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Search results

  1. Post your most common nightmares when you sleep.

    my death killed animals plague, vermins, dying people strange human-monsters (mutants) people who want hurt me school my family
  2. The days

    Sleep is everything.
  3. Talking too much...

    Lonely man is always extremely talkative when he finally can talk with someone. also, I prefer writing than talk, you have more time to think and you can sometimes edit/delete some text before sending
  4. Good books about emotions

    We'll see. Thank you
  5. Good books about emotions

    Don't fool ourselfes, emotions control us, steer us, and lead us giving as much energy as we need. I am Manipulator, and want fulfill my next craving: manipulate emotions. But I need one thing: knowledge. Observation is not enough. I need good resources. And possibly with not sophisticated...
  6. Imagination Time

    All my childhood was imagination time.
  7. Ask Ask

    How to ask question here?
  8. I hate driving ...

    I am driving from 3 months and I also hate driving. But, acceleration and high speed is fun
  9. 2048

    My highest number was 1024, needed only next 512 square to win. This game should be limited by time, would be more intersing :)
  10. What shall ye choose?

    My life is the most important thing for me. Also, it is not my problem than some people would die. Not me would kill them. [should I write: not me or not I ?]
  11. 2048

    http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/ Do you know this game?
  12. Who am I?

  13. Who am I?

    You seem too religious. Neurology now can give fair evidence that everything comes from brain. Without brain you're dead. But for me, we aren't just our brains, so but we are unmaterial product of it and for me you can't say we are in some particular place, we are in void. But, what create us...
  14. Who am I?

    I know the best answer: we are products of our brains.
  15. Fe or Fi people

    Just vote with your intuition.
  16. Fe or Fi people

    What do you value more in others, Fe or Fi?
  17. How often do you cry?

    The last crying was about 1-2 years ago. I am often sad, but it's really hard for me to cry. Tears coming only when something hurt my eye.
  18. How to: Meta // Mastering the Ne

    Can't you shorten this?
  19. Why people not take action?

    Well, there could not be adequately good answers :/ Sometimes there are questions, which are more difficult than we are. Like why Universe exist? Maybe I ask too many theese difficult questions...
  20. Ive been thinking about time.

    It seems possible. We, people, perceive time subjectively, sometimes it elapses slower, sometimes faster. But in biology always are limits, so I doubt if those crickets perceive their voice, like we hear in slow motion.
  21. Why people not take action?

    It's easy to think. To create plan, to dream, to imagine perfect version of self and the world. Especially for N people. But, why doing things, what you thought, is so difficult? The worst moment is to start, to make first step. Why? Is our mind stiupid, or we are, or the world is? Why logic...
  22. Donnie Darko

    Yeah, this is very interesting film, maybe one of the best.
  23. What is Post-Human?

    Yes, you're right. I have read a lot about emotions and their role, but what I want to say, is that posthuman won't need them.
  24. INTPs and Socionics

    Both, socionics and mbti are only theories. Personally I'm something between INTP, INTJ, LII, ILI with advantage for INTP and ILI.
  25. Enneagram Test(with Tritype)

    Type One: 22 Type Two: 0 Type Three: 23 Type Four: 33 Type Five: 54 Type Six: 23 Type Seven: 29 Type Eight: 34 Type Nine: 36 5w4
  26. INTPs and enneagram

    Every INTP and INTJ are 5w4 What is interesting, for the first time I scored as 4w5, but I was in horrible depression.
  27. Worst Fears [Phobias]?

    low self esteem is the worst fear
  28. What is Post-Human?

    Well, I'm only 19, but slowly I'm creating my desire: to develop transhumanism and become posthuman (or ubermensch). Every day I am observing people and myself and I see a lot of stiupidness, because people (and me) are controled by very old system: emotions, and rarely by newer: logic...
  29. INTP's hands

    Hello. I found some theories about hand shapes and it influance to personality. There's random one, in internet you can find a lot of similar things: What is interesint, I know 3 INFPs and everyone have very similar hands. Also noticed that 2 ENTPs have very similar hands shape to mine...
  30. Übermensch

    Um. Perhaps you understand word Übermensch a little different than me. I already learned concept from Nietzsche, but want to make my own concept, so in my first post I didn't write any name of philosoph. Just want to keep idead of Übermensch. I noticed, I need purpose to do anything. I don't...
  31. Übermensch

    Recently I was in next deep depresion and boredom also. I found interesting idea: Übermensch. has huge willpower isn't limited by any norms is courageous indywidual constantly defeats himself can control his needs and emotions is god for himself creative every moment in his life is...
  32. Am i INTP or mental

    I love to hear there are biggest suckers than I am ;D Your personality type isn't the most important thing for now. Do something dangerous. Think about things you didn't try. Spend more time outside house, even if it would be just walking.
  33. Rank All The S-types from best to worst:

    ISTP (actually only type which I want sometimes talk) ISFP ISFJ ESFP ESFJ ESTP ISTJ ESTJ
  34. Why can't I find any mention of intelligent pursuit on dating websites?

    This is exactly what I meant. btw, I didn't know you're from Poland I like changing avatars and everything nearly as often as @TheHabitatDoctor :)
  35. Why can't I find any mention of intelligent pursuit on dating websites?

    Without filters it would be as I said. With some filters (like religious [most of girls in my country[edit: say they] are catholics]) would be as you say.
  36. INTx sense of humor

    Someone know any differences?
  37. you obtain a time machine. what do?

    my idea is as irrational as this topic
  38. you obtain a time machine. what do?

    I would try to back in time as far as I would and see what was before the beggining of universe.
  39. Why can't I find any mention of intelligent pursuit on dating websites?

    In last month I looked through about 1500 profiles of girls (with some filters). There was only one intellectual girl with everything what can be interesting for INTP (including appearance). Unfortunetly she told me I don't meet her needs. I'm now depressed because of my failure, but I want tell...
  40. Stereotypes

    I think have very similar situation. MBTI says I'm INTP. I think I want to be INTJ. But, sometimes when I'm thinking at night and there are simple thoughts that math, neuroscience, programming and all this shit science is fucking boring. Sometimes I just want to go by me feeling looking for...
  41. More energetic, dynamic, alive?

    Someone told me, that my biggest defect is being too calm, too rigid. I ask again for advice. How can INTP be more energetic, dynamic, alive? Is it even possible? Is it worth to? I know I can accept myself the way I am, but it's again, when I lose something, because I'm too calm...
  42. INTP needs help: HOW TO GET A LIFE & HOW TO BE A HUMAN

    1. Ask about situation, place, interests, job. People are everywhere, so you can talk everywhere. 2. idk 3. philosofy, neuroscience, talking with humans, study, music... 4. It's not good for introvert to start conversation 5. I usually go with friends. Making new one is always random, when I...
  43. why can't we be who we want to be?

    I slowly understand. So you say all I need is just a little of acceptance... Well, maybe I'm not that bad as I think I am. Some courage and I'll be happy. Thank you guys, I have needed this thread. Now I know what to do.
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