is your anxiety bad enough that you actually have panic attacks when faced with the prospect of talking to people?
you don't have to answer if you dont' want to, but i've had a few in my day and i just thought i'd offer some advice. if you feel a panic attack coming on, i know your first instinct will be to run and hide in the bathroom or something, and that's fine. but you might want to consider just facing it instead, actually fighting with it to overcome it. it won't work at all, mind you, because it's extremely difficult to regain control on a will when it comes to anxiety and i understand that, BUT i've found that trying at all to fight it (especially around people/in a public arena) is actually very empowering after the fact. and, worst case scenario, somebody will notice and think you're weird. more likely, somebody will notice and try to find you some help, so it's actually a win-win. just a thought.
of course, if you don't have panic attacks at all, you might want to consider the possibility that you're really just shy and need a little nudging. if you can have a conversation with that one weird guy, you can have a conversation with anyone.