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Search results

  1. shoeless

    Ne and Writing

    here's where it stops being helpful (for me anyway): sure, i may have an excellent idea, and i may be really really excited to write about it for a while... but then you get bored with old ideas and move on to new, completely-irrelevant-to-the-original-story ideas. that's the Ne bounce...
  2. shoeless

    What type is my step brother?

    this is the stupidest worst most detrimental kind of thinking you could possibly do. just... no.
  3. shoeless

    Music as diary

    frankly i hate listening to music with which i have an association to the past. i don't like "reliving". i much prefer simply, "living".
  4. shoeless


    i'm surprised there isn't already a thread on them. or maybe there is and i just missed it. anyway. adam -- ENTP? jamie -- INTJ? i have no idea on the other three, unfortunately.
  5. shoeless

    Memory woes.

    i used to be really bad with that. but as i got older and more comfortable with myself/confident in who i am/whatever, it started dissipating. it's still there occasionally, but for the most part i'm pretty good at letting go of stuff like that. mostly though i just have really shitty memory. i...
  6. shoeless

    What makes you happy?

    good conversation, hugs, and love. miniature things, like kittens and tiny bananas. actually accomplishing something i started. good conversation, hugs, and love.
  7. shoeless

    eh. just didn't want to have my face out there for all of youtube to see ALL THE TIME anymore.

    eh. just didn't want to have my face out there for all of youtube to see ALL THE TIME anymore.
  8. shoeless

    yessir that was me.

    yessir that was me.
  9. shoeless

    When Choosing a Car......

    ...i just want something that basically works.
  10. shoeless

    so i've decided i'm actually an INFP.

    adymus: the problem i find with typing people through videos like that is it very much is a performance to begin with. how i act in a video might not at all be how i act in a natural situation in real life. in fact, it's pretty noticeably different. of course i'm gonna appear kind of...
  11. shoeless

    so i've decided i'm actually an INFP.

    i knew you guys would be excited for me. but nah, the fact that i don't care much myself sort of sets up for these kinds of posts. i supposed i was going to make a point with the OP, but it would have turned into another one of those rambly things about why MBTI doesn't ultimately matter.
  12. shoeless

    Guide to functions mimicking other functions

    the only problem with that example is that all four of the functions given can exist within the same personality. if it's an INTP, and it looks like he's using Fe, who's to say he isn't, being his inferior function after all?
  13. shoeless

    so i've decided i'm actually an INFP.

    nah, i'm pretty solid on the introvert thing.
  14. shoeless

    so i've decided i'm actually an INFP.

    i also decided it doesn't matter much, but it's fun anyway. i think maybe sometimes you can never really know yourself until somebody else gets to know you. like, really gets to know you. really understands you. that way you have a different lens to examine yourself with. it's nice to have a...
  15. shoeless

    Pain Tolerance

    theoretically i think it's possible. i was a self-injurer for a couple of years (thank god that's over) and since then my pain tolerance has really built up considerably. not enough for me to be "immune" to pain of course, but enough for me to be bothered by it less.
  16. shoeless

    tailored recommendations.

    okay, i'm really super impressed with ALL of that AI. thanks so much. it's funny, my boyfriend was just saying how he's interested in more, like, good hiphop. i'll be sure to share.
  17. shoeless

    tailored recommendations.

    that 65daysofstatic song is pretty gorgeous. still going through the other stuff. (though i'm already familiar witht he postal service and the dresdon dolls -- love both of them to bits. good songs too, though i would've picked a different DD song.) but yeah, thanks fellersss.
  18. shoeless

    tailored recommendations.

    so mainly i'm making this thread for myself, but i figure it'd be nice to have one collective thread where people can post saying "hook me up with some xxxx" and people can reply with whatever it is. knawmean? anyway, i'm in need of new musics. i'm pretty open to whatever, but i really can't...
  19. shoeless

    The inner mind (or, your recurring fantasy outside of reality)

    various silly theories about Time right now. ("time is like a piece of floss, guys! think about it!") including fun ones, like there's a guy named ezra janko who actually controls (or, rather, manages) time with his giant "harp" in the sky. that's the basis for the screenplay i never wrote...
  20. shoeless


    i got a 9, with medium exploitativeness (is that even a word?) and superiority. though i only answered "i'm an extraordinary person" because i thought it sounded kinda funny. so more like 8.5.
  21. shoeless


    i dislike your mom. who is a hippo. BUUUUUUUUUURNNNN
  22. shoeless

    Disturbing view of the future

    so i was halfway through the video thinking, hey, i kinda like this guy, i don't see what could be so bad about... and then i got there. that shit is terrifying. jesus christ, i wonder if they're thinking through the greater implications of what they're saying, or if they've got their eyes on...
  23. shoeless


    i love friends. i would be seriously miserable without my friends. i hate putting friends on a hierarchy (acquaintance, friend, "best" friend, etc.) but i recognize that there are differences in how close i am to certain people. i just don't know where the line is between "friend" and "good...
  24. shoeless

    Last movie you watched

    "the little shop of horrors" (with the the) original version from the 1960's with jack nicholson and shit. wasn't a musical. i was just in the musical for my high school, so this was super weird. also i may or may not have been a little high at the time, making it super duper weird. jack...
  25. shoeless

    Love Song favorites

    YouTube- Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle and Sebastian i think this qualifies. i'm never sure.
  26. shoeless

    sad smiley

  27. shoeless

    sad smiley

    i vote we use tomaticons. see: etc. taken from the jasonwebley.com forum. no idea where they got them from.
  28. shoeless

    Everybody Draw Mohamed Day

    what sony said.
  29. shoeless

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    beauty =/= attractiveness.
  30. shoeless

    What do you want to be?

    i want to get married in vegas and i want to move to new england with my husband and my cat and i want to work as a psychological therapist (perhaps an art therapist, i haven't decided) because i want to help people straighten themselves out and i want to save up enough money so that i can set...
  31. shoeless

    Cognitive Functions 100: Basic Functionality Revised

    i don't wish to be anything in particular.
  32. shoeless

    Cognitive Functions 100: Basic Functionality Revised

    reading the descriptions of Ti and Fi more carefully. also reading a few other INFP profiles. i dunno.
  33. shoeless

    Cognitive Functions 100: Basic Functionality Revised

    awww, shit. i might be an INFP after all.
  34. shoeless

    Alan Shore, Boston legal

    INTP or ENTP. i can just as easily see ENTP. fuuuuuuuck i love that show.
  35. shoeless

    Overrated is Overrated

    well i think the beatles are overrated, but that's because i (subjectively, of course) don't agree that the quality of their music warrants the hype they received. frankly, i hate a lot of beatles songs. that doesn't mean i don't appreciate what they did, just like i also appreciate that avatar...
  36. shoeless

    Vegetarianism and INTP

    i'm a vegetarian. not so much because of the i-wan-to-save-animals thing, though that's a nice bonus -- i just don't particularly like meat, and don't trust the meat packing industry. also, vegetarian food is delicious. so yeah.
  37. shoeless


    what do you do when you're super stressed out? say you have a big problem you have to deal with. and all sorts of little problems are piling up on top of that. you're in a shitty mood. what does that mood look like? how do you deal with the problems? yer.
  38. shoeless

    Does anyone else notice this?

    i make direct eye contact and rarely break it when i'm listening to someone speak. when i'm talking however, my eyes are all over the place. i think i occasionally glance back to see if they're even paying attention to me anymore, and that's when i make eye contact while talking, but otherwise...
  39. shoeless

    mood swings.

    so you're going along with your day, and life is fuckin' awesome. it couldn't be better. you love your friends, you love your boyfriend/girlfriend, you just had an awesome egg sandwich that blew your mind and you got a free yo-yo and everything just kicks ass. EVERYTHING. you can't imagine a...
  40. shoeless

    What is the best way to make people hate you?

    guilty of #53. does that mean you all hate me?
  41. shoeless

    Being laughed at

    i still get laughed at but it doesn't bother me -- i'm just so glad to hear laughter around me! ...it's a song. i like it.
  42. shoeless

    Analyzing vs living

    basically. i have to remember that every time i kiss my feller. good thread, good thread.
  43. shoeless

    intp shadow functions

    i have no idea what you just said. but i get the impression you have a serious misunderstanding of how the shadow functions work.
  44. shoeless


    wooooooooow. yeah, that's reading waaaaaaaaaay too much into it. but you know, whatever floats yer boat i guess.
  45. shoeless


    sorry, man. i don't care enough to capitalize. anyway, i don't particularly care. i've never much been one for labels/stereotypes/etc., but this one is only bothersome because it makes no fucking sense to me. alas. interesting thoughts, though. i'd write more but i'm exhausted from opening...
  46. shoeless


    after seeing a post recently saying something along the lines of EWWWW WHAT A HIPSTER, i felt compelled to make this thread. i fucking hate the term "hipster". it's so vague and stupid. i can't tell you how many times i've been called a hipster. it doesn't even make sense. what makes me...
  47. shoeless


    THANKS GUYS. I LOVE YOU ALL. especially adymus because he's still my hubby. today has been FANTASTIC. probably one of the best birthdays i've had. (though that's not much of a contest, my birthdays usually suck ass. like when i turned fifteen and my boyfriend dumped me two days prior. that was...
  48. shoeless


    and also the anniversary of william shakespeare's death/maybe birth. and also hug a techie/actor/theatre nerd day. LOVE ME.
  49. shoeless


    (haven't read the entire thread.) i saw the disclaimer, but i still find the OP to be rather offensive. you can't (or i should say, shouldn't) be a psychologist if you lack empathy. saying that all cutters are just whiners is a bias anyway, and that would get in the way of your analysis. it's...
  50. shoeless

    he's the asian i've been mentioning. he's in the picture thread as well. i think he's an INFP...

    he's the asian i've been mentioning. he's in the picture thread as well. i think he's an INFP, but i could see INTP. maybe. either way, certainly INxP. he's adowable. but yeah, it's all good. maybe i'll make a youtube return some day. but probably not. these days i just have other things to do i...
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