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  1. math in programming

    I'm totally new in the subject, but my dream is to connect computer with our nervous system. Computational neuroscience is incredible. Also AI, software engineering and app or game development seems interesting. Thanks everyone for replies.
  2. math in programming

    I'm just starting college and in future want to be programmer. What sections of math is important in programming? I also think about some competitions, and what is the most important there from math side?
  3. Socially Capable INTP's?

    Well, I'm thinking about if I'm INTP or INTJ for more than year, and still don't know answer. I'm socionics INTP, so some people say I'm INTJ then, but INTP better describe me in MBTI. I'm Ti man. But also have well developed Ne, Ni and Se. It's like my true nature was INTP, and my perfect...
  4. What jobs might be useless in an ideal world?

  5. Socially Capable INTP's?

    For me, I don't really care if people like me. I want them to respect me.
  6. Hypothetical "ENTP" "Rivalry"

    For me Ti is the most valueable function, so it's easy to be better than ENTPs. INTPs can use their introverted skill to gain better understanding of any topic and then be authority. ENTPs can learn faster, because of their extroversion, but can't get deeper understanding. For me, the best role...
  7. Lying as an INTP

    I always calculate if everyone believe to my lie. When there aren't dangers like someone can find the truth, I feel normal. But I feel guilty and bad, when someone can find out that I lied. If I know that slower or faster someone find out the truth, I prefer to tell truth at once.
  8. INTP or INTJ?

    You should look at 3th and 4th functions. What better fits to you: Si-Fe or Se-Fi ? It helped me found that I'm INTP.
  9. Obsessive Interests...List Yours!

    It's perfect.
  10. INTPs and creativity.

    I don't think INTPs lack creativity. My crazy Ne gives constantly gives me new and new ideas, and I get easly bored, because Ne is stronger than Si (a lot!). Some time ago I doubt of being INFP, because Ne is somehow similar to Fx, sometimes I decide without logic, only intuitive (like...
  11. I have discovered INTP heaven! (from my computer)

    Topics are interesting, but I prefer to read books, not dictionary.
  12. Success

    Do something, what noone was able to do before.
  13. Why do YOU hate INFPs?

    All Fi types are very frustrating, when they insist on something stiupid in their minds. INFPs make me angry sometimes, but I generally like them.
  14. How to be a good intp, and not socially awkward?

    ESTPs are very soccialy skilled. I noticed: -always hear what other people say -agree with most things (but not with something you really disagree) -don't be too serious -I don't know what it mean, but be open to others
  15. Could you type me just by my face?

    No way, if you can cheat.
  16. Your religion?

    I couldn't describe it better.
  17. What are INTP unique abilities?

    Well, theese intp's abilities or attributes: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_IiwzmD3yvV8/TIqsMAgU6EI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ZvAUVx3BOZ8/s1600/personality+types.jpg aren't very spectacular :/ Is criticism the only thing what INTPs can do? People don't like it.
  18. What are INTP unique abilities?

    Is there something, in which INTPs are better than any other type? Something, what INTP can do better than INTJ, ENTJ, ENTP ?
  19. What is the difference between an INTP and ENTP?

    The difference between INTP and ENTP is in energetic metabolism. INTP and ENTP have same interests, but they look differently on them. Unfortunetely I don't know details.
  20. The Self Defence Survey

    Knife is perfect.
  21. Sensor types

    I think sensors aren't as bad as you claim. Maybe deeper relationship isn't possible, but they can be interesting. And they are needed. ESFP, ESTP and ISTP are very funny people who can improve our personal lifes (INTPs lifes). Some sensors can be very frustrating [the most ESJ] but if someone...
  22. Constant failure

    I'm in exactly same situation. Very short: fuck them and do what you really want. Then you won't fail.
  23. Incoherence

    Yes, I have same problem too. What is usuful: write your ideas, thoughts in note or somewhere. It really helps.
  24. Why we have personality types

    do you think personality types are something similar to genetic variability? Wikipedia says not only cheetas have low genetic variability, also people.
  25. Why we have personality types

    Ok. But wouldn't be better, if everyone were same and balanced? Varied personalities make conflictes, if everyone would be same, everyone would understand each other. Do we really need specialization?
  26. Why we have personality types

    Why people are so different? Is it creation of evolution? Do you think variant personalities provide more pros or cons? Do other animals have variant personality types?
  27. How much different would your life be if you never discovered your MBTI type.

    Understandings of my type gave me nothing. But understandings of other people is valueable.
  28. differences between intp and intj

    I had this problem for a very long time. Helped me looking on inferior functions: Si, Se, Fe, Fi Fe gives you ability to learn others emotions easily. You know, when someone who are you talking with is bored, or interested. You know if someone likes you. When you meet a strager, instantly you...
  29. A new beginning

    I have one friend and we know each other for 12 years. I think close relationship can be made by the time. Usually long time.
  30. What every INTP need

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8aT9oRp95A One of the most beautiful songs. Change is coming through my shadow And our shadow is Te, Ni, Se, Fi. @EyeSeeCold Everything what you are saying is true, but I still will try to go deeper and find my answers, even if anyone will help me.
  31. What every INTP need

    Lol. I didn't say that. Read again my first post -.-
  32. What every INTP need

    OK. But this is what are saying humanities. You must look wider and think like everything is possible. From neurosciences' look every action modify our brain. EVERY. You are constantly changing and adapting to become better in your activities. Jung made his theory, but he didn't know...
  33. What every INTP need

    Everyone have all functions. Whatever you are doing at any time, you are physically modifying your brain to be become better at it. Just practise Te, and you become very powerful INTP. I'm still intuitive subtype, but Te is something that I was looking for, this is it, what is...
  34. What every INTP need

    First read this: http://wikisocion.org/en/index.php?title=ILI_subtypes then forget about this topic: http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=19127&highlight=subtypes Some INTPs think than socionics LII (INTJ) are MBTI INTP. It's not true, I was thinking about it for a long time and also...
  35. worst personality type to be

    ISTP ?? They are nearly after INTP in being socialy awkward
  36. worst personality type to be

    I think being INFP sucks a lot.
  37. Moved: How often do you have emotional outbursts?

    I'm not sure what you consider as emotional outburst.
  38. No Friends

    I think the most important thing is to have at least one good friend, with who you can share all your thoughts, also theese dark, evil, or scientific.
  39. 3D Printing Pen

    This is useless toy.
  40. I Took the Drug Coffee

    Are you extroverted?
  41. I Took the Drug Coffee

    Ok, but I really don't feel and anything special, even if it change my brain and body.
  42. I Took the Drug Coffee

    I rarely drink coffe, but it really doesn't work on me. I can take 400 mg of caffeine (1 liter of coffee) and I would feel only tired. With smaller doses, feel nothing, with larger - overdose symptoms : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Main_symptoms_of_Caffeine_overdose.svg
  43. Einstein didn't understand his SRT.

    So you understand his theory better than he?
  44. Are you the only one, who don't have avatar? Why?

    Are you the only one, who don't have avatar? Why?
  45. ENTP or INTP?

    You're introverted.
  46. INTPs games #2

    Forgot about poll and this forum is shit so I have to make new thread.
  47. Best video game for INTP

    I've been thinking about new game. what games do you like?
  48. ENTP or INTP?

    How much do you think? When you are in a big group of people, are you constantly in the center of attention, or maybe sometimes you wander to your world of own thoughts, ideas. entps and intps are very similar, both think a lot, both can have good social skills, but INTPs live as much as they...
  49. Does charity accomplish what it means to?

    Maybe someone say I'm psychopath, but I think in the world there is too many people. People should not do children if they can't provide them everything what they could need.
  50. Functions responsible for independence

    Is this everything what you can say? Very poor for you.
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