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Writing my thoughts


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Nov 26, 2009
Mishawaka, Indiana
I have thought about writing down all of my thoughts before but I never get around to doing it. I have wanted to do it for a long time, but my being an INTP it is very difficult (I may have butchered that sentance). The fact that I do not always think in words is another problem (I have posted on that before). Has anyone ever tried to do this or actually succeded in writing down their thoughts?


Local time
Today 7:33 PM
Apr 13, 2010
If you're in an inspirational mood, intuition makes it near impossible to keep up, ideas sprouting off everything so fast leaves little time for you to write them down, and I found myself putting *'s down at every point I could have started writing about another idea or connection.( suffice to say there were many*)
And oh yeah, most of those other ideas contain little words, it's more of a visual/spatial thing going on in the noggin.
Try it, it may help you practice holding other ideas in your head while thinking/writing about others.
What you end up with may surprise you.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 1:33 PM
Nov 14, 2009
I actually think in words, and I still have a problem with writing my thoughts.

However, I find the approach of webbing words together to be more helpful. Instead of writing sentences, I just write a phrase, draw a line to somewhere else on the page, and write another phrase. The structured, line-by-line method seems like the wrong model. In fact, I can hardly write down one idea properly if I do that, let alone all the good ones that pop into my head.

If you're good at drawing and think in pictures, you might want to try scribbling down symbols too.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:33 PM
Dec 17, 2009
in theory
to second poster

Try it, it may help you practice holding other ideas in your head while thinking/writing about others.
What you end up with may surprise you

how so?

i believe wat op said is common among intps. i want to write down everything but im to lazy to do it and i dont tink my ideas are ogod enough i also agree with 2nd poster, when ur intution goes crazy espically when im stoned its hard to write stuff down. before i used to but now i just dont any more but idk if its the bud but sometimes i feel like my ideas are so great. i also thought that the human brain can only hold like 5 things at a time so its near impossible to write down eveyrhting .sometimes i wish i can freehand or sometime i think wehen i get rich ill just hire a typist who comes to my house
i also think people should write everyday how there day is going so we can reminisnce and know eveyr single detial about our past day to day. ive done it but i always stop doing it. i feel that when i write down on a piece of paper my mind gets more clarity especially if i recount wat happened during the day many hours later. then i can reflect on everything every lil thing during the day and i can slow down and actually see what i did during the day and soemtimes i get bewilered about the things i said or did during the day that i would have missed if i had not wrote down my day.


Tourist of this dimension
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jan 18, 2010
I actually think in words, and I still have a problem with writing my thoughts.

However, I find the approach of webbing words together to be more helpful. Instead of writing sentences, I just write a phrase, draw a line to somewhere else on the page, and write another phrase. The structured, line-by-line method seems like the wrong model. In fact, I can hardly write down one idea properly if I do that, let alone all the good ones that pop into my head.

If you're good at drawing and think in pictures, you might want to try scribbling down symbols too.

I do this a lot as well, it really does help when your mind constantly makes connections to things, and ideas keep branching off into smaller and smaller subdivisions of your original main idea (which if not written down I might end up forgetting anyway). My notebooks in school were filled with these sorts of things, and I'm glad I did such because I really did forget half of the things I had written down when I reread them later. I'm actually making a list this summer of things I think of that I don't want to forget. Whether I actually complete such project or abandon it midway is yet to be discovered once this summer is complete....

The Frood

knows where his towel is
Local time
Today 11:33 AM
Nov 29, 2009
Somewhere in the vicinity of betelgeuse
Just tried writing down my thoughts. It was insanely difficult lol. I don't know how long I was at it. (the idea came to me 3/4 the way through to time it) but I got two pages of my cramped illegible script. which is even more impossible to read because I was trying to write so fast.
The main problems I ran into were; my writing speed was waaay to slow, I would be going off one one thing and then add something to another thought earlier, inner corrections were hard to put down, Listening to music at the same time might not have been such a good idea either.

really interesting exercise all in all, really makes you think about how your thought process works.

((I really hope that made sense, because I don't want to re-read it...))

EDIT; Dang it, I re-read it and now have to go fix all the errors... Not the content, just capitalizing the "i"s


Active Member
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Apr 4, 2010
It seems to be one of those things that are easier said than done. It (almost) never comes out on paper (or text) like it does in your head, and the simple act of writing (or typing) detracts focus from thoughts.

From my experience.


Local time
Today 1:33 PM
Nov 20, 2009
It seems to be one of those things that are easier said than done. It (almost) never comes out on paper (or text) like it does in your head, and the simple act of writing (or typing) detracts focus from thoughts.

From my experience.

This. Ideas are just so much better when they stay inside the head; they become "opaque" when they are put down in paper.


Local time
Today 10:33 PM
Sep 23, 2009
I struggle to make posts at forums! I need to be in a highly particular mood and at an untypically high energy level to have the slightest desire to engage in any writing.

As of now, I slept good (~8 hours) two days straight and feel capable of posting this post.

Producing a styled sequence of thoughts, making my interiority intelligible to others - these are impossibilities.


Local time
Today 7:33 PM
Mar 15, 2010
OK, far be it for me to question why you would want to write your thoughts down while you're still generating them. But I tend to think in logical 'wholes' whereby I work out the overall idea and stitch the minutae into it piece by piece, rehashing ideas when they don't fit, possibly even changing the big picture if I find it doesnt deliver what I want. Once I finally have a coherent whole that fits, then thats when I start writing stuff down. (And big picture may not even be the BIG picture, but merely a part of something thats bigger, but its an idea I had at the time and I just like to drop everything and think it all through)

Another side point to this is that I think according to medium. Some stuff I just think in words, usually planning conversations, presentations or documentation. Most often I think in a visual form - when Im doing creative writing or film work, all my ideas are played out as a movie or a visual recollection. Sometimes when Im on the piano or feel like adding music to something that Im physically seeing, I think in audio. And sometimes I just think in binary. Errr, OK, well, that last one isnt fully true. As a troubleshooting systems engineer, I come up with solutions on a given problem. I seem to have some sort of machine language (native brain language?) that I use to correlate the facts and come up with an answer. I don't know how I do it, I just blank out for a bit while my brain is working on the available information and then I resurface and I know what to do.
Writing notes to any of these as the thoughts are still happening is just simply not possible.


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Nov 26, 2009
Mishawaka, Indiana
I finally got around to it and it lasted about a minute. Too many thought were lost. Usually when I have a new thought I start thinking about it, but when I was writing them down I had no time. It slowed my thoughts down alot.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 6:33 AM
Dec 31, 2009
I write down short sentences, which when read in the future would unlock all the hundreds of lines of thinking associated with that. Its usually some sort of question which opens up many answers and man other questions like it. (my mind seems to compertamentalise itself, and these questions are like keys.)
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