand that emotional outbursts like this are just going to make you seem like a fucking loony. look, i'm sure you are legitimately scared, and i can sympathize with that to an extent. but you have to take a breath, step back, and look at...
  16. shoeless

    Lenore Thomson, folks

    yeah, that's aaaaaaaaall you're doing. "I AM A PROPHET ADYMUS. YOU WILL FAIL. THIS IS MY PROPHECYYYYYYYYYYYY" yup, just disputing the theories.
  17. shoeless

    Lenore Thomson, folks

    ...yeah dude, what's with the personal vendetta against adymus? because he typed you as a sensor rather than an intuitive? it is getting a little weird, i gotta say.
  18. shoeless

    I need new music

    http://wefuckinglovemusic.blogspot.com/ enjoy.
  19. shoeless

    Universally Liked Music/Artists

    i was just going to say michael jackson. maybe you just proved that assertion. smooth criminal is an excellent song. i think i'll go download some nirvana.
  20. shoeless

    New People

    is your anxiety bad enough that you actually have panic attacks when faced with the prospect of talking to people? you don't have to answer if you dont' want to, but i've had a few in my day and i just thought i'd offer some advice. if you feel a panic attack coming on, i know your first...
  21. shoeless

    New People

    people are not scary. what would happen is you would... have a conversation. you've had conversations with your family before, of course. it would be like that except slightly more uncomfortable because you don't know each other very well (and trust me, everyone is uncomfortable in the very...
  22. shoeless

    what ever happened to fun?

    i never said that being an INTP made you a social fucktard. i said i've been seeing it in a lot of the posts around here lately. i'm not stupid, i promise. everyone always takes these things super personally, when chances are good i wasn't even talking to/about you in the first place. it's just...
  23. shoeless

    what ever happened to fun?

    i mean come on, i enjoy an intellectual discussion here and there too, but i also need to get out and DO something with people sometimes. it's hard to imagine a fulfilled life without friends and uninhibited fun-having, regardless of how "stupid"/senseless it is. it seems to me that a lot of...
  24. shoeless

    Why do people like me?

    i have no idea who the hell you are, but from what i gather from this thread you display a sense of confidence/assertiveness (which may translate to arrogance from time to time) and that is what people tend to flock to.
  25. shoeless

    I want to sabotage a relationship..

    Re: I want to sabatoge a relationship.. blah blah blah, what an asshole, blah blah blah. i'm sick of seeing this kind of shit everywhere. i wish the entire world would grow the fuck up. *disclaimer: my statement still stands in the case of trolling.
  26. shoeless

    poker HUsng challenge

    so your idea is... to run back and forth from your poker game to your computer and talk about it? live action? sounds like a super fun idea.
  27. shoeless

    Is anyone else really tempted to take up pipe smoking?

    my dad used to smoke from a pipe. like, a classy looking pipe. the smoke always smelled like cake, it was so nice.
  28. shoeless

    Type and Drug Use

    extremely true. which is why i personally think it's a stupid idea to take anything if you have a goddamn hole in the first place. experiment when you're happy with your life and you won't regret it. it's not that bloody difficult, but sooooo many people just... do it wrong.
  29. shoeless

    Type and Drug Use

    i think it might just generally be prevalent among xNxP's. i don't know if i'm an INTP or a JRWX or what the fuck i am, but i'm pretty damn sure i'm just some asshole xNxP who loves her some kiiiiiiittens. although i do agree that there's a difference between experimentation and abuse, and i...
  30. shoeless


    excellent photos. i hate when people say photography isn't an art too. it's just one of those things where some people just don't get it, i suppose.
  31. shoeless

    Which country are you from?

    this question is difficult for me. i was born in germany, but to american parents, but i've lived a good portion of my life in europe and don't have any state to call my home, and am currently living in germany but with plans to return to america. so i guess i'm from nowhere in particular.
  32. shoeless

    Does it sadden you?

    one more thing one more thing (prolly beating a dead horse here): you are much more than your designated four-letter personality "type". no two INTP's (or anyone else for that matter) truly think alike, because there are countless other biological/societal/etc. factors that changes a person's...
  33. shoeless

    Does it sadden you?

    also, i really think isolating yourself from the rest of society because you are an INTP ("i wish we lived in our own utopia" etc.) is not a good line of thinking at all. yeah, there are a lot of assholes in the world, but you'd be surprised the way completely different people can understand...
  34. shoeless

    Does it sadden you?

    one can be an introvert but still social. i know it's hard, i've been there, but it's a skill like anything else and you just have to work on it. like typus said: if they exist on a forum, they exist in the real world too. you'll meet them some day, i promise. everyone has these rocky stages...
  35. shoeless

    Being INTP

    jaysus. it's like you took a typical myers-briggs description of the INTP, put it on crack-acid, and then gave it some writing skills. (i'm complimenting you, i swear.) it's super interesting and insightful i think, but i don't relate much these days. but you know, i'm probably not an INTP, so...
  36. shoeless

    talking online

    i can agree with this if we're talking strictly of passing on information, but i'm talking from a more social dynamic. smilies don't portray nearly the amount of emotion that an actual un-fakeable facial expression does, and it's much easier for a smily or whatever to be misinterpreted as...
  37. shoeless

    talking online

    i'm probably more eloquent and better at articulating my thoughts online, but i'll always prefer face-to-face contact. there's just so many nuances of the body that are IMPORTANT, dammit, when it comes to communication, that are simply lost when you enter a textual medium. it's just... not as...
  38. shoeless

    Why Him? Why Her?

    for the record, i took that quiz and posted that response when i was kind of blazed. probably not 100% accurate.
  39. shoeless

    Why Him? Why Her?

    Moriah..., you are a You are a highly spontaneous, inquisitive and energetic person who always likes to try new things. You find novel and unpredictable situations challenging and exciting. You particularly like discussing big ideas and having conversations about complex social...
  40. shoeless

    Ni-Dom Anger

    ...back to the thread: i wouldn't say that nah. i think about the future all the time. the difference, i believe, between Ne and Ni, is that Ni is more future-planning down to the last little detail and Ne is all about exploring the possibilities. there's a thousand things that could happen, a...
  41. shoeless

    Describe your life

    okay, i just read through most of these (not all of them because it got boring after a while) and i believe i have noticed a trend: those with more social connections and interaction in their daily routine seem generally happier about their lives than those who don't. which is perfectly...
  42. shoeless

    Describe your life

    current typical day: i wake up, shower, eat (sometimes) and brush my teeth. i wait for a text response from my boyfriend indicating when he is awake so i can leave for his house. i walk to the bus stop (approx. 15 minutes), ride the bus to the bahnhof (approx. 15 minutes), wait for the train...
  43. shoeless

    This Is ?

  44. shoeless

    Parents of INTPs

    Re: INTP Parents i think this has been done a thousand times, but okay. father: ESTJ mother: INFP and they're in the process of getting divorced as we speak. the thing is, i was always kind of naturally obedient/anti-confrontational already, so i never conflicted with my dad because i was...
  45. shoeless

    Am I the only fashion obsessed INTP?

    hmmm. i would certainly say i have an interest in fashion on some level. i mean, if you take a look at my wardrobe, i certainly have more than a jeans-and-tshirt thing going on. but i wouldn't by any means call it an obsession; it's much less conscious than that. i enjoy looking good and...
  46. shoeless

    What do you like to eat?

    indian food. that's all there is to it.
  47. shoeless


    take homeless people out for dinner and listen to their life stories. alternatively, tell homeless people my life story and run away if they throw things at me. alternatively, strip down and lay in the grass naked. with homeless people. that's my usual feeling anyway. in actuality i just...
  48. shoeless

    Sweet Potato Candy

    i approve of a sushi thread. i had the most AMAZING sushi ever in florida a few weeks ago. it was pretty godly. anyway, i love sweet potato fries. possibly more than i love potato potato fries. of course, you have to do it right. i think i might make some this week, that sounds pretty delicious.
  49. shoeless

    Ne and Writing

    quoted for truth. lots and lots and lots of truth.
  50. shoeless

    Sharing Your World

    just gotta keep looking. it takes a while, sometimes. but there's always people out there that like the same things as you. not EVERYTHING of course, but especially if you're just talking about "the two biggest things", it's just a matter of getting lucky. spoken from somebody who has found...
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