Misunderstandings can be intellectual or they can happen emotionally. Emotional misunderstandings often occur in controversial discussions due to conflicting value systems.
You said you 'feel' misunderstood instead of saying that he didn't understand what you were trying to convey.
How does your narrow perspective invalidate my larger perspective in regards to suffering? It isn't invalid because suffering is an invalid base for morals but because an individuals suffering is an invalid base for the rights of all mankind.
You are confusing methods with goals. Human rights as a concept is used as a method or structure for promoting your goals by limiting the powers of government and authority and it based on a set of goals you are aiming for. It might make more sense to say that 'human rights' are based on a...
Sounds like he is a step ahead of you in the argument and he's trying to bring you to where he is at the core of the argument. You are arguing that laws should be based on rights but he has moved past that to defining what rights should be based on. If he did so instinctively, he would have...
Sleeping pills should be avoided at all costs. Srsly, people did without sleeping pills and depression pills for a larger part of humanity. They lived in shittier conditions and were less likely to commit suicide. We've created all these shortcuts that will provide no long term success. Parents...
Wait, she had a breathing problem and instead of seeing a doctor she 'thinks' about it for whole year and experiments with it as if that would resolve it. WTF kind thought process is that? Then goes and sees some voodo emo master and displays an image of this lady as if any of this would be...
How do you INTP make the simple things so difficult. Then we have the opposite. People who are over simplifying it and suggesting it just be random.
The number of choices is so far down the list of importance. Pick the best option that has the greatest chance if success. If two tie for first...
I would look the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex in humans vs animals.
I have read somewhere that a higher number of synapsis can increase thought process but too much leads to autism...
I write software using MS Visual Studio for Microsoft applications. Bing offers the best results in regards to this and so out of habit I find myself using it all the time.
Not until this becomes more common.
I was hoping for a bean bag machine gun or something where the violence would actually be worth noting. A loud noise machine is kind of...
Re: How to be more decisiveness.
Work at the coffee shop. The dopamine levels will increase and you'll be more productive. Maybe read a book in the forrest at the creek, especially a fantasy book as this provides more immersion.
More options that are of no use are just distractions or...
In some cases the pedophile is only attracted to children. Could you expect them to be abstinent their whole life? Could you do it? They cannot even look at porn that they enjoy without going to jail for it. How long do you think most people can do that?
Doesn't seem so bad to me but then I think it would be interesting to be an Eunuch. Think of how objective I would be able to be.
I guess they are using shots to reduce testosterone in most cases because castration is too appalling for the general...
Sex right before you close your eyes or masturbation if a partner isn't available. It causes a natural chemical reaction in your body that destresses and relaxes you.
Can you simulate someone through a feeling context rather than visual? Its a mental process that is harder to recognize since it is less tangible and strongly linked to an intuitive-feeling bond. I find that the visualization part of the process isn't necessary for understanding.
I have crazy idea but it hasn't met the conditions of a hypothesis let alone a theory.
Consciousness is static entity that is in flux within a infinite number of possibilities. Each mind is an empty slot awaiting a consciousness and as the conditions change and we are presented with 'choice'...
Sir I would be much obliged if you spoke for your own concerns so that I may speak for mine. The lack of politeness and respect between you two fine people makes my gentleman like nature quiver with great discomfort.
Good day to you sir.
Just had thought, not really a new one, that I felt an itch to post.
A person who does not invest in their future (Mortgage, retirement, and life insurance) burdens their children, or the community(other peoples children) with their lack of financial planning when they are older and cannot work.
I think this argument ignores the emotional element which does require specific subjective needs (wants) to be met in order for the individual to function on healthy levels so that they can give proper and healthy focus to other people.
I cannot help the world. My role is limited to a smaller scope. If everyone played their role the world wouldn't need help.
Self, Family, community, environment, and then the INTPf in that order.
I am not saying be selfish by placing yourself first. I am saying that one has to take of their...
Sounds like my life. The result wasn't that I feared being manipulated but that their praise was an accidental manipulation on my part. I felt guilt and fear for praise because I new that I would eventual mess up or not have the answer. In that instance it will be evident that I am and never was...
I've often viewed the fear of manipulation on an emotional level as a lack of confidence in oneself or a consequence of an inability to have faith in others.
In this case I would say you have learned to relax and be comfortable with yourself and simply being. Emotions are just emotions. It...
Do women like hairy chests anymore these days? Seems like the shaved chest fad has died down.
I really liked the argument from Gary Yourofsky about how a baby won't eat a bunny if you put it in the crib and then seeing this video.
There are a lot of mental disorders. Why should he/she include them all? I think the more pertinent question is if the diseases are really related to the assigned personalities and in turn the questions in relation to those personalities.
For example: Why is depression only related to the...
2A) I like letting my wife lead and others but I have no problem leading if no one will step up or people are not comfortable leading.
2B) I always work to accomidate other peoples needs.
2C) I like being a provider of the family and since I was child I have always wanted to be a good father...
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