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Search results

  1. Alice?

    Haven't seen you 'round these parts in a while ;)

    Haven't seen you 'round these parts in a while ;)
  2. Alice?

    Tackling this personal issue from an INTP perspective. [Help Wanted]

    Yes, it would be awkward, but that always lessens with time. But the question is, are you truly happy with the relationship as it is? Will you be content always ONLY being a friend and nothing more? Think about that. Sometimes chances are worth taking.
  3. Alice?

    Tackling this personal issue from an INTP perspective. [Help Wanted]

    Go for it, ask her out. From the simplest point of view, what do you really have to lose?
  4. Alice?

    Give me a name.

    Dr. Phinneaus Philopolis.
  5. Alice?

    So what is Podlair?

    Hear hear.
  6. Alice?

    Hello, from my soon-to-be-watery grave

    Seems the title of redshirt really would be fitting then... though it seems you've changed it to orangeshirt. Trying to escape fate, are we? And I detest orange the vast majority of the time. Also, hello.
  7. Alice?

    I put on my wizard hat

  8. Alice?

    I'm fairly well, and indeed I am, hehe. Do you prefer a state of apathy or otherwise?

    I'm fairly well, and indeed I am, hehe. Do you prefer a state of apathy or otherwise?
  9. Alice?

    Dear boy, how have you been of late?

    Dear boy, how have you been of late?
  10. Alice?

    Oh hooray, we have the same birthday!

    Oh hooray, we have the same birthday!
  11. Alice?


    Wooooow, you take amazing photographs. Awesome work!
  12. Alice?

    The where is everybody there has barely been any activity lately, I would know as I login everyday n

    By killing off a large portion of the population, would this inspire the remaining members to spawn at a higher rate than before, therefore increasing the population exponentially (until overpopulation and lack of sanitary measures lead to plagues and death) ...?
  13. Alice?

    Songs to Play Twice

    YouTube- Cohens Masterpiece
  14. Alice?

    I....What? o.o

    Yeah, wow. Same. I haven't been on in a while either, and I've been posting even less. The lack of routine over the summer did me in, I reckon. Anyway. I'm back, you're back, hooray hooray! Maybe I'll have something worthwhile to contribute this time around :D.
  15. Alice?

    Favorite Radiohead Album

  16. Alice?

    Happy birthday to Fleur and Anthile

    Oh crap, count me out.
  17. Alice?

    I found it on DeviantArt!

    I found it on DeviantArt!
  18. Alice?

    Using Different Voices When Talking

    Word on the street's pretty damn accurate in this case ;)
  19. Alice?

    Songs to Play Twice

    YouTube- Vampire Weekend - 'Horchata' I really, really like this song. Can't stop listening to it.
  20. Alice?


  21. Alice?

    Music as diary

  22. Alice?


    Yes and yes. I was just thinking about this the other day.
  23. Alice?

    A bit late, but appropriate nonetheless

    I've seen a couple of your posts around and have decided that I rather like you. You may stay. :D
  24. Alice?

    Memory woes.

    Pretty much this exactly.
  25. Alice?

    Summer playlist

    Vampire Weekend- A-Punk and Horchata
  26. Alice?

    Favorite series canceled before their time?

    Firefly... :'(
  27. Alice?

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

  28. Alice?

    Hehe, I've been busy! I just finished my finals last week so I've been taking a little time off...

    Hehe, I've been busy! I just finished my finals last week so I've been taking a little time off before the summer work mayhem starts :D. I'll probably make one on Friday if I find something worthwhile to talk about!
  29. Alice?

    Yeep, I only speak English, sadly.

    Yeep, I only speak English, sadly.
  30. Alice?

    Er, I'm going to be honest, I'm having a difficult time deciphering what you said.

    Er, I'm going to be honest, I'm having a difficult time deciphering what you said.
  31. Alice?

    Towel day

    YESSS. I will be carrying a towel in the name of Douglas Adams. It'll probably come in handy too, to wipe the tears of joy from my eyes once I finish my aviation meteorology final and realize that I will never have to sit in that miserable 3 hour lecture again.
  32. Alice?

    less of an into, more of an: Ici je suis de nouveau!

    Absolutely. Or direct download from an extensive database...:borg0:
  33. Alice?

    less of an into, more of an: Ici je suis de nouveau!

    And don't forget about sentence structure and verb conjugations, past/present/future tense uses of words, whether an object is feminine or masculine, the correct pronunciation of the words themselves... A language is far too complicated to learn simply from reading a dictionary, I think...
  34. Alice?


    I vote green and purple. And maybe a dark red every once and a while. It's all about the deep jewel tones.
  35. Alice?

    less of an into, more of an: Ici je suis de nouveau!

    Damnit, and the reason I clicked was to bully you for your bad french :D. Welcome back, even though I'm not sure I was actively around when you were here anyway :phear:.
  36. Alice?

    The Boredom Club

    *bangs head against wall from boredom*
  37. Alice?

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    When a person is aroused, there is an involuntary reflex reaction that causes his or her pupils to dilate. Since we are often times attracted to those who seem attracted to us, the eyes with the dilated pupils will appear more attractive most of the time. I personally prefer the second set of...
  38. Alice?

    Rubbish drawn in Windows 7 paint

    That's... that's not rubbish!
  39. Alice?


    Uh, you lost me there. Edit: This is where I stop posting in this thread.
  40. Alice?


    I was speaking in general terms because I know other users have had problems, not just in this specific case. It was meant to be cautionary.
  41. Alice?


    Really guys? Really? If you have issues, I'd suggest resolving them through more mature methods than creating threads solely dedicated to bashing one another. Ran, if you don't like Ashitaria's posts/threads, don't read them. Ashitaria, don't egg her on. It's that simple.
  42. Alice?

    Indeed. I spent a bit of time over there for a month or so outta curiosity. Thought I recognized...

    Indeed. I spent a bit of time over there for a month or so outta curiosity. Thought I recognized the username :D. Welcome!
  43. Alice?

    I've seen you 'round the INFJ forum, methinks?

    I've seen you 'round the INFJ forum, methinks?
  44. Alice?

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    It's just... it's so... so... I'm in love.
  45. Alice?

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Yeah, I knew you were joking, haha. I think preference definitely has something (if not just about everything) to do with personality. And looking back into people's histories of who they've been attracted to for a certain period of time, there are usually consistencies- whether they be in a...
  46. Alice?

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Mhmm. Cute is something that makes me go 'D'aawwwhhh' and want to hug someone for just being so adorable. Pretty, at least in my view, applies to every kindhearted person I know because I honestly don't know any plain or even ugly people who have good hearts. There is always something redeeming...
  47. Alice?

    What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Back on topic... For me, 'beautiful' and 'handsome' are different than the rest of the compliments like 'pretty,' 'cute,' 'hot,' etc. A person who is handsome or beautiful is all of those, and then some. There's just something different, something unique and special about them. It's sort of an...
  48. Alice?

    Happy birthday, strange boy :D.

    Happy birthday, strange boy :D.
  49. Alice?

    Overrated is Overrated

    Your llama is overrated.
  50. Alice?

    What is your wand?

    Yeah, a dead famed psychologist with a kick ass pocket watch! Shame he had to die.
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