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Search results

  1. shoeless

    INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    yeah, i rock back and forth a bit too. not quite like that, but mostly when i'm bored, or i'm sitting on something like a bench or a stool. or when i'm uncomfortable. anyway, i think i read somewhere about a link between INTx-ness and asperger's or mild autism, but i'm not sure. could be...
  2. shoeless

    HBO's "In Treatment"

    fantastic show. one of my favorites. i have nothing more to add to that, but, yeah. it's just so... i don't know, human.
  3. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    why would i get pissed? that's just silly. what am i, some kind of INFJ! posh! anyway, i frequently question my INTPness, but i'm like 90% sure i've got it basically right. i am certainly drained with prolonged Fe exposure (after the fact, at least), but the point was i still constantly crave...
  4. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    eh, long story. in short, i really cared about him, but he had issues that i couldn't fix no matter how hard i tried. so yer.
  5. shoeless


    since i dont' feel like writing up my own explanation of why i think he he did'nt do it, i'll steal this from yahoo answers (basically sums up my feeling on the matter):
  6. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    not a single Fe in the family. mom/brother are INFP, dad/brother are ESTJ, and brother is INTP (supposedly, but whatever he is it isn't caring). the INFP's in my family have been sort of squashed by the ESTJ's, and so are constantly put on the defensive -- it hasn't been until very very...
  7. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    so your perception of the functional hierarchy revolves around psychological egoism? that's fine, though i'm not sure i necessarily agree with it a hundred percent. i do believe people can be motivated to be altruistic without necessarily doing it out of their own self-interest. i'm not...
  8. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    hmm. makes sense i guess. but something still doesn't seem quite right. i can't put my finger on it. like, it seems like a job like therapist should be given to somebody with a natural proficiency in it. almost like it's an injustice for me to become one. because you know, as much as i crave...
  9. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    well i know about the developed Fe thing, but generally that just means you're better at utilizing it than other people. it's still supposed to drain you. logic dictates that i should be pursuing things that stimulate my Ti/Ne rather than Si/Fe, but alas. by the way, hugs are fucking awesome...
  10. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    maybe. i've been wanting to have a kid lately too. which is bad because i'm only gonna be seventeen in a month. FUCK. but it's not because i love babies or anything, babies are annoying as hell. mainly i've just been taking an interest in parenting, because of some of the stuff we've studied...
  11. shoeless

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    then why am i so sensitive to others' emotional needs? why do i have such an urge to help people/save people in emotional distress, rather than merely understand them? why do i want to be a therapist? why do i constantly crave social contact? hugs and conversation? am i just a freak of INTP...
  12. shoeless

    The Graphology Thread

    http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x1/seymourseesmore/001.jpg a more recent sample of my handwriting where i wasn't writing with the intention of somebody reading it. it was probably kind of rushed, but yeah... just in case anyone wanted to take another go at it.
  13. shoeless

    Are you a hero?

    EditorOne, like i said, my dad is military and he is also a war buff -- i'm aware of all of this. i've heard my fair share of those stories. but like i said, you can't be a soldier without understanding there is a chance you're gonna have to kill. or be killed. that's a stigma that simply can't...
  14. shoeless

    Are you a hero?

    trust me, i'm aware that military service isn't completely call-of-duty-esq. my dad is a military chaplain. i have a decent basis for my knowledge. but you can't deny that the premise of war is in defeating the enemy. (replace "defeating" with "killing" and you get the full picture.) it's that...
  15. shoeless

    Are you a hero?

    i don't consider military battle duty heroic for two reasons: 1) i don't believe it's truly accomplishing anything except for a lot of death 2) the fact that a soldier has to murder more than he has to save, for all intents and purposes, cancels out the heroicness of his deeds. (especially...
  16. shoeless

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    anyone has the capability of "getting along" with anyone. i'm friends with SJ's, NF's, NT's, SP's. i'm friends with anyone. i'll admit i tend to get annoyed by ESxJ's, but i blame that on a bad relationship with daddy. the people i find most interesting are probably NF's. the people i find...
  17. shoeless

    Anyone else absolutely love dystopian literature?

    i had to read the giver in the sixth grade. i vaguely remember hating it. had to read fahrenheit 451 in the eighth grade. i can't remember if i liked it or hated it. the movie was ridiculous, though. v for vendetta, never read, but i loved the movie. i dunno. the idea of dystopia appeals to me...
  18. shoeless


    you know, the one about the priest. and merryl streep's character, judge judy. i just watched it for the first time tonight. a little late, but, whatever. if you saw it, do you think he did it? why/why not? (assuming anybody actually saw it... hm.) i don't think he did. i'd get into it but...
  19. shoeless

    Don't Think, Just Do.

    if it wasn't for suspended thinking, i wouldn't have any friends at all. i wouldn't have any social life at all. i'd be alone, which is fine, but more than that, i'd be lonely. so yes, i think it can be a good thing. sometimes.
  20. shoeless

    The Graphology Thread

    ...seems like kind of a cop-out to describe someone on an INTP as "logical"... does that mean i'm super logical? anyway, the only one i really agree with from that list is compliant. i'm only sarcastic when i'm pissed off. oh wells.
  21. shoeless

    Were you as crazy in girls as your teenager counterparts?

    Re: Were you as crazy in girls as your teenager conterparts? well... i like boys... but... i only think about it when it's right in my face, i suppose.
  22. shoeless

    Alice in Wonderland- Good or Bad

    i quite liked the actress that played alice, probably only because she was one of my favorite characters on an HBO series that i saw recently (in treatment -- about a therapist and his patients. she was the crazy gymnast that tried to kill herself). so, yeah. of course it was a bit predictable...
  23. shoeless

    The World Is About To End.

    nah, just a little extremist.
  24. shoeless

    The World Is About To End.

    1. i'd make a feeble attempt to stop it myself; when that fails, i'd talk to my schizophrenic aunt about it, because she'd probably believe me, but since she's on her meds she'd probably tell my grandma who would tell my mom who would check me into a mental institution. and then the world would...
  25. shoeless

    Alice in Wonderland- Good or Bad

    i just saw it like, half an hour ago. i'm honestly not familiar with the story (never saw the old movie, never read the books) but i'm a huge depp/burton fan, so, you know, i had to. i thought it was kind of amazing. the visual effects were stunning, the characterization was awesome, and it was...
  26. shoeless

    Cognitive Functions 100: Basic Functionality

    wow. lots to read. thanks for this, bb. here's to hoping people refer to it when needed. wonderful clarification. (go Ti?)
  27. shoeless

    do you ever find yourself...

    unconsciously/silently rooting for disaster? disaster on any scale. micro or macro. just to shake things up a bit. i dunno, maybe i'm just a sadomasochist or something.
  28. shoeless

    what happens when an intp gets motivated?

    what happens when an INTP gets motivated? the same thing that happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. yeah.
  29. shoeless

    Animal typology

    if i had to take a stab at my two kitties... my mom's cat, qi, would probably be an INFP (very skittish, doesn't seem interested in playing and eating as much as my other cat, very affectionate, very passive) while my cat, poppy, would probably be ESTP (very in-your-face, loves eating and...
  30. shoeless

    Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ

    ugh. 1) IQ is a flawed measure of intelligence by default. 2) correlation =/= causation. 3) there are other factors in play here. i'll admit i didn't read the entire article, just sorta skimmed it, but i'm willing to bet they didn't take much of that into consideration. 4) like RT said, it's...
  31. shoeless

    Music and Mood

    yeah, i also read something about Fe being responsible for that. and Fi being just the opposite -- someone who uses Fi might prefer to listen to music that will change their mood (from worse to better or whatever). or i could just be making that up, iunno.
  32. shoeless


    frankly i feel inferior to "normal" people in more ways than i feel superior. horrible work ethic, no sensory awareness, blah blah blah. maybe if i were at a place in my life where i had the time and energy to really think and theorize and create something useful, i'd be okay. but right now i...
  33. shoeless


    i hate beds. i hate mattresses. i hate couches. i hate the floor. i hate sleeping. seems like no matter where i am, i'll be super uncomfortable. i slept on just a mattress for a while, and i've slept on just a futon, just a couch, etc. it all sucks. i always wake up achey and uncomfortable...
  34. shoeless

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    ... heh heh heh. organism it. heh.
  35. shoeless

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    noooo no no no. the J/P axis has to do with the orientation of your functions. if you're a J, you are more directive -- therefore, your primary thinking/feeling function is extraverted -- Fe or Te -- which is what you essentially use to direct people. if you're a P, it's the opposite --...
  36. shoeless

    Animal typology

    i don't know you personally. i've seen you around the forum and based on comments from other people assumed you were being sincere, because frankly, i don't see the point in trolling a forum you are well acquainted with. but, whatever. i suppose i should be relieved that a bunch of harmless...
  37. shoeless

    You are wrong.

    i wouldn't say personalities change as much as they develop. but that's just me.
  38. shoeless

    You are wrong.

    i agree with the OP on a micro-personal level. however, on the grander scope of things, socially, we need judgment. SJ's do have a place in the world, believe it or not. if everything was a free-for-all, nothing would get done. it would be chaotic. if there was no judgment, murderers and...
  39. shoeless

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    it's only an insult if it's used in an insulting manner, which is more of a reflection on the insult-er than the insult-ee.
  40. shoeless

    introverted sensing.

    nobody talks about it. it's our tertiary function. it's there. but what the hell is it? i get Si when it comes to more Si-dominant folks. but how does it present in an INTP? what is it useful for? what are the benefits of developing it? i think my Si sucks balls. how about you?
  41. shoeless

    Animal typology

    how the fuck does the model for personality typing condone the murder of innocent animals? i lashed out, because this is the kind of fucked-up bullshit that makes me hate the I LIVE BY LOGIC!, emotions-are-weak we-should-all-live-like-computers mindset that's so ingrained in (a small percentage...
  42. shoeless

    Bad Films

    anyone seen the street fighter movie? the one from like, the 80's? ...yeah... by the end, they wanted all the characters to be in their original costumes, from the game you know... it was bad. they had some random explosion so "dr. dhalsim" could be bald. ...at the same time, it was so bad...
  43. shoeless

    Animal typology

  44. shoeless


    nah man, i totally picked bukowski myself, upon the recommendation of my brother. my teacher hates him. and even i don' tknow what my teacher means by analyze, so... thank you though!
  45. shoeless

    Antidepressants make you more extroverted?

    i think introverts and extraverts just get depressed for different reasons. introversion is more focused on the self -- therefore, when one is excessively negative towards the self, or is constantly finding problems with the self, they will become depressed. extraversion is focused on the...
  46. shoeless


    background information: i have to do a research paper on charles bukowski. my teacher has a very specific process regarding this paper, where we have to turn in notecards. but not just any notecards! notecards where you take a bit of information and analyze it to shit. essentially we're writing...
  47. shoeless

    the test results vs. the development of the cognitive functions

    that entire post nauseated me a bit. i thought this thread died, goddammit.
  48. shoeless

    The INTP to ENTP project!

    ...what robbaz said is mind-blowingly accurate. FUCKING SPREADSHEETS.
  49. shoeless

    hello there.

    hello there.
  50. shoeless


    nice. i've been waiting for something less shitty than deviantShit. http://www.redbubble.com/people/psychicsmash yo-ho-ho.
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