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Teal Scott MBTI type?

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Definitely extroverted judger and definitely N.

Not sure about Fe or Te, thinking Fe because Nanook says so. She seems more Fe than Te during interviews. Definitely has issues with Se, very image oriented. Sort of narcissistic and manipulative. Comes of as a narcissistic phony in a lot of her videos though which makes me think Te+Fi. Has that angry trailblazing quality.

Not sure about I or E. Seems pretty balanced.


Put me in Coach
Local time
Today 9:21 AM
Nov 11, 2009
ENFJ. 56% positive. Hard to type because she believes in Aliens and weird rocks.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Yeah ENFJ makes sense, too much of a dabbly entrepreneur to be an INFJ. Too socially smooth and too vibrant to be an INTJ which would otherwise allow for entrepreneurial qualities via Te. Her goals and focus seem to ethereal to suit an ENTJ, but she does pursue them like one. So yeah I think she's an ENFJ.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Jan 24, 2013
I think believing in aliens and weird rocks fits perfectly with INFJ -just in a crazy sort of way.

Other than that, boring video.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
I just wonder where do all here reports and ideas come from. What are the origines. Its one thing believing those things. Its another thing if she really at least gets what she is talking about.


Local time
Today 6:21 AM
Jan 24, 2012

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
She's basically a con artist in it for glory. Didn't she recently make up some story about there being a bunch of childraping satanist cults out there? She also had a patient commit suicide then blamed said patient for not following her advice.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
i have always thought of her as enfj, not because i know enfj who are like her, i don't know enfj, but because if i was god and had to invent a bunch of FeNi types i would use her as a sample. she makes me want to be enfj.

she certainly has a talent for making people accuse her of horrible things.

or maybe people are just horrible.


Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
I have to say that she convinced me when i started watching her videos. I wasn't like, uhhh look at this bitch how manipulative she is, i won't follow. Anarchy.
So i don't know if i'm under the influence of her voice which i found very pleasant but i don't get that fakeness vibe from her as you all say.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 4:21 AM
Mar 14, 2010
She seems kind of nutter-buttery in a cult leader kind of way. I'm typing her nutter-butter.


Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
I mean yeah, looking at the wide range of videos she has and stuff, she's kinda playing the leader of a secret cthulhu cult but i mean, maybe she's not a bad person. Maybe she's just taking adventage of what makes her special ¿?


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
she is objective about feeling. she is consequent. she takes responsibility for hers and inspires you to do the same with yours. the objectivity of it all can be scary and alien to introverts like us.

introverts don't understand how people can get so involved into reality, through their own vision, not just following orders, that they shape the life of other people, like politicians and many other extroverts. was ghandi a psychopath as well?

look at some of her blogs, where she reveals more insight into her mind, than in most videos (although she blogs transcripts of videos as well)






if you think either psychopaths or narcissists are emotionally aware like she is, then you should work on your definition of both terms and you are also type-bashing, because if she is psychopath, other enfj are worse, because they are less intelligent and therefore less integral, more fundamentalist about their views of what the objective reality of feeling calls us towards.

she is making money, in a crazy world, where you have two options, enslave yourself and do the work of the machine cult of capitalism OR be a human being and be disrespected for it and be poor as fuck. she has invented a third option for herself. she is being herself 100% and adding some metaphorical fancy that makes it into a commercial product that is interesting for a broad spektrum of consumer markets, pre-rational people AND trans-rational people and possibly many people who are in-between.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
you should psychoanalyse the sanity of those who think she is a dangerous cult leader. they are the ones who have been programmed by cults, sometimes by christian cults such as "the church" (or worse), sometimes by capitalist cults.




Resident disMember
Local time
Today 4:21 AM
Mar 14, 2010
^ The thing that I have trouble with is how she will interpret problems and expect that other people not only agree with the interpretation, but also to make changes in their lives based on those problems. She's indirectly telling people what to believe, without even realizing it. If there was a little more give and take between her and the people that follow her and a little more questioning of what she sees as problems, people could make up their own minds and suit their beliefs to themselves, instead of absorbing hers.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Jan 24, 2013
You mean to tell me people actually follow all that BS she goes on about? That's just too crazy for me.


Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
^ The thing that I have trouble with is how she will interpret problems and expect that other people not only agree with the interpretation, but also to make changes in their lives based on those changes. She's indirectly telling people what to believe, without even realizing it. If there was a little more give and take between her and the people that follow her and a little more questioning of what she sees as problems, people could make up their own minds and suit their beliefs to themselves, instead of absorbing hers.

is it objective to say there are no objective truths about emotional guideness? If so...
not everyone likes coke cola. For a bunch of different reasons. Some of them apparently objective. But among the drinkers you'll see there are small dose drinkers and abusive drinkers.
you are free to choose.
you can taste both coke and her and you wouldn't notice the difference. She would be some sort of Pepsi. Or expensive Marlboro.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
You mean to tell me people actually follow all that BS she goes on about? That's just too crazy for me.

Hey she's wise alright, just because I don't believe in her spiritual mumbo jumbo that don't mean you can't take anything from what she says. She's also interesting from a meta-perspective because she's very effective at communicating.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
she is objective about feeling. she is consequent. she takes responsibility for hers and inspires you to do the same with yours. the objectivity of it all can be scary and alien to introverts like us.

Hmm interesting, hadn't thought about it like that. Need time 2 process.

she is making money, in a crazy world, where you have two options, enslave yourself and do the work of the machine cult of capitalism OR be a human being and be disrespected for it and be poor as fuck. she has invented a third option for herself. she is being herself 100% and adding some metaphorical fancy that makes it into a commercial product that is interesting for a broad spectrum of consumer markets, pre-rational people AND trans-rational people and possibly many people who are in-between.

Fair enough. I don't think she's a psychopath, definitely a narcissist to some degree though. She's got that thing going where she traps people in her own narrative. I don't think it's fair to say narcissists can't have emotional insight, they most certainly can, it just doesn't come naturally for them what with the mental barriers they put up to shield their persona in order that it may appear to them as if their person. But if a narcissist is smart and wants to get places said narcissist will learn what's needed. Besides there are different degrees of narcissism. I would say her's isn't healthy but not quite pathological either.

I'ma read her blog posts brb.


Resident disMember
Local time
Today 4:21 AM
Mar 14, 2010
is it objective to say there are no objective truths about emotional guideness? If so...
not everyone likes coke cola. For a bunch of different reasons. Some of them apparently objective. But among the drinkers you'll see there are small dose drinkers and abusive drinkers.
you are free to choose.
you can taste both coke and her and you wouldn't notice the difference. She would be some sort of Pepsi. Or expensive Marlboro.

That's not really...

Alright, her desensitization blogposthing,
she makes the overall claim that desensitization is the problem from which other problems arise. If someone asked me however, I'd say desensitization is a tool that allows human beings to deal with painful situations that they have no control over. On the one hand, she could be right that if someone uses desensitization to numb their emotions in the long term, then it's a problem; but on the other hand, as I would suggest, desensitization can be healthy by letting you deal with a hard situation as best as possible.

so...who is right? Well she seems to believe desensitization is a slippery slope and so it's not a good thing at all. And sometimes it is, but not always. So...what happens when people aren't smart enough to critically analyze what she says? ...Can't imagine it would be wise to tell someone not to numb their emotions when it might be better for them to be relatively calm and collected. It all depends of course,,, but...

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Despite being an avid food lover and cook, Teal must watch her diet incredibly closely so as to not spontaneously astral project or channel.

Also that Biography... narcissist.. even for a biography. Teal. Teal. Teal. Very awkward the way it reads like either she herself or someone who views her as a god wrote it. Furthermore, vaccines gave her superpowers therefore vaccines are dangerous, ugh.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
it's not narcissistic to demonstrate who you are in all of your glory, it's narcissistic to not really know yourself and to project your subjective anxieties and limits and wants into the world, as if they were values that others ought to grow into. her values are not subjective (on an egocentric level), they are generically human. at least this is the part of her, that i appreciate so much. nobody, including herself, doubts, that she has various shadows (she often blogs about things that she is just learning about herself), after all the shit she went through, granted this really happened that way. her mental health is most unusual, given such a past and is some sort of genius.

a narcissist becomes a narcissistic, because he does not have the inner freedom to become authentic about human fallibility. he feels that he must resemble something more perfect and mechanic in order to survive and he becomes the lie.

it's possible that this is a shadow of hers, but she also demonstrates more fallibility and vulnerability than anyone else i know, who shows up in public, in the self help sector.

i generally resent the idea that grown ups who provide advice should be taken out, because it would unfortunate if a hypothetical person x, who lacks critical thinking or the like, adopted one of their suggestions as if it were a religious dogma. this is a suffocating nazi mentality, it means human beings are not allowed to exchange their wisdom and the public world must be reduced to a psychopathic level of materialist objectification, where every person with sorrow does not receive "dangerously subjective" human love and advice, but is drugged by the pharma industry instead. whoever adopts any helpful concept as a dogma is just the victim of his own limitations and nobody can protect that person from these limitations, these people will adopt their psychopharmaka as dogma, their profession as dogma, whatever they come across ....


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
Found a bio after a quick google search
This is her site and it explicitly says she's an INFJ 4w3

she does have the VI of a dominant perceiver, i've noticed that. i just have difficulty bringing her together with other supposed infj, who seem so much more woody in their appearance. her public appearance is also driven by sharing judgement, as if she were a fluently rational type, as opposed to someone who dissapears in a subjective process. can you imagine keanu reeves preaching his judgement to the world? i have to think of that b-movie he did, where he films stuff with a camera, without commenting much. generation um. he is as woody as radiohead. this is more of an introverted dynamic format. but i guess this is all matter of personal variety.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
How is she vulnerable? She seems utterly invulnerable to me.

Fact is people are dogmatic and victims of their own limits, especially when it comes to spiritual and religious matters. It is easier to change teachings than humanity. If you're gonna be a public guru you have a responsibility to take this into account, for instance by not encouraging irrational fearmongering over vaccines so that people end up dead. And by not being so sure of yourself and your teachings or have so little empathy as to try and help someone highly suicidal by yourself rather than referring them to professionals.

Yeah the pharma industry sucks. Psychology sucks. Psychologists suck. Everything sucks. But things are constantly getting better even if it's a tango.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
i don't even know what she said about vaccines, i take it that your formulation "fearmongering over vaccines" is the most objective summary though. it's also relative to your personal opinion on vaccines.

and what do i know about vaccines, i'm a psychotic vegan who thinks animal products are responsible for most diseases of civilisation, including some of the viral infections.

have you ever contacted a professional? i have and not one has helped me. a clinic has helped me. a good clinic is a place with a random dynamic, nobody can be in control of what happens, other patients define the experience that you end up having, it's real life, it's pure vulnerability, it's dangerous as fuck and it's catalysing healing and growth and the materialist system (social security, german) hates good clinics like that, because they free people from the treadmill and then they want more, whereas a system-clinic is designed to break peoples hopes for emotional growth and to make them function like robots again, seeing that 'there is no other option' & 'inside of the clinic it's as much of a treadmill regime as outside, so i better choose to function in the outside again'.

professionals are usually random jerks without talent who follow a protocol because they have no personal genius. what i see is that people, who believe in professionalism, call the FUCKING POLICE if someone is suicidal on the internet. call the police on me, and i jump out of the window instantly.

i have only seen individuals who were once on the brink of total self-acceptance but lost it all and permanently, due to surrendering to a professional jerk who tells them that their personal process is a bad psychosis that must be suppressed using drugs.

i don't know the process by which she comes to her conclusions about objective topics like vaccines, so i can't judge.

she does not strike me as a person who would risk taking sides about a topic of such importance, when she is insecure about her judgement though. she does a lot of research, it's not like her spirit guides tell her what to say, i don't believe that.

and to answer on the matter of her vulnerability, see above. she basically runs a clinic of that kind, in her life, she is a part of it, it's her spirit, her overall attitude, be human, dig around in the irrational and emotional areas of yourself.

Cherry Cola

Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Mar 17, 2013
Yeah I have had and continue to have contact with professionals and most of the people I know have, for some its been crap and for some its been good. For me it's been mostly good. What are these dangers you speak of? I don't really follow all this stuff about the materialist society. When you say professionals are usually random jerks without talents it doesn't really much. Because people are usually random jerks without talents who follow protocol. It's a problem which permeates everything and as such cannot be used to fault something particular.

Sure public health suffers because its public, but at the same time health needs to be publicly available. It cannot be outsourced to the religious and spiritual because they mix their own subjective ideals into it creating holistic bodies of thought which both alienate most people and make them blind to their faults. Something as serious as health, physical and psychological should not be handled by organizations which feed off of archaic thoughts and emotions which warp reality. Yeah anti-psychotics in particular are prescribed far too often seeing as their drawbacks are severe as fuck.

And come on, anti vaccinists are idiots, they've got blood on their hands.

A lot of what you like about her seems to boil down to what you hate about society at large and how she provides some contrast to that.


a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 3:21 PM
Aug 16, 2011
Something as serious as health, physical and psychological should not be handled by organizations which feed off of archaic thoughts and emotions which warp reality.
you mean like the holistic model of libertarian capitalism, which feeds on the archaic thought of survival of the fittest? precisely what i say. no fucking lowest-common-denominator-serving mainstream-approved system, like those fascist DSM psychiatry motherfuckers, must be allowed to mange the sanity of people.

you are just not arrived in the new age yet :p

a lot of what i like about her boils down to the fact, that she is largely integral in her personal development. teal, turquoise and indigo are names of developmental stages. and her spirituality 2 and 3 correlate with these integral interpretations of human consciousness, which are far ahead of pluralist spirituality "1" (green) or religion (amber) or the borderline concepts of red and magenta, which are the initial views of many of her followers, she teaches people to let go of these regressive concepts and to adopt more integrative ones.

but unlike ken wilber (the major pundit of integral theory) she deals with emotions and territory, instead of dealing with empty maps. nothing against those maps, but we have use for integral leveled inspiration and guidance on the territory as well. unlike wilber she does not alienate people too much, because she is not too outspoken about how these stages define everything in life.

what i meant by 'dangerous as fuck', i was jokingly playing on your idea that it's dangerous when some individuals sit together and do shadow works, such as they do in her shadow house series. it's not quite as dangerous as eating a hamburger, but being alive is risky. i wouldn't go there, i wouldn't wish it on the devil.


Local time
Today 9:21 AM
Apr 11, 2014
Geez, I feel stupid. :o I judge way too fast.

Anyways, I'll try to tread lightly with this thing I have observed.

What a thinker would call "emotional cues, and reading expressions", a feeler would call "Intuiting spiritual energies".

What a thinker would call "Scientific and mathematical observations", a feeler would call "Mystical and paranormal intervention"

What a thinker would call "Neuroscience and psychology", a feeler would call "The divine flowing of energy through chakras and the existance of a tangible soul".

What a thinker would call "Cause and effect", a feeler would call "Law of attraction".

I've exaggerated a bit. But with some experience of NF's, explaining reality becomes different between them and I.

I think both are kinda on the same page, it's just that each are reading it in a completely different way.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Jan 24, 2013


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Oct 8, 2013
Okay, after looking into more of her stuff, it does seem to have more of a coherence than I had suspected. Even the indigo child thing seems a little more grounded. But I do think that the general milieu could use a little less spiritual conceit.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
Geez, I feel stupid. :o I judge way too fast.

Anyways, I'll try to tread lightly with this thing I have observed.

What a thinker would call "emotional cues, and reading expressions", a feeler would call "Intuiting spiritual energies".

What a thinker would call "Scientific and mathematical observations", a feeler would call "Mystical and paranormal intervention"

What a thinker would call "Neuroscience and psychology", a feeler would call "The divine flowing of energy through chakras and the existance of a tangible soul".

What a thinker would call "Cause and effect", a feeler would call "Law of attraction".

I've exaggerated a bit. But with some experience of NF's, explaining reality becomes different between them and I.

I think both are kinda on the same page, it's just that each are reading it in a completely different way.

Since when Thinkers cannot talk about spiritual stuff? Not every thinker is like you. Remember some people would type Jung as INTP.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 8:21 AM
Jan 24, 2013
I'm a lot like this bitch but I drop the spiritual shit before it starts cuz once you go down that road there's no goin' back.


One atom of me
Local time
Today 2:21 PM
Jul 27, 2013
Between concrete walls
I'm a lot like this bitch but I drop the spiritual shit before it starts cuz once you go down that road there's no goin' back.

MBTI was found on Jungs work and Jungs work deals mostly with spiritual things.

The thing that makes Jungs work so famous is mostly the fact that he was able to relate his work to modern people. He found ways to convey a meaning in practical words using spiritual content. The thing is that humans are mostly spiritual beings without them even realizing it. In some people there is even so much internal opposition between the spiritual and the rational that they grow psychotic or sick.
The mental world we live in is simply put incomplete if you dont recongize the spiritual aspects of your inner world. The thing is that Jungs work uncovered these aspects of human mind and created more fuller picture of what it means to be a whole and healthy being. There is a lot beneath the conscious mind. And yeah I know what you mean. No one needs to become a priest and fuck little boys to become "spiritual". All I am saying is that there are things happening in the mind that no matter how hard we try cannot be considered rational. So to fully understand the mind and see why some people are naturally spiritual and some people become spiritual and seek spiritual things one has to accept that side of his inner world.

EDIT: I dont like to be a follower of some spiritual movement either. I think the best way to work is to follow ones own instincts and go at ones own pace in developement.

Also I think as Jung said people can live their whole life without even knowing this side of them exist repressing it.
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