Source? Feels like you're over-generalising from the reason *you* pursue sex. Hookers have sex for money. Losers have sex to maintain self-esteem. psychopaths have sex to exert influence. Married people have sex to maintain harmony. Some people *gasp* have sex in order to have children.
Hookers can sell ass and enjoy what they do. Typically hookers come from broken homes and are usually victims of sexual abuse. So they're conditioned to the act long before they start taking money for doing it.
This is yet another example that shows how gratification and options work. If you're conditioned at an early age to accept the most demeaning forms of sex you'll probably think of selling ass as being a pretty good deal.
Which reminds me of the women I knew living in a ghetto. Have you ever heard the phrase "she's ruined?" Well such a thing exists. A person man or woman led astray early in life will typically wind up having very low expectations for themselves. As a result their gratification schema and associated options are bottom of the barrel. It can be reversed but it takes something extraordinary. They have to ruin their own pleasures.
All the other groups you listed are the same way.
Life conditions and expectations shape options. I also LOL @ "Married people have sex to maintain harmony." I won't assume you've ever been married or know anyone who is married because they surely are not having much sex if they aren't in the mood to. I don't know a single married couple like this.
Orgasms are a bi-product of the need to reproduce. It has no business being top of the hierarchy of needs, and it has less than no business being the only need towards which sex can be a means. Many animals don't even experience orgasms (they don't have the equipment for it), but they still pursue sex. Explain.
We don't understand the animal well enough to know. How odd you assert that we do. This is what I hate about our kind.
What about hunger? Do humans and animals not reveal options when hungry? Of course they do. Why would hunger be any different? It's a basic urge. Does it have no business in our hierarchy of needs?
Wise up here.
Correct, politically or otherwise. Your model is all fucked up. You understand that sexuality isn't static and therefore has a broad range of permutations, yet you still insist on arbitrarily labeling some of them perversions? I mean if you go by some definitions, anything that's unaccepted is a perversion, and therefore its tautologically perversion by virtue of your non-acceptance. But if that's the extent of your reasoning (none was offered), your justification is literally that you are prejudiced...
Heterosexual = different sexual
Bisexual = two sexual
asexual = non sexual
homosexual = perverted?
Go figure
I don't know why you jumped to this conclusion. Are you angry? A homosexual perhaps? I'm not 100% sure but I didn't say bisexuals were any less perverted than homosexuals.
Any sex act that deviates from the natural act of reproduction is unnatural and therefore a perversion. That includes the husband who wants her 2#.
How do they know it's not right? Is it just something they're born with, knowing that the way they are isn't right? Is it not being right an empirical fact, or is it a preconceived notion that pervades your thinking and the thinking of those like you? Is every overt act of culturally identified homosexuality just an act of defiant thrill seeking? If people stopped acting surprised, would they just stop because it's no longer exciting? Naughty homos!
We're talking specifically about grandstanding in public with indecent behavior. It's the same reason Lindsey Lohan pisses on a sidewalk in broad daylight. People, especially children get off on doing these things knowing full well they are wrong.
It isn't about the sex act which is far more complicated psychologically.
Do you get away with this bullshit all the time? There are any number of things that I don't want to get smashed that aren't getting smashed. If that were the case everyone would be ecstatic (in the first world anyway). I have over 100 pieces of paper in my in-tray. I don't want them to be torn and none of them are getting torn. Great success! Gratification =/= Absence of misery. That's silly.
Gratification CAN be the absence of misery. It isn't silly. No sillier than black holes or quarks. PS: The Earth isn't flat.
The choices have rank? That sounds like a preference. Are you trying to say that people have preferences? I prefer bananas to raw weet-bix, but I sure do have a lot of weet-bix. It'd be really convenient if I enjoyed eating raw weet-bix, but unfortunately I don't. I don't have a preference for weet-bix. I know some people like eating wheat cement for breakfast, but in this we differ. Do you think I can choose to change this?
Suppose two people had to choose what they wanted for dinner. One suggests a batch of chili. The other, having had for whatever reason last week a burnt dish will probably say no, I don't want chili. The other mystified is in the mood because for whatever reason, he didn't get the burnt dish.
This is how easily options can differ based on a seemingly equal life experience. It is a very complicated process and you can't simply dismiss it by saying "last week was awful so this week I'm going to have chili again." It may very well turn your stomach thinking about what happened the last time.
Did I read gooder this time, or have you still failed to build from the obvious existence of preference into your conclusion that sexuality is a choice?
In all of this you should realize by now that options are conditioned from the environment you exist in. Some can be physical influences and others psychological.
Mind this also explains how some boys grow up in very religious homes. So strict that even puberty is chained. If their natural urge is enough to push them beyond social conditioning why don't they act? Their options have been effectively neutered to masturbate in privacy and to not get caught in the act. Hardly the natural way of things.
Source? You seem to take great issue with things that can be labeled PC. We're in a pedophilia thread, nobody's trying to be PC.
Why do you keep asking me for sources? Are you 19? Give it some time. Date some gals in their later years. If you still think older sexual partners handle the complications of a sex life easier than younger partners we can have this discussion again. Suffice to say, my experience has been quite the opposite. Old and young all behave the same way. Character can make a difference though.
So you don't actually choose your sexuality? Your sexuality is malleable and falls within a reaction range determined by potential and experience? Crazy.
No we do choose it. Whose fault is it if a man told to not drink cola drinks it anyway? Does it really matter if he prefers cola? Well, I'm not against him having his right to drink cola but I'm surely not going to deny the harm it does to him. Nor am I going to say what he's doing to himself is just fine. He has to sort himself out. We can't do that but telling him he can't control his urge is unfair to him and society.
You're calling a spade a dirt-spear. Why do you need to hold onto the notion it's a perversion? What is it perverting? It's a sexuality. It's in the name dummy. If you're really a libertarian, and believe people should be allowed to do whatever they want with themselves, then why do you also think it perverse that they do what they want with themselves? Hypothetically speaking, if I happened to espouse libertarian views, I would see right as doing stuff that you want to do so long as you don't infringe on the liberty of others, and wrong as anything you do that is actively infringing on the liberty of others. Can you tell me why this hypothetical hado would be wrong? (hint: hypothetical hado exists in for-real land and he doesn't think you're a very good libertarian at all).
No, what you espouse is called Social Justice Warrior fandom. Or you're one of their protected species. Either way Libertarians allow for things they don't personally agree with. That's the beauty of being a Libertarian. You acknowledge that a thing can exist you disagree with while not infringing on the rights of others to partake in it. That is precisely what Libertarian ideology is.