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Search results

  1. Proletar

    Starship Troopers theories.

    Really? You people don't like the movie? :confused: Sure, it's not the same as the book, but still. It's great sci-fi. I'll have to sleep on this...
  2. Proletar

    Starship Troopers theories.

    Well he isn't gay, that's for sure.
  3. Proletar

    Most recent insight

    There is no meaning in life. We live in an anarchy, and it just happens to be ordered as a society at the time. When I first realized this, I found it very sad, and I was lower down in my depression than ever. A normal person would just write this off as ramblings of self-pity, but I stayed...
  4. Proletar

    Starship Troopers theories.

    This is a great part of the 90's. Starship Troopers - Star Wars and Star Trek combined with propaganda and politics. I have some theories regarding what really happened in this film. Spoilers: Further thoughts are welcomed.
  5. Proletar

    I do drugs because I don't want to feel sad

    Da Blob: Excellent perspective! I have myself been very much depressed in the previous four months or so. Each day, living through anxiety and panic with every breath. My life felt completely useless, and I thought of aging and dying, disease and suffering, living in a world full of suffering...
  6. Proletar

    The Monty Hall problem

    The leverage lies in the fact that the hoast ALWAYS opens a goat-door - the hoast knows. This inverts the probability. (C = prize) If you choose A, he opens B. If you choose B, he opens A. If you choose C, he opens either A or B. Which is 1/3 for the prize if you stay with your chosen one...
  7. Proletar

    Roger (from American Dad) an INTP?

    ESFP, I would suppose. Oh, look: http://www.personalitypage.com/ESFP.html This describes that character pretty good I would say.
  8. Proletar


    I can see ways to improve it.
  9. Proletar

    INTP humor

    Hah, didn't see that one coming. :D
  10. Proletar

    INTP humor

    - Mommy, can I have a cookie? - Sure thing honey. They are in a jar on the top-shelf. Have as many as you want. - But I don't have any arms... - No arms, no cookie. My standing favourite.
  11. Proletar

    INTPs are the homicidal, sociopathic type.

    Appropriately provoked... Doesn't this count for each and every individual on the planet? If I've learnt anything from the upper pop-culture of the 20:th century, it must be that everyone can be a killer, or a serial-killer, if they are set under the right circumstances. Just see the Jokers...
  12. Proletar

    Depressed? It may be because of your porn addiction.

    Now this is interesting. I think that this internet-life, the life of a 10second attention-span, is what really dehumanizes us. With immediate stimulation wherever we look, it's hard to really develop thinking or feeling on a deeper level. And if we are troubled by something, it's very easy...
  13. Proletar

    The End of Science

    Your analogy makes sense. IF WE ARE CURRENTLY BEING ATTACKED BY MARS.
  14. Proletar

    New theory (of mine)

    First off: All analogies are flawed. It's the power in them - to show a pattern in different forms - that make them great. The cell/body one is great since it speaks of a unit and a system, and their relation. This is noted from everyone that objects to it, and I agree. I however don't think...
  15. Proletar

    New theory (of mine)

    First off: Why base such a basic level of human interactions on the ground of the individual? Humans are social beings. There are crabs and snakes that hatch out of their eggs and immediately walk off on their own, whilst humans need many years of care to even have a chance of survival, and...
  16. Proletar

    Depressed? It may be because of your porn addiction.

    No, he didn't. (Yes, he didn't? No, they do? Yes, they do? Confusing. Anyway, he couldn't find a control group.)
  17. Proletar

    Depressed? It may be because of your porn addiction.

    ctrl + shift + N. No but seriously, this is an interesting perspective. But is everyone really addicted? He mensions that he couldn't find a control-group since everyone used pornography, but that doesn't mean that everyone uses it to an unhealthy degree. The same applies for those who quit...
  18. Proletar

    Classification Paradox

    You are an INTP, and there is nothing you can do about it. :-]
  19. Proletar

    how you wake up?

    I lay in bed as long as i possibly can, and then I get up. If I'm to be at work at 7:00, I set my alarm clock at 6:02, because you know... 6:00 is too early, and 6:05 is too late. Then I usually snooze until 6:40, making twisted reprioritations lying in bed: 6:02 - I can have some sandwiches...
  20. Proletar

    Obsessive Thoughts

    Find one for a test-drive, then? Give that mofo model some of your extraverted intuition along with all this thinking maybe. You know, like playing that Xbox at your friends house after reading about it for two years. Get sober and real about it.
  21. Proletar

    Lonely and depressed over the summer...

    Same here, with the depression and all. Nice to meet you.
  22. Proletar

    INTPs with ADD?

    Ritalin, unlike amphetamine, doesn't affect (mess with) the dopamine-system. That's why it's preferred.
  23. Proletar

    ~1/2 an hour

    I'm not impressed... :D
  24. Proletar

    Top 5 singers

    What kind of thread is this? PEOPLE - JANIS JOPLIN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzNEgcqWDG4
  25. Proletar

    Specific answers for general questions?

    I was also diagnosed with ADD, and now that I think of it, I'm not sure that I have it. I just get bored doing things that I don't care about, and thereby present poor results in such activities. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure that ADD really exists as more than a wrongfull piece of...
  26. Proletar

    INTP shit you did as a child

    Once, I threw one of my two year older brothers friends into the river. We were playing a variant of hide and seek, and I was down by the river (deep and with underwater-currants that drowned people every year) hiding, and accidentally fell into the cold water, due to some reed that looked like...
  27. Proletar

    5 Favorite Bands/Music Artists

    5: The Doors. They opened up something completely new, and then, apparently, closed that door behind them since there is little that is like them. Childish but horrifying tunes, one after one. "People are strange" is probably the best example of that. I hardly enjoy lyrics, but Morrison really...
  28. Proletar

    INFJ INTP ISTP forums combine for a mass trolling?

    Why not just a combined forum... For rationalists?
  29. Proletar

    Problem remembering names?

    Oh that's a good one. I'm good at faces too. The name is probably the last thing a learn about someone. "She has two dogs, one golden retriever and one husky. She's been at this job for two years and coloured her hair last time about two weeks ago, when she also switched perfume. She...
  30. Proletar

    Problem remembering names?

    I don't know if this is something universal to INTPs or if it's just me, but I have serious trouble remembering names. Always been bad at it, because names don't make sense. They are given to you at your birth or before it, and you've got nothing to show for having it. I deal with it by...
  31. Proletar

    Is there such a phenomenon as closed communities?

    Try the gated communities of USA, or Mexico, or probably about any country without a functional social safety-net. The rich locks themselves in in their luxury-prisons. "Chains of gold are still chains".
  32. Proletar

    let's talk about beer!

    I'm more of a wine-person myself. You don't have to do the eternity-loop between the sofa and the bathroom, it doesn't get you off your ass way too fast like with hard liqour, and it tastes really good.
  33. Proletar

    Life is so fucking short

    I'm considered young, and my life sucks as well. I can honestly say that I don't know a lot about the midlife experience, but I can confirm, from a non-nostalgic perspective, that being young sucks as well.
  34. Proletar

    How do you use your intuition?

    I get this all the time. Regretting that I didn't go with my gut. It's a constant struggle, really, knowing and sensing. I think that is why I've even try to reach knowledge, to prove or disprove my gut-feeling.
  35. Proletar

    INTPs with ADD?

    I'm also diagnsed with ADD - not ADHD. I think that ADD is just a way to diagnose certain personality types, because both descriptions (INTP and ADD) sounds alike. There is a big canyon between psychology and psychiatry that shouldn't be there.
  36. Proletar

    Why did you pick your name?

    I've used this name for years in video-games, being the one that always has to do all the work...
  37. Proletar

    How do you use your intuition?

    I read people fast. Moreover, if I'm myself at balance, I can pretty much see how they are feeling, what type of person they are, if they are secure, if they are lying to themselves or me, repressing stuff or need to say something, and so forth. Having trouble reaching them though. Not like...
  38. Proletar

    Obscure Jazz music

    THANK YOU! I've been looking for some more of this kind for a great deal of time, and now I've got a whole case. Love this forum! :-] A bit like Secret Oyster yes. Although Fläsket seems to be more built around melody. Just for that, a bonus recommendation...
  39. Proletar

    Have you experienced INTP loneliness & isolation?

    Ten years ago, I thought of myself way, way too serious. I'd remember stuff that I had done that was emberrassing and just freeze, cursing my existance. I handled it by bending the stick. I did a lot of really emberrassing stuff just to be more comfortable in my day-to-day... Like standing up...
  40. Proletar

    INTP (good) musicians?

    Some memories of my musical progress just came back to me. Probably (almost definetly) my three fondest ones: First one, my second year of playing music. I was about 10 and in school, we sort of had a voluntary class of music for one hour each week. I played bass, and was showing to be good at...
  41. Proletar

    INTP at school: How do you do it?

    Depends for me. If I've studied, I always get the highest grades. If not, I can usually formulate an answer just from the question, and still pass. How wonderful it is that my teachers werent concerned about historical dates during my schoolyears.
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