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Search results

  1. nanook

    Activisty Zeal

    Empathy is a complex spiritual quality and is in no way guaranteed to ship with a feeling function, wherever in the stack this function will be installed. My empathy is also damaged/intimidated and i might be F dominant (although doubts about that have been creeping onto me again, lately). I...
  2. nanook

    strategical or tactical?

    This formulation is way too confusing .... If my understanding is right, the tactical type would feel uncreative, whenever he doesn't know what to do with his ductus of subjective methods or when he has no opportunity to train and expand this ductus, however he would search for a goal inside, a...
  3. nanook

    strategical or tactical?

    going by this I am generally inclined to be tactical. Examples: I invent a way of using my computer efficiently, before i decide what exactly to do with it. (Even though I will also invent methods that ought to work towards only one specific goal, but i will often get lost in the creative...
  4. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    my favorite INTP, ben (I'm sure he would kick my ass for typing him, he is very radical about dismissing objective judgement of the logical kind in favor of subjective judgement) highly recommend a subscription though. and no, i don't understand how he and ken wilber could possibly be the...
  5. nanook

    What is it like being a genious?

    heh, and the ruler of all cats is mega genius kim dot com
  6. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    okay, thanks for your perspective. i want her to stab me real bad. i think secret intentions are Ji or simply introversion. i think the eye theory needs fine tuning, there must be an outspoken distinction between dominant eye and active eye, it seems all right handed people have a dominant...
  7. nanook

    You know you're an Intp when...

    when you feel like you are almost the only one left posting on intpforum because everyone else has a life.
  8. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    i think she is pretty darn lovely, to say it in a british way. i think she is intp or infp. small chance of her being infj i guess. but she discusses how to judge subjectively (JiJe) like a rational type. she never bothers to discuss subjective process (Ni). so no, infj is out. her eyes remind...
  9. nanook

    INTPs and creativity.

    I believe Ti is creative as fuck, about thoughts. It's difficult to stop and make attempts to perceive reality, because the Ti mind will invent a reality and often mistake it for the real thing. It's the king of hypothesis. "it must be this way, because if i was god, i would have created it this...
  10. nanook

    What is it like being a genious?

    i've read something in a facebook picture about intelligence without responsibility (and a right to be receive/take responsibility over something) turning into automatic self-destruction. probably true.
  11. nanook


    I'm loosing memories and sometimes also momentarily my subjective attachment to memories, in those moments my favorite images (art collection) don't look like mine anymore, my face on photos doesn't look like mine (and i see more of what it has in common with other faces, than what is distinctly...
  12. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    the neurosoup girl. INTJ? INTP? sensor? she is such facts person, but i guess this is just the public persona. it's an Fe smile, right? http://i.imgur.com/GBldHy4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9U2rIok.jpg does she resemble the director from #8? similar eyebrows, round and untouched by attitude...
  13. nanook

    socionics.com TURBO /// XL Personality

    big type of thing? you mean like a directive type? like a hunter coming for your soul? i know, i'm crazy.
  14. nanook

    V.I. brainstorm some random strangers + celebs

    what do you think? i think enneagram nine, don't risk saying more. let's call him mark http://i.imgur.com/ouvjTk6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/fghNSbV.jpg he reminds me of the sunnyboy that is hardly recognizable computerhxr profile. along with matthew mcconaughey. why do i associate these two...
  15. nanook

    socionics.com TURBO /// XL Personality

    this is what it looks like if i am logged into socionics personals with my twitter account. it really looks like the profile is only linked to that one turbo xl test, that i have linked above, but perhaps the other available tests play into it all somehow, if you take all of them...
  16. nanook

    socionics.com TURBO /// XL Personality

    well, damn. i'm sorry to waste everyone's time with this thread. i don't have the attention span to fix it right now. perhaps someone knows this website better than i do? anyhow, there is lot's to discover on there. also i must say, this intp profile rubs me the wrong way.
  17. nanook

    socionics.com TURBO /// XL Personality

    you didn't get the text? damn it, i was afraid this would happen. i can't remember how i got the text, because i got it months ago. your result is sort of meaningless though, with those two questionmarks. is that why it didn't give you the text?
  18. nanook

    Do scary movies scare you?

    i can be on the edge of my seat, as intended, but i can handle it reasonably well. i can't remember a movie that was so scary that i was inclined to abort it. certainly not alien or antichrist or cute stuff like that. i do remember movies that were so gross that i was offended by the theme...
  19. nanook

    socionics.com TURBO /// XL Personality

    what i like about this test, is that it gives me a personalized profile text, that includes all the sentences, that i have chosen in the test, so even if the result (type) may be wrong, the profile text is so aligned with my persona, that i am inclined to use it on a dating site or similar...
  20. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    you mean like the holistic model of libertarian capitalism, which feeds on the archaic thought of survival of the fittest? precisely what i say. no fucking lowest-common-denominator-serving mainstream-approved system, like those fascist DSM psychiatry motherfuckers, must be allowed to mange the...
  21. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    i don't even know what she said about vaccines, i take it that your formulation "fearmongering over vaccines" is the most objective summary though. it's also relative to your personal opinion on vaccines. and what do i know about vaccines, i'm a psychotic vegan who thinks animal products are...
  22. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    she does have the VI of a dominant perceiver, i've noticed that. i just have difficulty bringing her together with other supposed infj, who seem so much more woody in their appearance. her public appearance is also driven by sharing judgement, as if she were a fluently rational type, as opposed...
  23. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    it's not narcissistic to demonstrate who you are in all of your glory, it's narcissistic to not really know yourself and to project your subjective anxieties and limits and wants into the world, as if they were values that others ought to grow into. her values are not subjective (on an...
  24. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    you should psychoanalyse the sanity of those who think she is a dangerous cult leader. they are the ones who have been programmed by cults, sometimes by christian cults such as "the church" (or worse), sometimes by capitalist cults...
  25. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    she is objective about feeling. she is consequent. she takes responsibility for hers and inspires you to do the same with yours. the objectivity of it all can be scary and alien to introverts like us. introverts don't understand how people can get so involved into reality, through their own...
  26. nanook

    Teal Scott MBTI type?

    i have always thought of her as enfj, not because i know enfj who are like her, i don't know enfj, but because if i was god and had to invent a bunch of FeNi types i would use her as a sample. she makes me want to be enfj. she certainly has a talent for making people accuse her of horrible...
  27. nanook

    Left Handed or Right Handed?

    right handed personality: I let my fingernails grow. they are very strong. wet bits of skin from scratching my head turn black under my fingernails, i clean almost daily but i can't keep up. it's sensitive hands, neither long nor wide, perfect compromise. my ringfinger is longer than my index...
  28. nanook

    How NERDY are You?

    didn't have the patience to sit through it, my score will be super low-nerdy. i'm not even a trekkie or computer geek any more. am something else now. psycho-nerd? perhaps.
  29. nanook


    you aborted the test half way through - you are paranoid. seriously this test will know me better than i do and it won't reveal any of that knowledge by giving me a buzzword like harmonizer, all of that knowledge ends up some place else.
  30. nanook

    What is wrong with me?

    oh, this is the right post. I don't think we have learned a lot about your personality, yet. You are socially open or know how to communicate this fact, everyone gets to feel that you are not just responding to letters or perspectives on a screen, but to a person. You have your way of seeing...
  31. nanook

    What is wrong with me?

    You are warm and empathic with a heightened awareness of social responsibility and a strong sense of conscience. You like to carefully weigh up the pros and cons of a situation before you act and are generally averse to taking risks. You are very much a ‘people person’ and dislike conflict. ‘Do...
  32. nanook

    Do you think this guy is a true INFP?

    i was thinking he might be entj with enneagram nine personality. clearly tamed down, unlike Q. tarantino, who is one of my sample entj. but a similar physiology, huge guy, huge physical presence, huge chin, very open eyes with high floating eyebrows, i bet people come to him and expect maternal...
  33. nanook

    INTP and anger, anyone else?

    i'm glad you read this one
  34. nanook

    INTP and anger, anyone else?

    we enneagram nines are unaware of the aggression that comes through despite our attempts to play it down. for instance many of our posts are critical of something, perhaps even unconstructive (or not - I try to be constructive at all times, but i have not always been that way) and they may...
  35. nanook

    Trolls according to the MBTI

    Yeah that list sounds plausible. The subject came up the other day on typeC, some supposed entj claiming that entp aren't really trolls, because trolling is supposedly Si (or shadow Ne, as he puts it), ahaha. Should i post a response? Am i suicidal? :ahh04:
  36. nanook

    I don't know myself

    you shouldn't invent crap about yourself, just so you can boast about how well you know yourself. many people, myself included, do this, to compensate for their total lack of direction in life. not knowing who you are in conceptual ways is natural, however it's also natural to know what you want...
  37. nanook

    Intuitives are social.

    to conceptualize thinking as hard and feeling as soft is in and of itself a sensing perspective upon feeling and thinking. one could also conceptualize feeling as warm and thinking as cold. these are both static impressions, sensing perspectives. to conceptualize feeling as associative and...
  38. nanook

    INTP and anger, anyone else?

    the five acting up as a commanding eight (enneagram), to cover up a feeling of being overwhelmed. the five fears the intrusion of alien motivations. intrusion is often active behavior coming from other people, but it can also be their neediness or incompetence or reluctance. the five will stay...
  39. nanook

    Intuitives are social.

    i'm straying off a little bit for the topic, but i provide some personal subjective background on why i see things that way. i currently hold the believe that i am an NF and in the back of my mind an ST type. (FiNe-SiTe) i can deal with singles pixels of a graphic design or with details of...
  40. nanook

    Intuitives are social.

    I say Intuition is comprehension of process. What need is there for evolution to bring about a form of intelligence that understands process? I say social life. The process of nature is not as manipulable and therefore of much less relevance to our kind. Tertiary and Inferior understanding...
  41. nanook

    The Interview

    How do we get a peace loving population to watch a propaganda movie that involves a rather unprovoked violent take over? We allow/encourage them to pirate/legally download it. I used the movie to test tribler, a torrent client that can use a tor network to connect, so it should be anonymous...
  42. nanook

    Index page causing problems for other INTPforum pages

    speaking of auto-refresh, i am using firefox and in so called live-topics the last post keeps disappearing after a few seconds, just while i'm in the middle of reading it. this has been happening since forever. what is this feature even supposed to do? add new posts to the thread? i wish i could...
  43. nanook

    Neato MBTI Test

    did it twice, first result was 80% INFP, second result was 71% INTP. first time round i insisted on skipping all questions about which i was ambivalent, second time i chose to respond to these questions from an unashamedly schizoid point of view. i also felt that his celebrity list is...
  44. nanook

    Are you the firstborn or only child?

    nestling, problem child, black sheep yeah, firstborn represses and projects inferiority last born gets taught the pleasure of repressing and projecting ideas of adequacy didn't vote, since i'm probably not intp parents tend to compare children. the younger ones are shown what they are...
  45. nanook

    which of your eyebrows holds an attitude?

    6 people have voted. where are the other 6 users who are interested in typology? :storks:
  46. nanook

    which of your eyebrows holds an attitude?

    still trying to figure out the meaning of eye brow holding. right vs left. notice, this is about "right" and "left" from the perspective of the person who is attached to those brows. possibilities: - thinking vs feeling (in dom or auxiliary position). my preferred hypothesis. - E vs I...
  47. nanook

    Does This Work?

    rape whom? Fruit? unidentifiable captcha codes? the fact that you can see the left rear foot of the one who looks more like a zebra means that he is on top, that the other one is the reflection in the water. in other words the black and white version looks a little bit impossible. the...
  48. nanook

    Psychology isn't real

    OrLevitate's mother isn't real either. sincerely, Psychology.
  49. nanook

    Am I an INTP?

    you are probably T dominant for being socially inept and worrying about it, but having a way of thinking that other people can not understand is no sure sign of intuition, because Ti (even if combined with sensation) can become so abstract that it becomes disagreeable to virtually anyone else...
  50. nanook

    Does the MBTI make you feel special?

    knowing mbti and similar structural elements makes me feel special. being my type makes me feel like shit. it has never payed out. and i can't connect the two, even if it seems like i may have a moderate talent for understanding typology, due to my type (am still confused though, only on a...
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