My solar panels work with limited light. I'm more worried about the cleaning and repair cists. Keeping them clean with oil leaking cars driving on top of them would be an impossible task.
I would feel the same way if I did that. If you enjoy language stick to it. Focus on it because you are good at it. You are more likely to feel more successful as you make smaller achievements along the way to larger goals.
Personally, there are lots of things I like to learn but I would...
My use of 'general skepticism' was not meant to be synonymous with 'absolute skepticism'. I intended it to describe the 'willingness/ability/desire to question everything' and not necessarily 'to believe in nothing'.
Only through general skeptism can we be a better person, change who we are...
I actually started with it. I don't know when you used it but it has grown some. C, C#, VB, Java are very similar in idea but when I look at python I don't find it that simlar. I use windows OS so python isn't worth learning for me. I prefer UWP supported languages because I am lazy and only...
Children are natural believers. Skeptism is learned as you get older. I am almost convinced that skeptism on a general basis is unnatural and most who question do so not because they are skeptical in practice but because they have finally failed at preventing their warring beliefs from...
Conspiracy Theorist beliefs can be organized within an institution like any other belief but like any other belief they can also exist independently within individuals. Religion is only successful at neglecting facts and promoting dogma because individuals are already prone to do that on their own.
Typically it is assumed power corrupts a person completely. Based on this you must believe than anytime a person had an opportunity they took it ignoring any personal moral standards or principles because they have none. You needn't prove intention like you would in court. Opportunity...
Situations are often a result of multiple factors outside of any one persons control. No one is denying that there are issues with our government. We are denying that every situation is the the result of direct and methodical planning of a specific institution. We recognize that many situations...
Studies show that you are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories if you feel a lack of control in what is going on around you.
I was thinking of forced convection within a closed container that has equal temperatures throughout all sides of the container so as not to be susceptible to natural convection.
My fridge slows the decay of my food. Also aging can nearly be stopped by freezing a human being in near sub zero. *Time must be altered by temperature*
I have a question. Temperature slows down or stops chemical reactions for certain. Does gravity slow down chemical reactions and what testing...
Units of measure are meant to be constant they were created that way on purpose. They are essentially references in which to make comparisons between two other points. We use light a reference to measure time and since light is affected by gravity our reference of time changes. It is like using...
please list a number of books you would consider reading or at least specify a genre so that I can make an accurate comparison between your listed options. I noticed you were specific with the language, the musical instrument but not the books....
Now that they know that it does behave like waves they can now work on making more sensitive instruments. ...But I guess I feel the same way as you do. I don't see these gravity waves as being strong enough to be measurable from such a distance by any equipment anytime soon, if ever. The thing...
'dark' because light is not received from it. They theorized its existence because of the gravitational effect it has on its surrounding area. If we can directly measure gravity we no longer need to rely on observing its affects indirectly because we ourselves will be able to measure those...
EVERYONE works for the bank. It's just that not everyone realizes it. Haven't you noticed that no matter what 'company' you get hired by your pay always comes to you from the bank?
If this is their definition then it makes sense that most people don't succeed and spend their life unsatisfied and depressed. It seems they are setting goals that were doomed from the start. When they could have done something useful with their life they instead spend it as a failure.
I prefer to draw pictures and maybe diagrams but my pen agility is low so I just picture it in my head and feel it until I need to communicate it. So what am I thinking... A picture is worth a thousand words an a movie is made of several frames of pictures. With a proper GPU that's 40 frames a...
To reconize your abilities and to utilize them to their greatest potential. In this way ambition has nothing to do with failure or comparing yourself to others.
But I suppose unrealistic ambition is more commonly promoted. i.e. After all, if you truly believe it, you can become president some day.
I had trouble understanding how you went from writing to speaking until I suddenly realized that you think language is a requirement for comprehension.
This would be an interesting topic. My experiences are vastly different. Writing my thoughts down only distracts me from understanding. I rarely write anything down. My internal thoughts are often more solid and easier to recall than external reality.
I think they think there is some emotional reason as to why I am withdrawn. Perhaps it is an act of concern... Really I am solving things as mundane as math problems or at least mundane to them. They rarely have the background to have enough knowlege in order to discuss my thoughts.
Well X is for when you cannot write a name because you don't know your letters. It was fairly common place before public education. So maybe the verbal name is Phi but they wrote X for this reason.
To an extent, labor is beneficial for children particularly when their minds more easily molded to learning trades and practices.
Child labor 'in dangerous conditions' is a bad thing and it was why child labor laws were originally created.
At some point, having a child work became almost...
In an eternity of death and non-existence you provide them a priceless and unique opportunity to experience life. How could your children ever repay you?
We enable opportunities to experience life freely by placing no little expectations on our children because we ourselves have benefited...
I see what you are saying. I feel I need to point out that he followed a code set upon him by his father. Dexter never broke the code and no one but murderers had to fear him.
Is the law more moral than a personal code? If the required that I stone my wife for seeing another man naked, I...
After watching the show Dexter I came to the realization that other peoples sense of morality is largely different than my own.
Many felt that Dexter deserved to be punished including the writer. What is odd is that they feel that he needs to be punished be cause Dexter liked killing. Had he...
It's my blind spot not knowing how your mind works I guess. It can be frustrating when you feel you have a solution, as I do now, and the other person rejects it for seemingly arbitrary reasons like "It just won't turn out well."
Is this what you deal with in interacting with your bosses? Is...
I find a ways to integrate parts of it into my idea and then give him my better idea and make it look like it was really me just building off his great idea. The only reason I can make it look like it was a build off his idea is because I included some of his ideas in it.
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