Existentialism, to me, is a process of going from a state of naturally questioning "Why was I born?" to a question of no answer and then to a state of depression brought by the absence of answers. The philosophical devt of people tend to be pretty identical or following pattern. As one tries to break through no answers, one forms or realizes that the answer is relative to yourself. "Whats your reason?" Or what reason do you wish it to be? Feel free to be creative. Feel free to break through mankind's limited ideas of what is human life.
But I am going to fight my existential purpose. My pedestal. My foundation. My core self-programming. My axiom. My single most important component of operation.
I wonder where this will take me. I would stop thinking about my meaning then why do I move at all? Mental conflict, I'm guessing. Living life again in incoherence. Burdening myself with a weak foundation for existence again. Chaos. Turmoil. And this is all for the idea of "opportunity" when my meaning believes in the principle that I, the agent, am the source of opportunity and not vice versa. Power is never the existence, but it's always there bothering. Trying to gain attention. Trying to distract. And i allow it to consume me because my reason and probability tells me to. And I am obedient to my reason more than my meaning. I question this prioritization sometimes. Why think about "how?" when it is not subservient to the "why?" Does the "how" envelop so much of reality that it can overtake the "why?" Or is there a distinction even? We don't really explain whys fundamentally because there is no mechanism...dig and dig and dug.
But I am going to fight my existential purpose. My pedestal. My foundation. My core self-programming. My axiom. My single most important component of operation.
I wonder where this will take me. I would stop thinking about my meaning then why do I move at all? Mental conflict, I'm guessing. Living life again in incoherence. Burdening myself with a weak foundation for existence again. Chaos. Turmoil. And this is all for the idea of "opportunity" when my meaning believes in the principle that I, the agent, am the source of opportunity and not vice versa. Power is never the existence, but it's always there bothering. Trying to gain attention. Trying to distract. And i allow it to consume me because my reason and probability tells me to. And I am obedient to my reason more than my meaning. I question this prioritization sometimes. Why think about "how?" when it is not subservient to the "why?" Does the "how" envelop so much of reality that it can overtake the "why?" Or is there a distinction even? We don't really explain whys fundamentally because there is no mechanism...dig and dig and dug.