Please stop spamming our forums with bad threads and bad posts.
echoplex said:(and there are many threads here I find boring, like that one about dolphin sex. ewwww)
Sigh...I turn my back and I see Ran making a thread...
Really, how ironic.
I can't believe that a fellow INTP would go this far, and act like such an ass too. Now I take back my words. She's not annoying, she's annoying and petty (and if I wasn't in such a good mood now, I would insult her intelligence).
You want me to stop? Fine. Unfortunately, I don't respect you in the least bit, so expect to see me post more than ever.
Oh wait, that's me...we're twins, we could both be INFJS.
Btw, don't use the "I will post more than ever, more than Melkor" threat
At least post replies with substance and thought :P
Funny...coming from you. :P
I'm trying. I can't help it. I'm a raging INFJ.
Really guys? Really? If you have issues, I'd suggest resolving them through more mature methods than creating threads solely dedicated to bashing one another.
Ran, if you don't like Ashitaria's posts/threads, don't read them.
Ashitaria, don't egg her on.
It's that simple.
I don't think you should put "guys" in there.
I honestly do not remember anytime when I "egged" her on".
Naughty Alice.I was speaking in general terms because I know other users have had problems, not just in this specific case.
English causes many impressions, no?It was meant to be cautionary.
Naughty Alice.I was kinda thinking you did mean it that way, but it seems that Ran is the only one really making her (immature) opinions open.
Yes he can be very annoying. But I am going to take this time to point out the irony of the this thread even being made in the first place.
1. sense of humor
2. ability to suspend of belief/disbelief
3. willingness to accept criticism
These things are your friends in the world of ego-drama nazi attacks. Sometimes the winner is the one who laughs first. And this is directed at no one in particular, because everyone has been a poophead.
If you want I'll make a thread about a fucking platypus.
Do you want that, do you ?
If you want I'll make a thread about a fucking platypus.
Do you want that, do you ?
I'm not really sure how this is spam... It's even on oubliette.
Also, you're all really silly.
Special that person with the "internet is srs bsns" quote in her signature going all srs bsns on me and this thread. Clearly this thread was a wise decision, the level of amusement has far surpassed my expectations.
And now, in other unrelated news:
Also, you're post reminds me of that old regular, "ha ha, you guys just fell right into my psychological trap" after a flamer epically fails at flaming. I must say, if you derive amusement from this kind of thing, you have a poor amount of intelligence, or just like to make everyone hate you (see above posts for reference).
Naruto does not amuse me. You do not amuse me. Your video does not amuse me. They all irritate me.
So please, I am not telling you to stop posting on this forum, neither am I telling you to shut up, but I'm telling you to stop being so goddam annoying.
If you don't like something, say it intelligently, like, "I beg to differ..." or actually try to point out my logical faults, not one-liner "I hate this thread" or "You suck."
I know I'm supposed to be done with this thread, but Ran just has that kind of negative influence on me. And blah blah blah, the one who stops in a troll fight wins, well fuck that, because if I get to bash someone that irritates me and get away with it, I will, no matter what fucking label I get.
Naruto does not amuse me. You do not amuse me. Your video does not amuse me. They all irritate me.
Ranondrugs. Let's generalize this.Please stop spamming our forums with bad threads and bad posts.
My definition of spam is Ashitaria's face, a bad thread is ashitaria's brain and a bad post is ashitaria's mouth.
Undesirable ? Is this some sort of dictatorship ? I just expressed my opinion/desire and people got butthurt over it.
But if someone goes and makes a thread about any other opinion/desire that is equally silly and demeaning to certain kinds of people... Yeah, no one will get butthurt.
My post is not trolling, much to the likeness of all my other "troll" posts. If you bother yourself with analysing my behaviour you will notice what seems to be a mix of serious and "trolling". Draw your own conclusions.
I mean, why should I lay out everything for all of you ? It's not my fault most of you can't see your own flaws.
Getting upset when someone "trolls" you because of your flaws is... Silly.
ashitaria said:I have sent a PM to Anthille, and I'm crossing my fingers for this thing to be resolved quickly. Hopefully, you and me will never have contact again.
I am sooo tempted to point out some very delicious irony right here. But I'll keep my mouth shut because it's in this community's best interest not to have anyone else provoke further flame wars.
Can't they just ignore each other? Would that work? Pfft?
You sure got me Ashitaria, I never thought a 14 year old could make me see how dumb I really am... I am sorry for all the trouble I gave you for this whole time... I promise I will be kinder to you. Just like Misha-Tan !
it's "my age", not "at my age", it's "appawllewd" not "appalled", perhaps you meant "wonderful dicks" ?