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Search results

  1. peoplesuck

    How do you guys express your emotions?

    http://www.latesthandmade.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Handmade-Socks-Puppet.jpg jokes aside, I usually dont show anything. however for the first time since I was a little kid I cried recently. you should have seen the reactions
  2. peoplesuck

    Post Your Sketches

    *boredom intensifies* :kodama1:
  3. peoplesuck

    Autism Spectrum Disorder?

    out of how ever many of these, there were 29 I didn't seem to have. One of my teachers has an autistic schizophrenic kid, she told me i have a lot of the characteristics and am probably an aspie. also if you read that list, did anyone else think the inappropriate use of pronouns was referring...
  4. peoplesuck

    What do you guys score on this test?

  5. peoplesuck

    Ask an ESFP

    How many mental disorders have you self diagnosed?:cthulhu:
  6. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLrnkK2YEcE&nohtml5=False i recently found out that my high school teacher wanted me to be in special education for reading, they thought i couldnt read.
  7. peoplesuck

    Do you feel the urge to eat meat?

    After a few days of not eating I usually dont want any certain food, just the feeling/reward.
  8. peoplesuck

    Are you a morning person or a night person?

    Somewhat symptoms of non 24, i usually stay awake longer than the normal person. i prefer the night, but the sun and moon only really affect my sleep schedule for school. phases of very little sleep,and sometimes lots. so..just a person
  9. peoplesuck

    Stardew Valley

    I would allow it to handle tedious things. I wouldn't give it control for entire days. however if it could "download" information(massive amounts of non-stop research) that i would retain, i would be for this.
  10. peoplesuck


    this could be a part. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Franklin_effect I didnt read your post since it seems like its already been accomplished. basically if someone does something for you they will subconsciously find a reason. I think?
  11. peoplesuck

    You know you're an Intp when...

    How do you spot an intp? what is typical intp dress? I think a hoodie at all times is very intp
  12. peoplesuck

    The Goals Thread

    get magnetic implant.been waiting for months now [/url] i might see if i can do it in my anatomy and physiology class, I think it would be fun. also do at least 40mph on my long board. and increase my little code to some sort of algorithm to make it work forever. ex:
  13. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    so i found the answer to my question! apparently this is basically what autism /HSP is. autism also is a lack of neural pruning though. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-08-21/autistic-brains-show-too-many-connected-neurons so beautiful when stuff comes together.
  14. peoplesuck

    Tay the teenage AI

    what if it were made to make people realize they are stupid :eek:
  15. peoplesuck

    Tay the teenage AI

    it seems to be doing a good job at replicating the people it learns from. are these things just programs? or are they run by some sort of supercomputer? now everyone on the internet may be an AI :cat: EDIT: this is amazing
  16. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    i has dis idear. so according to what i read infants are born with 3x(or some large amount) more neurons that what ends up being used(i dont remember if it was neurons in the brain), because they dont all create connections. but that cell death is apoptosis and we know that nerve growth factor...
  17. peoplesuck


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexithymia there is a thread about this on here somewhere
  18. peoplesuck

    Dissatisfied With Current Level of Knowledge

    someone with motivation should link a psychology article explaining motivation issues. this probably goes back to parenting and childhood stuffs. no one was a good enough person to tell us we arent sht and we wont ever be sht:) EDIT:i got bored. its for kids, but i would think motivation is...
  19. peoplesuck

    Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I usually like that sort of thing, little more repetitive than i prefer. it would make good background music. 6/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOcXBNYXnYY
  20. peoplesuck

    Sudden Avatar Trends

  21. peoplesuck

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    no point in saying you're smart since thats going to be decided by the listener. əˈbyo͞os/ 1. the improper use of something. "alcohol abuse" synonyms: misuse, misapplication, misemployment; More 2. cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal. "a black eye and other signs of...
  22. peoplesuck

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    unless your kids are under the age of 10, that is probably your fault copy pasted directly from beingtheparent.com: top 10 signs of bad parenting 2. Raising your hands: If you scream or hit your kids, your kids will be afraid of you. You are ultimately increasing the distance; this form of...
  23. peoplesuck

    Spoonerisms and Misread Words

    virginia, i always read palace as place
  24. peoplesuck

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    take a few hours to learn to lucid dream and you might find it more fun than being awake.
  25. peoplesuck

    A Growing Vocabulary

    mostly medical terms, i know more but these are the interesting ones. archaic, agrestic-rural,akward, fasciculation-twitchin,fenestration-in architecture locations of openings. in medical terms surface holes in organs, hyperagesia-hyper sensitivity to pain,polymicrogryia-undersized gryi due to...
  26. peoplesuck

    You know you're an Intp when...

    when you can't pronounce half the words you know. also, how is neuropil pronounced neuro-pile did i miss an important 3rd grade English lesson? or was i told wrong?
  27. peoplesuck

    losing motivation to do anything meaningful

    anything academic requires some boring bs to do. i have no problem doing things i like. its the other stuff im supposed to do. its hard to get anything done when you dont really care what happens in the end.
  28. peoplesuck

    losing motivation to do anything meaningful

    that made me laugh thanks. i dont really interact with people to make friends. i dont expect college to be any different. i eat somewhat healthy. anything science related is interesting. I have been exercising a lot. 20+miles per day
  29. peoplesuck

    losing motivation to do anything meaningful

    for the last few years my lack of motivation has gotten really bad, and is currently getting much worse. barely have the motivation to pass high school. i wanted to do neuroscience, but knowing all the uninteresting things that go with getting a degree sounds impossible. is this...
  30. peoplesuck

    Psychology of Patriotism (or A Boner for the Military)

    If you cant appreciate this great country then you should get out! but srs, i think some people just need to have a group. a lot of people get sucked into the us vs them mentality really easily. questioning is hard when you grow up in a house hold where " because i said so" is why you do...
  31. peoplesuck

    Do you own/carry a weapon?

    if its dark and im walking or riding my skateboard i will take a butterfly knife. not sure if its more for protection or fun though
  32. peoplesuck

    do your memories have ages

    i dont remember how to edit the poll options
  33. peoplesuck

    do your memories have ages

    this seems interesting, why so few polls :l
  34. peoplesuck

    do your memories have ages

    can you remember what age you were in your memories
  35. peoplesuck

    The Joker Within

    are you highly irritable?
  36. peoplesuck

    If You Shot Yourself in the Head Would You Feel It?

    The speed of these signals depends on how fast the exchange of charged ions is inside and outside of the cell membrane. The main ions involved are sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium. Without going into details, I can say that messages in the brain can travel at speeds up to 268 miles/hour...
  37. peoplesuck

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Re: You know your INTP is showing when... you refer to yourself as if you are multiple people too :cat:
  38. peoplesuck

    Favorite Speakers

  39. peoplesuck

    Confession of a hater.

    exactly which people do you love:confused:
  40. peoplesuck

    Hey yo hello

    there is a way to auto disable on certain sites. idk how i did it but it works for intpf on my pc :D deluminate is our savior:segen:
  41. peoplesuck

    Hey yo hello

    google chrome app deluminate will make all the internet dark castle. welcome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/deluminate/iebboopaeangfpceklajfohhbpkkfiaa?hl=en-US
  42. peoplesuck

    Solar Roadways

    doesn't this produce radioactive waste that takes hundreds of thousands of years to decay?:confused:
  43. peoplesuck

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  44. peoplesuck

    intps differentiating avolition from wishful thinking

    this thread doesnt really make any sense. i made it when i was sick sometime this morning. yellow do you know if handedness (righthanded/lefthanded) is from long term potentiation? if so (according to my teacher it is) why arent old people ambidextrous? I dont know as much about it as i should :/
  45. peoplesuck

    intps differentiating avolition from wishful thinking

    how can you differentiate the two? for intps it seems harder than others. side question (that i could look up but im lazy and sick af) are the areas in the brain related to motor control and ration thinking close to each other? if so i think that might be why Stephen hawking is so good at...
  46. peoplesuck

    Post Your Sketches

    trying to figure out the hips 0_o and basically everything below the waist
  47. peoplesuck

    pedophilia and a logical society

    i know what you mean, but again the point was to accept peoples different preferences not necessarily to let people fuck kids. im not defending the act, just the urge? idk i have always thought that if you think sexuality is a choice you are bisexual;)
  48. peoplesuck

    pedophilia and a logical society

    how exactly is it choice if its not their choice to have the preference? why are you wording it to be more complex than it needs to be? when i said its a choice i meant the preference not the action. what studies prove this is truth?
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