> The losing person has an already internalized negativity
Is it internalized negativity?
It's probably memorized, but not necessarily a part of the character.
To internalize a limitation into your character could imply two attitudes.
1) "these difficult things are tabu, they have no part in a hobbit's lifestyle"
2) "these difficult things are my duty and i am a sinner because i fail to accomplish them"
To merely memorize the limitation is to say:
"i can never get, what i desire, because i was always denied it. i am innocent but sad."
People love to say that everyone has the choice to become whatever, but is it true?
A successful person experiences no criticism by reality, as proved by their success, so what do they have to ignore? At most the manic idea that they should be even more successful.
Does anyone has the power to ignore real obstacles? Of course not. And without overwhelming obstacles there will be no negativity either.
People struggle as long as they think they ought to be in control of who they are, how well they perform in life, how fast they reach goals, what they are capable of, of what options they have.
Also they can't feel that they are in control of what they do with their time, when they think that way, because they experience disagreement with the coordinates/opportunities of their actions, they perceive their opportunities as limiting antagonists, while they utilize them, they can't be grateful either. In contrast to someone who has given up "hope", they feel like they are loosing control and hate the fact and they project that hate on a hopeless person, they hate him for not trying hard enough, because they think that trying harder can really make you better.
Everyone does what is possible and it's only when you admit what is possible and thus what else is impossible that you can experience full agreement with your opportunism, which is described as 'feeling in control'.
The only control anyone can attain is that of checking out the options he has, instead of assuming that he already knows, based on past experience and instead of assuming that he has the magical power to will options into existence (while trying to remember the right words for the magical spell and not paying any attention to real opportunities).
>the ignoring person may exhibit [... ]straightforwardness.
to ignore perceived limitations means you will learn the hard way, because they are still out there.
but i think the thread was previously not concerned with limitations (reality criticizing you), but with internalized criticism (you criticizing yourself).
"if i can't do this, i am no good"
this is technically accurate (Ti=no good=malfunction, improve!), but ethically stupid (Fi=no good=discard this!).
if you can't do this, you are incapable (Ne), but your are still good (Fi).
don't hate yourself, just because you want (Fe) to be capable (Ne) so badly.
you want opportunities. it's not your fault, if the opportunity didn't match your skill-set.
they will say you are a looser, but you shouldn't believe that you did something wrong.
what more could you do, than to look out for opportunities and how to use them?
as a PiNe type.
J types are directive, they are goal oriented, because that is what Pi does, dominant Si is refining routines and methods in the most perfectionist manner, Ni is refining the art of dancing through life, seeking the ideal subjective momentum. Their goals are life itself and their development is perceived to be the product of this involved action.
P types are adaptive, they want to become a utility to their situation, they do what they can do and would hope to develop more capabilities but meanwhile they perceive through objective eyes what is demanded by a situation and have to wonder carefully if they have enough to offer to it. to them development of abilities seems to precede life, it makes more life possible. their goals are inside, such as 'getting your shit together', 'figuring it out', their opportunities are outside and if there are plenty of easy opportunities, the p type may have difficulty taking an interest in them while impossibly difficult opportunities may seem more attractive.
I (INFP, apparently) was describing a spectrum of integration and disintegration. I default to disintegration in many ways. It appears to be roughly what the enneagram predicts for me.
I wouldn't expect Ti types to exist ont the exact same spectrum.
On the end of integration i feel what i really want and that most of it is impossible, but i have the desperate drive to test a reality, that has conspired against me, for loopholes. Since i am already accepting the full pain of the conspiracy, i can't be bothered by it anymore, so i am not afraid of poking holes into it, getting in touch with the details.
I know how little i can do, but i try all of it.
Desperado Mode, anxious, nervous, vigilant but capable, determined and proud.
(apparently a dirty mixture of 3 and 6)
On the end of disintegration i feel loosely what is generally desirable while I am also feeling that all i have right here is also generally desirable and it's all okay and i have a general perception that all desirable things are impossible at the moment (which may be incorrect, since i am far away from probing reality for possibilities), until an opportunity jumps right into my face. In this mode I am extremely afraid of experiencing failure, which is criticism applied to me by reality. I'm not trying much.
I may overestimate what i might be able to do, but don't dare to try and find out. Social Anxiety. I am avoiding feelings of Anger, Drive or related Anxiety, my feeling glides between being a bit timid and being perfectly content, depending on where i put my attention. (apparently the default state of 9)
Where i am on the scale from disintegration to integration depends on the subject of life, profession, society, girls, message boards, thinking about subjects, computing. roughly in that order.
I am apparently between enneagram nine and six, closer to nine, so about the least directive type imaginable.