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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

    I think about 30% of INTJs on INTJf, are religious. Seems way lower percentage here.
  2. scorpiomover

    jedi syndrome. lol.

    jedi syndrome. lol.
  3. scorpiomover

    Percentage of mistyped people

    The tests themselves seem to be more focussed on stereotypes. E.G. another poster on INTJf pointed out that the J/P questions seem to focus on being organised. The N/S questions seem to focus on if you like conventional thinking, science and new ideas. From what I've picked up, many of these...
  4. scorpiomover

    Bill Gates: INTP

    One of the interesting things about Jobs v Gates, is the progression of their interests, i.e. Apple vs Microsoft. Programmers generally have a strong dislike of Microsoft. A lot of it is because a lot of Microsoft's ideas seem to have major faults in their design, were often copies of ideas that...
  5. scorpiomover


    Well, it's not me who said it. I read it somewhere. The idea is that if we want to put the universe on record, then we have to store all of its quantum data. So for every quantity or quality of every atom that could be represented as a bit (qubits), we need to store that. But that would also be...
  6. scorpiomover

    Why can we use mathematics to describe physical phenomena?

    At 2 minutes in, he starts saying that he's OK with people blaming religion for atrocities, as long as you also blame nationalism for atrocities of fascism (the Nazis) and socialism for the atrocities of Marxism (the former U.S.S.R.). Basically, it's a Ti/Fe argument. A Te/Fi user would have...
  7. scorpiomover

    Why can we use mathematics to describe physical phenomena?

    Let's take an example. If I buy 1 orange, and you buy 3 oranges, and we decide to share our food, how many oranges do we each have to eat? What about if we were talking about apples? What about if we were talking about beers? Doesn't really matter what the things that we're talking about, in...
  8. scorpiomover

    Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

    Very much like the online descriptions. Not much like the posters here. For starters, I'm not an atheist.
  9. scorpiomover

    Do you like other INTPs? (INTPs on this forum don't count)

    Don't recall meeting one in real life.
  10. scorpiomover


    Bell's inequality is supposed to disprove local determinism (our view of determinism). Universal determinism is still possible (from G-d's POV). Can you determine that determinism is determinable? Macro determinism is about the average behaviour of trillions of trillions of molecules. Like...
  11. scorpiomover

    Chlorovirus ATCV-1

    From the study: So basically, if you don't drink from polluted ponds and lakes, you're an idiot. But if you do drink from polluted ponds and lakes, your brain is full of pollutants, and you're still an idiot. Might as well drink the freshwater. At least then your immune system can fight off the...
  12. scorpiomover

    Mechanism (how and why)

    Being an INTP, it's normal. It's how Ti likes to work. However, when you start developing your Ne, and looking at patterns that you can see in all walks of life, you'll notice that there are lots of things that are clearly true and yet still we don't understand them. You can learn to...
  13. scorpiomover

    Minority acceptance vs embracing (Gay/Bi/Xdress example)

    There's a few nudist camps where I work. They believe that it's their natural sexuality to go around naked, and society has been oppressing them for thousands of years. Personally, I agree. If people should be allowed to live their lives freely, then they MUST be allowed to go around starkers...
  14. scorpiomover

    Keirsey: NT's don't trust intuition

    Yes. When I was a kid, "intuition" was something that many people had. It was often called "second sight". Some kids would just "know" some things without there being any rational justification for why that should be. Then when the government started trying to make everything about science, NTs...
  15. scorpiomover

    INFJ and INFP; preferences, pros and cons: final judgement

    They're both highly introverted, highly intuitive and highly emotional, even when they don't show it. They both tend to explode when someone does something that violates their personal values. INFJs are good at doing things, while INFPs are good at explaining things. They also differ in what...
  16. scorpiomover

    INTP's suck at typing others

    Depends on the INTP. I'm going to speak about INTPs and ideas in general. I've noticed that when INTPs think of a subject as requiring a lot of study that they don't know, and are willing to take on that study, they'll tend to over-do it, and assume the minimum standard of competency is far...
  17. scorpiomover

    Emile Hirsch - INTP?

    Larry David, definitely. But Jim Parsons does way, way too much of a good impression of the characteristics of ISTJs and INTJs. I seriously doubt if any INTP's bowel movements ever ran like a German train schedule. I seriously doubt if any INTP would get enough confidence to think of himself as...
  18. scorpiomover

    Does anyone get the feeling that INTPs are failed ENTPs?

    Sounds like you haven't learned to use your inner ENTP (Ne). When you do, you'll look for objective, unusual patterns about reality. You'll then notice a very objective, but extremely unusual pattern about yourself, and about other INTPs, that people seem to always find fault with us, but keep...
  19. scorpiomover

    Emile Hirsch - INTP?

    Been following him for a while. In most of his movies, he's quiet, withdrawn, not that social or reactive to others. Soft, tends to adapt to others. Was watching "Speed Racer" last night. In the film, he says "Racing hasn't changed, and it never will." The other racer says back to him "It...
  20. scorpiomover


    I see it quite a lot. People think that being interested in science means that you're intuitive. When you've had science rammed down your throat right through school, being interested in science simply means that you like to stick with what you know, which means "Sensor". Likewise, when you...
  21. scorpiomover

    Overvaluation of being well rounded

    Definitely. The idea of being well-rounded, came about because in the academic world, particularly in the sciences, people were becoming so specialised, that they'd develop a really clever theory to explain something in their field, that predicted something about the next field, that had been...
  22. scorpiomover


    No. Never heard of it before. Had to look it up. Based on Keirsey's explanation on his own site, it sounds like he's trying to explain the outliers with DISC for each type. He's an INTP as well.
  23. scorpiomover

    What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    Driving, sports, socialising, getting a date, and doing the other things that most people find more naturally easy than Sheldon Cooper.
  24. scorpiomover

    Which Philosopher are you?

    Which philosopher are you? Your Result: W.v.O. Quine / Late Wittgenstein There is no provable absolute truth. The way you see things is dependant on your language. Truths exist only within a language, and change as the language does. --This quiz was made by S. A-Lerer. Result Breakdown: 76%...
  25. scorpiomover

    INTP main character in a movie?

    INTJs go into that type of showmanship. INFJs typically go for humble service. Where they like to show off, is by hosting dinner parties that everyone raves about. They love to be "the hostess with the mostess".
  26. scorpiomover

    INTP main character in a movie?

    That's because he is an Fi-dom. Fi-doms are usually pretty placid, until someone crosses their values. Then, they're black-hot angry, and stay that way for a while. However, if the injustices that violated the Fi-dom's values keep being presented to him over and over again, then the Fi-dom never...
  27. scorpiomover

    Sensor Sabbatical

    It's possible if you can find a place where Sensors would hate so much that only Intuitives would be willing to go there, and it's hospitable to human life, and Intuitives would want to go there. But such a place would have to be devoid of any familiar ideas. So all familiarity with anything you...
  28. scorpiomover

    Why Do So Many People Hate Ayn Rand?

    I don't know that many people who do hate her. Most people don't. Well, not pseudo-intellectuals. If you haven't really read her books, and not paid much attention to considering her opinions, then how would you know? If you have put some thought into the matter, then you know why most people...
  29. scorpiomover

    SJ's more: racist, homophobic?

    Si-doms are pretty traditional. If they happened to be raised in an openly homophobic community, then there's a good chance they would be. If they've been raised in a homo-supportive community, then they'll probably glare at you like you've just shot Bambi for even suggesting that they'd be...
  30. scorpiomover

    Which Pulp Fiction Character are you?

  31. scorpiomover

    How to stop being a fattie fat fat?

    I ALSO recommend adding fruits and veggies to your diet: 1) Add fruits to your sugary snacks like ice cream. 2) Add veggies to everything else, carbs-heavy snacks like pretzels and cookies, and protein-heavy meals like steak. HOWEVER, my extra advice, is to EAT THE VEGGIES FIRST! Weird...
  32. scorpiomover

    INTP vs INTJ

    On INTJf, it's amazingly clear just how completely differently INTJs and INTPs think about the same things. Leads to incredible arguments. Guess that it could be compared to the gears on your car. If your gears are even fractionally into the reverse gear, even if they're not completely in...
  33. scorpiomover

    Carl Jung- Introverted Rational, but J or P?

    Aren't they synonymous? What makes you think that according to my definitions, matters that religions discuss, such as if it's moral to kill in self-defence, cannot be known? What definitions are you talking about? Remember that I'm not you. I had different experiences. I have different...
  34. scorpiomover

    Carl Jung- Introverted Rational, but J or P?

    If I'm of average intelligence, and I received an objective education, I would rule that B is the less complicated. B is obviously written in a language that I wasn't taught. Why would anyone write in a language that I don't know? Probably to make themselves seem clever. Ergo, it's pretty...
  35. scorpiomover

    Jung Vs. M&B

    Jung said that our subconscious is there to balance the actions of our conscious. We can leave it to our subconscious. But if we want a better result, hadn't we better do it ourselves, so that our subconscious doesn't have to, and so then we can do a much better job of it than our subconscious?
  36. scorpiomover

    Empiricism Rests on Flawed Logic

    That's how we came to develop quantum physics and relativity. Most of it appears to be a matter of thought experiments of what we could know, converted into mathematical calculations, that determined formulae for what our experimental results could tell us, and what we could physically observe...
  37. scorpiomover

    How do we attract ENFJs?

    Most people's views of typology is not objective, but designed to interpret things in terms of whatever supports what they want to believe. I see couples who are both heavily introverted. They both usually say that they are very uncomfortable with dealing with people, and are happy to find...
  38. scorpiomover

    How do we attract ENFJs?

    According to Jung, the idea of the subconscious being opposite in function-type and attitude to the conscious, is because the subconscious acts in a complementary way to to the conscious, because the conscious requires balance to function properly. Extroverts balance introverts. Introverts...
  39. scorpiomover

    My Dinner With Andre

    I that the director chose to direct the actor playing a doctor to look and act too much like a doctor, and overdoes it, to emphasise just how much of the time everyone seems to be playing a role, even to the extent that we don't know that we're playing a role half the time. It's an existential...
  40. scorpiomover

    How do we attract ENFJs?

    Odd that, because I recently watched Jung explicitly say that introverts usually marry extroverts.
  41. scorpiomover

    How do we attract ENFJs?

    Nice to get some external validation from someone with lots of empirical evidence, that I was on the right track. I agree. They also highly value our logical analysis of their situations. Often, they don't realise how their schemes would fail due to factors of direct cause-and-effect. INTPs who...
  42. scorpiomover

    If SJs really follow what they taught, what happens then?

    ISFJs consciously like to stick to tradition, no matter what. Animekitty keeps pummelling out wild idea after wild idea. They're usually feeling-based, and so comes out in NF areas, like religious spirituality. If you ask me, he/she is classic Ne-Fi.
  43. scorpiomover

    How do we attract ENFJs?

    My best friend is an ENFJ. He's seeing me today. He treats emotions like I treat logic. When no-one is expressing their feelings around him, and just talking purely logically or purely practically, he acts like he is starved of air. When I then talk about my feelings, he acts like he can breathe...
  44. scorpiomover

    "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    Many African families live on $1 a week. We can survive for 3 months without food. We can live with very little indeed. So what is being rich or poor? Usually, a state of mind. It's about psychology. We know about the placebo effect. If I give money away, then I'm telling my subconscious that I...
  45. scorpiomover

    Is our world totalistic?

    Wrong thread. Supposed to be here.
  46. scorpiomover

    I'm Jewish, and I try to keep what I can. I've seen both sides, and found that being more...

    I'm Jewish, and I try to keep what I can. I've seen both sides, and found that being more religious works much better for me. It's good to keep one's mind open. One never knows what one may find.
  47. scorpiomover

    Is our world totalistic?

    Except that most people were saying "Everything I've heard about science was said as if the universe is completely determinist. I have to re-interpret scientific laws and actual facts as if the world is completely determinist." Do you even understand Heisenberg's problem? Do any of you...
  48. scorpiomover

    People repin' NT/NF online

    Except that most people were saying "Everything I've heard about science was said as if the universe is completely determinist. I have to re-interpret scientific laws and actual facts as if the world is completely determinist." Do you even understand Heisenberg's problem? Do any of you...
  49. scorpiomover

    People repin' NT/NF online

    People are 50% ego and 50% truth. You can bring a person to the truth, but you cannot make them accept it.
  50. scorpiomover

    Jung Vs. M&B

    I think he saw it as an alternative description. Usually don't give appropriate consideration to either one. As an example, whenever someone crazy comes up, consensus says that MBTI and Jungian typology cannot be applied to the mentally ill, and you've just posted that those are the only types...
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