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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Results of a major study on MBTI and belief in God

    Where's the chart?
  2. scorpiomover

    INTJ observations

    INTJs tend to focus on achieving goals. Even when they are trying to learn something, they see it as a goal to be reached. When they are debating, they also see it as a goal to be achieved, usually, to win the debate. INTPs tend to prefer to focus on perceiving, on learning what is going on...
  3. scorpiomover

    Jung: Types can be divided into subtypes...what are the implications?

    He said "fruitless", not "useless". You have to look at the whole paragraph. As Jung explained, "we may understand one of the greatest errors of our civilization, that is, the superstitious belief in statement and presentation, the immoderate overprizing of instruction by means of word and...
  4. scorpiomover

    Jung: Types can be divided into subtypes...what are the implications?

    He said that Thinking (Ti or Te) can be split into "intuitive (Ni) and speculative (Ne), logical (Ti) and mathematical (Te), empirical (Si) and positivist (Se),". I think that he might be suggesting that T-doms can be T-dom with N-aux, pure T-dom and T-dom with S-aux. He said that other subtypes...
  5. scorpiomover

    This girl thinks she's INTJ but I'm seeing INTP. Thoughts?

    Yup. Plus, look at the hand movements. All over the place. Her conversation is also rather aimless, and drifts. She's an NP. She also talks about getting in touch with one's feelings as the general solutions to problems. INTJs that I've come across, think that feelings are irrational...
  6. scorpiomover

    Epicurism, Cog's thoughts

    Somewhat. But most things have a limit of their usefulness, and eventually become harmful when taken far beyond those limits. The human body was designed for SMALL, GRADUAL changes, not extreme ones. We're just not built for an extremely hedonistic lifestyle. A fundamental element to stoicism...
  7. scorpiomover

    Golden Compass Daemon Test

    Multi-Faceted Soul
  8. scorpiomover

    Interesting 2001 study on personality types and psychological disorders

    Then according to the study, the type most likely to be mentally well would be ESFJs. There's a high behavioural correlation with schizotypal and INTPs. But that only indicates that mentally ill INTPs would be likely to develop SPD. So ENTPs and INFPs are both passive-aggressive and not...
  9. scorpiomover

    INTP Seeking to Attract Female Companion

    Human nature. You want a return for your efforts. If you ask someone out, there's always a potential for her to turn you down, or other things to go wrong. So there's more cost involved because of the risk. So you want a greater return to offset the risk, and thus aim for above what you can...
  10. scorpiomover

    The Morality of Dexter

    Albert Camus made this point in his short story L'Etranger. The main character shoots another man soon after his mother's death. At the trial, the prosecution's case is that he killed the man out of pure malice, without any care for the man's life, because he doesn't care about other people at...
  11. scorpiomover

    It's really cold

    Brrrr. You need to evolve into one of these: :delphin20:
  12. scorpiomover

    Failed psychological experiment here.

    It's not gone, just suppressed heavily. When the brain is heavily suppressed, it can often seem like the suppressed elements are "missing". When the stimulus that caused the suppression is fully removed, the mind rebounds back to its former state.
  13. scorpiomover

    How an INFP would become an INTP, or vice versa

    1. a) The INFP doesn't understand the difference between F & T. b) As Jung explained, her INFP-ness was suppressed from childhood, usually because of an extremely domineering T mother. Therapy reveals the true self. 2. In theory. But as soon as the patient has recovered, the brain will...
  14. scorpiomover

    Why do we apologize?

    I remember when I saw a person I owed money to. He was a bit tough. I'd heard that people are easier if you apologise first, before the other person starts laying in to you. I decided that it was worth a shot, as he'd already seen me. So I went up to him and apologised for not having paid him...
  15. scorpiomover

    The solution to all of INTPs problems

    Do what comes naturally. Learn about being a doctor. Read a few books. Go to hospitals, hang out in the ER, and talk to some doctors and nurses. You'll see what happens in an ER for real. Chat to them, and take an interest in their work. You'll hear them talk about the real good and the real bad...
  16. scorpiomover

    The solution to all of INTPs problems

    Interesting idea. FYI, mathematics and logic used in business, physics, chemistry, electronics, data analysis, biology, economics, business, accounting, pricing, calculating profit margins, and even dating (lots of dating sites now rely on complex mathematical calculations to pick a better...
  17. scorpiomover

    MBTI: ultimately a bad thing for you.

    Almost everything is harmful when taken to an extreme. Almost everything is harmful when taken to an extreme. It's important to be adaptable. But it's even more important to be consistent. One can easily become so convinced that it's one's own fault, that one keeps changing oneself...
  18. scorpiomover

    Finding possible contradictions

    I'm not sure that you need to. Most people will respond with the following: 1) Most people agree that A is supposed to be true, either because everyone says so, or scientists say it is, or something like that. 2) We know B is true for certain, such as that we observed it. 3) We know that...
  19. scorpiomover

    A logical error of MBTI tests and typing in general

    The human brain has a hippocampus that stores observed behaviours in memory, and a pattern-matching system that collates behaviours and deduces general traits in each person. However, I don't recall anyone identifying that deducing MBTI preferences and functions is built into humans, or knowing...
  20. scorpiomover

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    Your Brain is 60% Female, 40% Male [img]https://images.blogthings.com/whatgenderisyourbrainquiz/brain.jpg]img] Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on...
  21. scorpiomover

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    You Are Trinity You are the perfect mixture of caring and tough. You have the courage to do whatever needs to be done. You have a deep compassionate side, and you connect with others. You never let go of the people in your heart
  22. scorpiomover

    Fantasy/Sci-Fi Character Test

    Spock A focused advisor whose actions are dictated by almost pure logic, you believe in exploring the fascinating possibilities around you. Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Spock is a character in the Star Trek universe. His biography...
  23. scorpiomover

    Beliefs on Type Theory

    E = "straight-forward", quick solutions, that don't require a lot of thinking time, and can be used to address urgent problems. I = "complicated", solutions that require a lot of thinking time, and are best used for situations that are not urgent, but if acted on improperly, would cost a LOT.
  24. scorpiomover

    Any INTP MBAs out there?

    Play to your strengths. If you want to get ahead in a career, why not make best use of your best skills? Put another way: pick those jobs and projects, that would suit your talents much better than other types. By all means, improve your weaknesses. but they won't change overnight. So you...
  25. scorpiomover

    What are INTP unique abilities?

    We seem to have a preternatural ability to read what is written or hear what is said, and then work out what should logically be true based on that, that contradicts all known laws of physics and understanding of the material. It usually shell-shocks other people to see us do the impossible...
  26. scorpiomover

    INTP Meme's

    "It's not logical. So it can't be true."
  27. scorpiomover

    What is the difference between INTP and ENTP

    We're #7 out of 16. So we're hardly "poor" at it. Also, if you look at the stats in order, ISTJs and ESTJs are 32% and 28% respectively. INTJs come at half of that, at 15.8%. ISTJs are supposed to be your typical accountant types. ESTJs are quite open that they don't mind not leading, and...
  28. scorpiomover

    What is the difference between INTP and ENTP

    Profiles are not people. Hang out with an INTP, and hang out with an ENTP. The sorts of behaviours that ENTPs do regularly, an INTP would be extremely unlikely to do most of the time, and vice versa. There was a thread here by Architect about how INTPs are becoming obsolete, and being employed...
  29. scorpiomover

    Is MBTI compatible with evolution?

    Not completely. Consider the animal kingdom. Some species clearly evolved to proliferate more than others. Yet, quite often, the less advantaged species is still around, just in lesser numbers. Consider the humble carrot. Carrots grown in crop rotations with a series of other vegetables, can...
  30. scorpiomover

    Is the INTP born to be a hypocrite?

    Ti judges internally. INTPs judge themselves, not others. We leave that to the Js. The INTP's social difficulties stem from judging himself too harshly, valuing his efforts and skills too little, and holding others' efforts and skills too highly by comparison. As a result, when he perceives...
  31. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI is a fraud

    First proper job in software programming was in 1996. I fit so many stereotypes of INTPs, I could be a poster boy. Reflecting on it, the big software houses, with at least a hundred employees, and big companies, with a few hundred employees. They came through IT recruitment agencies. But they...
  32. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI is a fraud

    I've been reflecting that I did much better at big companies. Got better treatment, work that better fitted my skills, better promotion prospects, etc. Good point.
  33. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI is a fraud

    Then it's what I thought it was. For an individual, with individual preferences, experiences and skills, it's not the same. But since we are just comparing types in general, without those extra characteristics that would only be true of specific INTPs, that would be far too specific for the...
  34. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI is a fraud

    IT is a very broad field. I know. I'm in it. Design occupies far more of modern software development, than the logical coding that would attract people who love logic and have the stereotypes of INTPs. If the study focussed on all those areas, then it would follow that SFs would be far more...
  35. scorpiomover

    Why MBTI is a fraud

    You know what I find interesting about this study? When we consider the R values, which (I think) are meant to represent the per-type ratio, and thus the likelihood of a person of a certain MBTI type going into software engineering, the order is as follows, from most likely to least likely...
  36. scorpiomover

    Races of people on average should have equal genetic potential for intelligence

    I used to hear this as a kid, that Africans were of far less intelligence than White people. I had not really thought about it that much. But then I got to know some black people. They didn't say the sorts of stupid things that many white people say. That didn't acutally change my views at the...
  37. scorpiomover

    Focus versus Purpose

    Accurate, as far my observations of people's behavioural streams matches up to their type. Fe-doms make decisions based on how they feel. Ni-doms make decisions according to what matches their inner visions. Seems to work. Good way of describing what Jung was getting at. Also matches with his...
  38. scorpiomover

    Everything is subjective- can't we have true objectivity?

    What do we know about reality apart from that which is based on experience?
  39. scorpiomover

    INTP world map

    Big time. They just make a joke of it in public, and pretend that they don't, like all STPs. When you're in a tribe, there are lots of tasks that need to be done, that aren't handled by large organisations and aren't automated by complex gadgets produced in the millions by mass-production...
  40. scorpiomover

    INTP world map

    Hilarious. The UK is "must follow the rules" land. Americans seem to universally believe that they can believe whatever they want (I), that "if you believe it, it will happen" (Ni) and don't give a toss if everyone hates them (TJ). From what Scandinavians have said, everyone has to follow the...
  41. scorpiomover

    I like the idea of the Singularity. But I've been hearing this promise being "just around the...

    I like the idea of the Singularity. But I've been hearing this promise being "just around the corner" for decades, and I'm starting to see a pattern. More of a hope to keep people investing in science & technology. Thanks for the note about TBerg. I hope that he understands.
  42. scorpiomover


    Third of 4.
  43. scorpiomover

    I think that it's cool that he came up with lots of inventions to help blind people. Also, he...

    I think that it's cool that he came up with lots of inventions to help blind people. Also, he smiles in his Wiki photo, and I like people who smile. Why?
  44. scorpiomover

    American Psycho - Patrick Bateman Type?

    I've only seen the movie. But the image stuck with me. He's clearly an introvert. Even when sitting with his friends, he doesn't really engage with them. He's always withdrawn, removed from what's going on, like he's in his own world, and only pretends to be friendly because it suits his needs...
  45. scorpiomover

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    I like to have unanswered questions and answered questions. Or, TBH, it's what I am used to. That is the aspect of theology that atheists are interested in. FYI, religious scholars have engaged in such discussions in the context of their religious values and principles, while also taking into...
  46. scorpiomover

    The difference between INTP and ENTP

    Yes. When someone suggests trying injecting heroin into their veins or joining a paramilitary group, an INTP would probably point out that it doesn't make sense to try such things without a clue about the reality of such situations, due to the inherent danger in such activities. Know what you...
  47. scorpiomover

    Religion vs Philosophy?

    The modern version of Western philosophy is about restricting oneself to questions that currently have no answers. If they ever do come up with a good answer, like Atomism, then other subjects like science tend to claim those philosophies to belong to them, and NOT part of philosophy. That...
  48. scorpiomover

    Evolution as a mechanism which tries to maintain equilibrium in a population

    I'm surprised that you wrote this post, because to me, it seemed like a trivial consequence of the process of evolution combined with the Second Law of Equilibrium. I'm shocked that anyone here even might have suggested that you were wrong. So I guess that since you're in the minority who are...
  49. scorpiomover

    What are INFJs bad at?

    Shhh. Don't ever say that Ni-doms are not the best at everything. They have a screaming match when people point out their weaknesses.
  50. scorpiomover

    INTP's blank face phenomenon

    All my photos of me as a kid, show me having a gormless expression. Not unexpressive. More like I'm just not really there, and my mind is always somewhere else (in dreamland).
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