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Search results

  1. Proletar

    gandalf-the gray. INTP???

    In the book he's an INTJ along with Saruman, but in the Peter Jackson-adaptations he certainly is an INTP.
  2. Proletar

    Where did this myth that INTP are arrogant come from?

    Interesting post as usual. One can really tell that you've recently been going through some kind of serious phase, because your posts are very often sharp and logical. Hold on to what you have right now, because it's good. So what is arrogance? In fact, everyone is arrogant. Take the SJ for...
  3. Proletar

    You asked for it...

    Did some cherry-picking on your post there. Still, I would say INTJ because you burrough deep into your topics, and also in the other thread making the definitive difference being between harmony and dominance; not leadership vs effort or teamwork vs the individual, another tweek of the...
  4. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Yes. ENTJs primarely want to get going and INTJs seeks the information firsthand. Truth be told, ENTJs would NOT dedicate this much to understand the mind of the INTP, never. And if they did want to understand, they wouldn't do so by asking an open-ended question of choice on the INTPs board...
  5. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Well, that's an interesting question, and it melts down to purpose in the end. You see, the difference between an ENTJ and an INTJ is that ENTJs have Te as main and Ni as aux, and vice versa. Te wants to get things done and Ni wants to get the information. If Ni is supporting Te, then you...
  6. Proletar

    I Tried To Kill Myself

  7. Proletar

    Thor or Loki? Was Loki evil?

    I asked myself the same question when I read into the actual mythology. It's really the same thing there, Loki may have been a trouble-maker but in the end it was the unjust actions of his fellow gods that pushed him over the edge and destroyed the world. No matter though..... Because the other...
  8. Proletar

    I Tried To Kill Myself

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ScKmUFBYqI The story of how Proxy took The Lost One to Australia.
  9. Proletar

    I Tried To Kill Myself

    I concur. Music is the best anti-depressant there is, atleast for me. To first make a good melody and structure, to mix it into a soundscape and then to eventually add some lyrics that catches the mood of the melody to begin with. Afterall, the scale is very much open and with just a little...
  10. Proletar

    You still have holidays? What kind of christmas miracle are you living? Good to hear but I get...

    You still have holidays? What kind of christmas miracle are you living? Good to hear but I get very jealous. The rest of us have to stretch our backs and carry goods for the overlords for another eleven months you know. If you are looking for an easy way to engage yourself in popular culture and...
  11. Proletar

    Sharing your knowledge

    In a very friendly, helpful and concerned way that Bilbo could accept.
  12. Proletar

    Oh, you know. Swedish stuff. :-] Really, I've been hit with the flue and been home since...

    Oh, you know. Swedish stuff. :-] Really, I've been hit with the flue and been home since sunday, which means high activity on the board. It's a good life. You?
  13. Proletar

    I Tried To Kill Myself

    Is it true that you are Hugh Jackman riding on a horse as a rough-hewd stock-man driving 2 000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the countrys roughest land? Do you perhaps have a boy of the natives with you?
  14. Proletar

    Does anyone ever read from the the bottom up?

    It depends on what I do. If It's just pictures for instructions, I just find the one that's relevant and guess the rest. Information is afterall just information. It doesn't have to be read left to right, up to down and page to page.
  15. Proletar

    Sharing your knowledge

    Interesting scenarios! #1: Easy. I'd just go to the teacher dropping some semi-true and true things about how he's behaving to get the teacher to take my original message back to him. If he wont listen, his faults lies with the teacher and if he does, I've got a project going on. #2...
  16. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    But on the other hand having the most kills is not the same as leading the team. So the question would more be a question of work or cooperation. It's like jin and jang, sort of. With a little black in the white and a little white in the black. Expert player or expert leader/teamplayer?
  17. Proletar

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Well Snafu. As a designated explorer, it's my duty to walk that fine line. :) I believe in a consciouss universe, an assumption based on the fact that there is consciousness in humans; an observation that is purely subjective. But that's besides the point. How is spiritual views relevant in my...
  18. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Because your name is NTJ. So maybe an ENTJ? So either INTJ or ENTJ? It's the same basic functions.
  19. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    You will get the answers that your question beg. You are bound to get big facts if you ask dull questions. INTJs like to ask those kinds of questions.
  20. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    A common misconception. Imagine a game of Jenga. What do you see? Do you see a tower or do you see the individual pieces of wood that it's built off? We INTP look at life as we play Jenga - we examine each piece one at a time to see which ones are fixed and which ones are not. We examine...
  21. Proletar

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is...
  22. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Perhaps no aspect of mind is more familiar or more puzzling than consciousness and our conscious experience of self and world. The problem of consciousness is arguably the central issue in current theorizing about the mind. Despite the lack of any agreed upon theory of consciousness, there is a...
  23. Proletar

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    I can now proudly declare that I just did some mushrooms! My first hallucinogenic, and a small dose. Just to see where I'm at. I quickly by 1am took a nip from the bag and started to chew it. People say that shrooms taste horrible, but I really couldn't see the big deal. It tastes like any...
  24. Proletar

    1 + 1 does not equal 2

    No, actually it equals to whatever the hell I tell you it equals. Edit: I've found these sort of stuff interesting before, and I've been wondering about some scales. We know that the decibel-scale is tilted and how, but what about celsius? Is 80 twice as hot as 40? This becomes more...
  25. Proletar

    Look at me. I'm Spider-man now!

    Look at me. I'm Spider-man now!
  26. Proletar

    The Mighty INTP's and Deja vu

    Well then. *Leans back and pulls the bretelles into place* Besides the NT, NF, SP and SJ you could also divide the personality-types into two groups - judging types and percieving types. What separates the judging types from us (according to MBTI) is that the judgers have an...
  27. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    The INTJ always give me some sort of headache. When I'm interacting with one, I just KNOW there will be dinner and some synchronized dancing before anything can be concluded. ;) Alright then. If I didn't get THAT premise, there must be others I haven't gotten either. Just to clearify: If I've...
  28. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Changing the question when we don't get the answer we are looking for, are we? If I'm playing with friends, I obviously wont stab them in the back to get more powerful. That is being a dick. I used to play world of warcraft and I dominated, thank you, but I didn't do it on the expense of my...
  29. Proletar

    Why do you like debating?

    That seems like a very INTJ way to respond. Yes and no. There are absolute truths out there, and there are absolute falses. I'm not saying an intellectual discussion is absolutely true and a discussion isn't, but the main difference would be that an intellectual discussion strives to...
  30. Proletar

    Why do you like debating?

    I don't like to debate. Debating sucks since they are not even about what's true and what's not, but about winning. Intellectual discussions on the other hand, oh my. That's probably my favourite thing. Discussing a subject in an effort to understand the subject. Understanding is great.
  31. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    Cognisant is an ENTP by the way.
  32. Proletar

    To dominate or to harmonize?

    WELL.... mmorpgs are much more fun if there are more people playing them. To 'dominate' the other players would be to get separated from them, and in the end just assisting them to get back to your level. I'd go with harmony. Why?
  33. Proletar

    I am curious to hear how other INTPs act day-to-day.

    Well. I would probably sum up my life to that of an anti-hero. I work in the telemarketing-business. We call people from 16 to 21, collecting fees. Currently, I've been working hard. I arrive at the place either right on time or one minute late, and I score loads of sales. Yesterdays goal was 4...
  34. Proletar

    Funny sex words

    I find pickup-lines with sex-metaphores incredibly hilarious. Apart from "The old in-out" (which is the funniest of them all) there really is a gold-mine of great puns. If I was wearing lipstick at the pub a friday night (I'm totally a male) and someone approached me, I would totally fall for...
  35. Proletar

    Sad / depressive songs?

    Heres more: Pioneers in sad music, singing in my native tounge of swedish. They are as hated as they are loved, and I at some point turned my coat and started to really absorb their message. As of today, nothing hits me quite as deep as these tunes. Does it translate or is it just the...
  36. Proletar

    How Many Best Friends Have You Ever Had?

    I have moved around a lot during my life. Last time I counted, it was 25 times. Moving around from appartment to appartment that is. I've been changing schools four times and have lived in four different cities. I've had two or three best friends so far. People that understood me and shared my...
  37. Proletar

    The Mighty INTP's and Deja vu

    Just the occational acid flashback. Why would INTPs have a higher rate than anyone else on deja vus? INTPs are not relying on stored information, like the IJ-types.
  38. Proletar

    Yeah, I'm back(ish) too.

    I'm gonna go with "you were gone?". Have read some of your posts. Good stuff I would say. I'm Proletar, if we havn't met before. You know what they say. Don't confuse the art with the artist.
  39. Proletar

    Let's plunder Wikipedia!

    Ahoy, buckos! 'Tis a great journey at hand, laddies. At our horizon lies a great and vast kingdom of godly knowledge. No great adversary, no ancient Kraken on the way there, and our rivaling looters have since long kicked the bucket. We have the finest crew of surfers available for the task at...
  40. Proletar

    Merry Christmas!

    - Something really is wrong, proletar said. - Yes, it's in the air, THD answered with his right hand stroking his thick and long grown beard. -No reason to get excited though. We are well armed this time. Heavy snow was still pouring from the heavens, burying everyone and everything below it...
  41. Proletar

    Merry Christmas!

    Proletar was not engaged in the festivities. He sat in the corner, leaning back in his chair with his legs crossed. The faint glow from his pipe lit up his face and revieled his two watchful eyes, staring out into the dark forest. He knew that The Cat was soon to appear. The Cat, that had...
  42. Proletar

    Preparing for the end of the world

    My microwave is trying to eat me, and my TV started showing a picture of Satan a few hours back. Oh, and Cogs avatar has blood allover it from where I'm watching. Other than that, everything is normal. *Whistles nonchalantly*
  43. Proletar

    Turncoat Collective

    Please decypher the following to prove that you're not a bot: 1'm /-\ 60T
  44. Proletar

    Connecticut Massacre

    So he was one of them introverts? -.-
  45. Proletar

    Connecticut Massacre

    But, my boy! The fondling fathers had no idea what the private sector would be capable of, because they lived in a whole different world. In fact, they wrote those stuff right in the beginning of our current system. They were great men, sure, but they didn't have super-powers. To them, it was...
  46. Proletar

    Words that piss you off

    "Ab-Glider is a revolution for your abs" "Listerine Gold, with it's revolutionizing new formula, protects your breath for 24 hours instead of 18" "Kitchen Wizard Plus revolutionizes the way women cut vegetables in the kitchen" Yes, often just stupid. Actually, a lot about the TV-shop...
  47. Proletar

    Connecticut Massacre

    Good for you. Decensy is very important to me as well. I wouldn't do anything against my moral compass. Even though I'm broke at the moment and will be for atleast another week, I wouldn't steal or harm anyone to get money. Even if that means I'll have to live on rice or even starve. Similarly...
  48. Proletar

    Drinking Alone

    I usually don't like drinking, and I usually don't drink. Sure, it's social and you do crazy (stuff that you don't normally do, meh) but on the other hand, the reason you can do it at all is because you don't care; it's not worth anything to you. So why consume something that makes you do stupid...
  49. Proletar

    Connecticut Massacre

    In the pockets of you and I - the decent and honest ones. Because you are one of the honest ones, arent you, snafupants? Arent you? :) Guns are a destructive force, usually used to protect other stuff. With no drugs to push and no means of power (Well... Venezuelan sand-revolvers), the cartells...
  50. Proletar

    Connecticut Massacre

    I don't think I exactly understand your scenario in the first column there. Sorry. But sort of. To just clearly state my position: I think drugs should be legal, and weapons illegal. That is, during this stage in history. How can there be law without government? But since we're here, let's make...
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