It's easy to think. To create plan, to dream, to imagine perfect version of self and the world. Especially for N people. But, why doing things, what you thought, is so difficult? The worst moment is to start, to make first step. Why? Is our mind stiupid, or we are, or the world is? Why logic always is defeated by emotions? Are they really important in the world, which we leave in? Why I need motivation to do something? It can be curious, injuction, feel of duty, sex drive... Logic should be sufficient, why it isn't?
You are not a machine. It is not enough to write down an algorithm and run it, eat and sleep to be functional.
Maybe finding the things that distract you, that you find more important than your current plans would help you define the problems?
Poor concentration, poor time management, avolition, etc.
Another thing is that your plan is imperfect, as any plan is.
So in your plans you should include the possible obstacles you will encounter.
One of the possible obstacles to your algorithm is your motivation, if you lack it, then find it, otherwise you will not execute the command sequence. Find the emotion, desires, thirst, or will for the things you have written down or dreamt of.
If you go about executing your plan, on many steps out of many you will constantly be forced to revise your inaccurate assumptions, something was more difficult than it seemed on paper and it took you 10 days instead of 2, you were sick for 7 days and you will fail to meet a few of the objectives, etc., etc.
It is important to be able to revise the plan and follow the grand scheme or the outline, rather than to follow everything you think should happen, because at the time you are planning, you know almost nothing about your actual capability in a month or in a few weeks time.
Another thing is planning and dreaming in itself, what could you achieve in an hour you spent daydreaming? You could have memorised several words from a language you want to master, you could have written 60 new lines of code, gone jogging, etc.
If you know what you desire and like, creating an outline and knowing what you want is helpful, writing and constantly thinking about what comes next is not. It is much more profitable and rewarding to focus on the now, on the current part of the problem or the experience you are a part of.