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Search results

  1. Pythia

    True Self

    Is there something truly inherent to my self, or am I who I told myself I was? It seems like most people here is familiar with using "masks" to hide their "true self", but is there really such a thing? What if there is nothing underneath the masks? -Note: I did a quick research to see if...
  2. Pythia

    INTP Dating

    I now know I'm not the only one here who reads it regularly. :p I don't mean to be a pessimist, but something ugly will happen regarding Sven.. . (QC is my substitute for soap operas, shame on me) It always does.
  3. Pythia

    Songs that make you cry/tear up/sniffle...

    Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit, I...
  4. Pythia

    You can THINK?

    When I walk through crowds I increase my speed to pass people, and when they are way behind me I go back to my lane; also, as I assign lanes, I get upset when someone breaks my pattern. :o
  5. Pythia

    Writing my thoughts

    This. Ideas are just so much better when they stay inside the head; they become "opaque" when they are put down in paper.
  6. Pythia

    two little logic tests

    14 in both.
  7. Pythia

    Reincarnation placement test

    Holy Land 71% Intrigue, 44% Civilization, 55% Hedonism, 56% Spirituality, 53% Romance, 48% Crowded, 26% Busy.
  8. Pythia

    The Development of INTP Children

    Well, it's not like I'm scarred for life either, but adding the word "traumatic"to the sentence seemed like a good way of adding a little of drama to it. :angel01: Also, your father seems to be very similar to mine... I too have trouble typing my dad; I can only give my best guess. My dad too...
  9. Pythia

    Perfection & Actualization

    Very interesting post. Humanity itself has deviated from the natural ways: we no longer rely on seasonal rainfalls to have food, nor in sunbeams to have light; not even on evolution, since we have created our own ways to manipulate nature to our pleasure. This has caused us to believe...
  10. Pythia

    The Viscous Photo Thread

    Well, it's true not all the viscous have to be aqueous... Ever tasted one?
  11. Pythia

    Miss. I shall be gentle, as long as you show the level of competence required to achieve...

    Miss. I shall be gentle, as long as you show the level of competence required to achieve redemption. Or, maybe not :twisteddevil:
  12. Pythia

    The Viscous Photo Thread

    Probably just me then :phear:
  13. Pythia

    The Viscous Photo Thread

    Me, too. And then I saw the OP :p Is it me or the lava looks too... solid? :phear:
  14. Pythia

    The Viscous Photo Thread

    ^ Pardon my ignorance, what is it? P.S: viscous enough, I think. Gotcha editing :p Sorry, I'm bored.
  15. Pythia

    Looking at yourself in the mirror

    It's always bothered me that the only way I will ever get to see my face is through a mirror. We never get to see ourselves face to face.
  16. Pythia

    The Viscous Photo Thread

  17. Pythia

    The Development of INTP Children

    By "doing their duty properly" I mean helping their child to grow healthy and be the best version of themselves possible. Looks like your parents did well, as you remember your childhood fondly. And yes, my mom is not a parent. More like, I could be her mother. But she's a very good friend...
  18. Pythia

    The Development of INTP Children

    This: After having said this: ... means her influence makes you somewhat uncomfortable? I found the bribing a little extreme too.
  19. Pythia

    The Development of INTP Children

    Link to source Found this the other day while doing some research on INTP stuff. I thought it was a very interesting view of the INTP kid, since I don't recall having been so difficult as a child. People didn't comment much on the original post, though, and I'm curious of what you guys think...
  20. Pythia


    ^ I agree. This scheme is easy on the eyes.
  21. Pythia

    What are you all reading?

    The Joke, by Milan Kundera.
  22. Pythia

    Vegetarianism and INTP

    I'm a vegetarian unless I'm offered meat. My father is ISFJ, and my mom is ESFP. We hate S's? My best friend is ESFP (just like my mom, yeah).
  23. Pythia

    What is your wand?

    Elm, yew and elder, with a core of dragon heartstring. I'm now a little afraid of myself..
  24. Pythia

    Doesn't this make you sad?

    Yes, their stupidity is amusing, but makes me feel bad that humanity can be that stupid.
  25. Pythia

    being the english teachers favorite student

    It's not my case but I know what you mean. There's another INTP in my literature class, and he never does any homework because he forgets. However, the teacher loves him because he seems to always make good comments on books the teacher likes (they share taste in books and the teacher feels...
  26. Pythia

    Worst Music Ever

    Continuing with bad covers... Or... Or even worse...
  27. Pythia

    Personality Tests

    I have my doubts about Dr. Sion McElveen's gender... I mean, he looks like he could be a woman whose hair, beard and mustache were added using some photo editing software... Other than that, he (?) looks like a very respectable person.
  28. Pythia

    face blindness?

    Well, I just surprised myself.
  29. Pythia

    Being laughed at

    I'm not talking about physical restrictions, but of a situation in which leaving only makes things worse (doesn't necessarily affects you emotionally, but makes it harder to deal with it later). Personally, I go under great stress. As for other kinds of laughs, I usually don't care much. But...
  30. Pythia

    Being laughed at

    What if you can't scape? For example, if it is a teacher, a boss, or any other authority figure the one who is making fun of you, and you are supposed to reply something, or can't walk out of the room so easily.
  31. Pythia

    Jesuit information

    I think Adolfo Nicolas was in my campus a couple of days ago... I go to a Jesuit University. I take classes with Jesuits. They are very nice guys. I didn't read the whole post, probably will read it later.
  32. Pythia


    @ Adymus: Don't worry about analyzing her, she's actually an interesting and challenging case. I think ENFJ is more likely, since she seems to love unexpected visits. But then again, her insanity makes the edges all blurry. I've actually been doing the coffee shop thing for a couple of days now...
  33. Pythia


    Yes, believe it or not I was pretty comfortable. I barely ever see her, I live on the 2nd floor with other 6 girls, and we get along quite well. I only go to her room (and her office, and her everything since she is there 98% of her time) every month to pay the rent.
  34. Pythia


    Big misunderstanding... I don't know about her type, it's hard to tell since she's not completely sane. All I know for sure about her is that she enjoys other's pain. And no, I moved out of my parent's house because I moved out my hometown to attend college. Me living with this lady was...
  35. Pythia


    Not crazy, just going through a crisis. Not sure of my type, though: I used to believe firmly I was an INTP, but I'm not so sure anymore. I just explained how: she's crazy (she REALLY is) and finds me troublesome, though I avoid trouble like the plague. I hate this sort of conflicts. She...
  36. Pythia


    Definitely not E, of that I'm sure.
  37. Pythia


    I just got kicked out of this house. I'm living with an old lady who assists and shelters female college students, but apparently she believes I'm a rebel who conspires against her and instructs her roommates, simply because I don't suppress my discomfort and don't fear her (my roommates do...
  38. Pythia

    Your ideal home?

    A small apartment somewhere picturesque. I don't care much about what it looks like on the outside, but interiors like these would be ideal: Just add a kitchen and a bathroom.
  39. Pythia

    Advice from the future...

    Stop worrying so fucking much, and allow yourself to get your hands dirty once in a while.
  40. Pythia

    my 50oth post yeah! Thank you INTP forum!

    My 50th post...! ... and I have been around for one month more than you. :slashnew:
  41. Pythia

    So now I've gone and done it.

    Off-topic sappy youtube vid:
  42. Pythia

    The Question Club

    Source: This only applies to Japanese people, though.
  43. Pythia

    Karl Pilkington

    No, he's not here. Would you like to leave a message? Edit: I'm sorry, ignore me. I was under stress when I posted this.
  44. Pythia

    Car Chase Music

    YouTube- Green Day Espionage movie scene:
  45. Pythia

    Personality Patterns Test

    My results:
  46. Pythia

    The Graphology Thread

    Thanks :) Edit: Oh God, I just noticed what the problem was... sorry, I should have checked first.
  47. Pythia

    Character Analysis Test

    Low average. So, I'm either very equilibrated, or unaware of my own self. Not a good description..
  48. Pythia

    The Graphology Thread

    404 Not Found.
  49. Pythia

    New iphone APP

    My fear for technology has now increased.
  50. Pythia

    Quiet or Noisy Atmosphere when Studying?

    I suppose it depends on what I'm studying. For example, if I have to read something too technical or boring, a cafeteria is the perfect place to go since the hum of voices helps me concentrate. However, I have to pick the place carefully if I don't want to hear the complete anthology of some...
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