small yellow hobbit
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- Today 5:22 AM
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- Sep 1, 2011
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I've known about the MBTI for about two years now, and I've scarfed down walls and brick a$$ walls of text(so, maybe I've been probing..) and I still can't decide and it drives me nucking futs. I always get once certain type, and I don't feel like that type(I said "feel", sue me.) Now, I'm not going to start off by announcing my type because that'll only accomplish a preconceived notion to what I could be and.. I'd rather start with a blank canvas.
I procrastinate like motherF.
It's an inevitable process, just happens.
I am open-minded
No idea is dismissed!(lest I already see a major fault, though if the main idea has potential, it can be manipulated into the right format)
I can't pull myself down to earth(sometimes it's the opposite), it's almost like I have a large white cone around my neck, simultaneously blocking my view and blinding me. I daydream an awful lot, it's just the oddest compilation of thoughts, and I'm getting to think I just think that way because seldom do I have real, nitty-gritty concious thought.. it's hard to explain. My thinking is like an effortless flow from a water tap, not much pressure and not just a drip, in contrast to pure concious thought that is like pumping for water and can be related to speaking; consciously speaking out loud, but in your head. Many times, I will just spew something out of my mouth that seems almost alien.. just the oddest of thoughts. It's been said that I have an odd way of speaking, not accent wise, but colourful diction; making odd analogies, adjectives, structure. Also, speaking of word choice, I am absolutely horrible at expressing myself in words.
Depending on my general mood, the whole of my speech will be very different and fills many archetypes.. never static.
I am objective and a slight misanthrope. 'nough said here.
I spend most of my time by myself, I can't spend time with others, it bores me to the very brink of death, never letting me cross the line because that would surely relieve the pain and suffering.
Holy social akwardice. Not a fat chance in hell, can I say something without making it seem like a computer with an unnecessary extra keyboard. I must think before I say something, but I can't! As I mentioned before, that's just not how my mind rolls. So, I stay away from people. In turn, I am on the borderline of being assertive. I also can't read whether I'm boring someone or not, which automatically makes me think I am. This really fits with how much of a crazy conspiracy theorist I am. I keep my laptop camera taped, I delete my history(as if that would help), I feel like my every move is being watched, and I assume that someone is always onto me.
Once, I was out with a friend and I saw a parked car, down the street that looked strangely like my dad's, so I figured he was spying on me and waved.. It wasn't his car.
I can't tell whether I see the big picture or not. I may lean to detail oriented, but beware the fact I said that I couldn't tell.. I can't focus on details, especially when dealing with completing something with loose ends; It's just so monotonous.. to work on the details. This is the reason why all of my art pieces are unfinished. I never finish anything because I get bored of it.
I must know what I'm getting into before I do whatever it is I'm doing, otherwise I feel unprepared, worried, and I feel as if I forgot something. In this way I like to be "safe than sorry", quite cautious, and secure. Though, remember this is speaking in terms of avoiding menial nuisances and troubles.
I spend alot of my time researching different things, and I crave intelligence and understanding. It's like an I MUST KNOW feeling, equivalent to a zombie's uncanny, "MUST EAT BRAINS"
I also have a good relationship with theory.
I often compare things to the way I noticed them before. ex: look at something and notice they look like someone else.
organization is important-yet for me, the ever most elusive organization flees me like a dog flees its fleas.
-It's my decision to when I should follow the rules. If there's no meaning to the rhyme, then it mustn't rhyme just to rhyme.
Edit: So, it's slightly longer than it should be.
I procrastinate like motherF.
It's an inevitable process, just happens.
I am open-minded
No idea is dismissed!(lest I already see a major fault, though if the main idea has potential, it can be manipulated into the right format)
I can't pull myself down to earth(sometimes it's the opposite), it's almost like I have a large white cone around my neck, simultaneously blocking my view and blinding me. I daydream an awful lot, it's just the oddest compilation of thoughts, and I'm getting to think I just think that way because seldom do I have real, nitty-gritty concious thought.. it's hard to explain. My thinking is like an effortless flow from a water tap, not much pressure and not just a drip, in contrast to pure concious thought that is like pumping for water and can be related to speaking; consciously speaking out loud, but in your head. Many times, I will just spew something out of my mouth that seems almost alien.. just the oddest of thoughts. It's been said that I have an odd way of speaking, not accent wise, but colourful diction; making odd analogies, adjectives, structure. Also, speaking of word choice, I am absolutely horrible at expressing myself in words.
Depending on my general mood, the whole of my speech will be very different and fills many archetypes.. never static.
I am objective and a slight misanthrope. 'nough said here.
I spend most of my time by myself, I can't spend time with others, it bores me to the very brink of death, never letting me cross the line because that would surely relieve the pain and suffering.
Holy social akwardice. Not a fat chance in hell, can I say something without making it seem like a computer with an unnecessary extra keyboard. I must think before I say something, but I can't! As I mentioned before, that's just not how my mind rolls. So, I stay away from people. In turn, I am on the borderline of being assertive. I also can't read whether I'm boring someone or not, which automatically makes me think I am. This really fits with how much of a crazy conspiracy theorist I am. I keep my laptop camera taped, I delete my history(as if that would help), I feel like my every move is being watched, and I assume that someone is always onto me.
Once, I was out with a friend and I saw a parked car, down the street that looked strangely like my dad's, so I figured he was spying on me and waved.. It wasn't his car.
I can't tell whether I see the big picture or not. I may lean to detail oriented, but beware the fact I said that I couldn't tell.. I can't focus on details, especially when dealing with completing something with loose ends; It's just so monotonous.. to work on the details. This is the reason why all of my art pieces are unfinished. I never finish anything because I get bored of it.
I must know what I'm getting into before I do whatever it is I'm doing, otherwise I feel unprepared, worried, and I feel as if I forgot something. In this way I like to be "safe than sorry", quite cautious, and secure. Though, remember this is speaking in terms of avoiding menial nuisances and troubles.
I spend alot of my time researching different things, and I crave intelligence and understanding. It's like an I MUST KNOW feeling, equivalent to a zombie's uncanny, "MUST EAT BRAINS"
I also have a good relationship with theory.
I often compare things to the way I noticed them before. ex: look at something and notice they look like someone else.
organization is important-yet for me, the ever most elusive organization flees me like a dog flees its fleas.
-It's my decision to when I should follow the rules. If there's no meaning to the rhyme, then it mustn't rhyme just to rhyme.
Edit: So, it's slightly longer than it should be.