Active Member
Just wanted to get some perspective on this topic as I got into a bit of a heated discussion about it last night, the other party, being a typical ESTJ, attempted to twist my words around and attack me personally due our polarizing views on the matter instead of come up with a coherent and rational rebuttal and it left me wondering why so many people seem to share the same view as him and whether or not my argument actually has any sound reasoning behind it.
Essentially my friend argued that pedophiles should be put to death without exception whereas I attempted to approach the debate from the angle that people who exhibit such behavior should be studied and researched (whilst in custody of course.) in order for us to better understand if their behavior essentially comes down to some sort of neurological malfunction that could in essence be treated and eradicated like any other disease.
I explained to him in a very clear way that I in no way consider their actions justifiable, only that I don't think taking the easy solution (kill 'em all) actually solves anything as people who commit such crimes will continue to exist in society and all we would effectively be doing is doling out punishment after the fact and seeking revenge for an action already in the past when it would be far more beneficial to society as a whole if we could prevent this sort of behavior from occurring in the first place.
He tried to accuse me of being on the side of pedophiles and completely missed the point I was trying to make which basically comes down to this: I personally would take more consolation in the fact that my children would be free from harm from such people (I am aware it is unlikely they would ever truly be free from harm given the nature of the world we live but bear with me.) than in being granted the right to end the perpetrator's life after such a heinous crime had already been committed. I can understand wanting to take revenge on someone but surely the proposed alternative, although idealistic and perhaps naively so, would be better? Obviously a metric shit tonne of research etc. would be required before we ever reached the stage where we could eliminate these traits from the gene pool but still, we can dream, no?
He also had an outburst where he shouted that they should all be drowned/castrated at birth and then got annoyed with me for pointing out the obvious flaw in this statement so make of that what you will, anyway what do you guys think? Everyone else I've asked seems to miss my point and thinks I'm either a crackpot or a sympathizer and I'm 110% sure I am not the latter.
Essentially my friend argued that pedophiles should be put to death without exception whereas I attempted to approach the debate from the angle that people who exhibit such behavior should be studied and researched (whilst in custody of course.) in order for us to better understand if their behavior essentially comes down to some sort of neurological malfunction that could in essence be treated and eradicated like any other disease.
I explained to him in a very clear way that I in no way consider their actions justifiable, only that I don't think taking the easy solution (kill 'em all) actually solves anything as people who commit such crimes will continue to exist in society and all we would effectively be doing is doling out punishment after the fact and seeking revenge for an action already in the past when it would be far more beneficial to society as a whole if we could prevent this sort of behavior from occurring in the first place.
He tried to accuse me of being on the side of pedophiles and completely missed the point I was trying to make which basically comes down to this: I personally would take more consolation in the fact that my children would be free from harm from such people (I am aware it is unlikely they would ever truly be free from harm given the nature of the world we live but bear with me.) than in being granted the right to end the perpetrator's life after such a heinous crime had already been committed. I can understand wanting to take revenge on someone but surely the proposed alternative, although idealistic and perhaps naively so, would be better? Obviously a metric shit tonne of research etc. would be required before we ever reached the stage where we could eliminate these traits from the gene pool but still, we can dream, no?
He also had an outburst where he shouted that they should all be drowned/castrated at birth and then got annoyed with me for pointing out the obvious flaw in this statement so make of that what you will, anyway what do you guys think? Everyone else I've asked seems to miss my point and thinks I'm either a crackpot or a sympathizer and I'm 110% sure I am not the latter.