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Search results

  1. How many words per minute can you type?

    I'm impressed.
  2. what job when taken out of existence has the greatest negative impact on the greatest number of peop

    Yes but maybe more social in nature, less exploitative based. Government is necessary to protect the rule of law, rights of person and property without a doubt. There is a distinction between the State and government as Franz Oppenheimer, Albert Jay Nock, and others have indicated. History has...
  3. what job when taken out of existence has the greatest negative impact on the greatest number of peop

    Going point, although time frame is important to consider. Anarchy would probably be detrimental and most negative to greatest amount of people in the short run, but something new and potentially better would arise once spontaneous order runs it's course.
  4. Kurzweil Interviews Minsky

  5. Who will be the new Architect?

    Subjectivity in conduct has brought negative results. Maybe this normal - what is Man? "Cleverness, sagacity and mechanics is all that really matters...culture is relative but we can determine 'natural laws' which then constitutes as useful knowledge. Look at the stick I used to pick up the...
  6. what job when taken out of existence has the greatest negative impact on the greatest number of peop

    Yup, also the best teacher is yourself.
  7. My Ideal Future

    Isn't this the present scenario? Almost if not all countries are credit based economies and economic planning is rampant throughout. Good ideas though, trends are interesting. I personally hope for a more decentralized world, where power is more localized but I understand mans organizational...
  8. INFJ and INFP; preferences, pros and cons: final judgement

    INFP's are the most abstract of all types.
  9. How do you beat economics?

    Create a clever system like Keynes, rub elbows and manipulate people in authority.
  10. Time travel back to a war...

    The British were the winners in the end. The Constitution came to be from the Federalists and many of them were loyalists. Jefferson and other anti-federalists basically lost when the Articles of Confederation were thrown out giving more power to a central and bigger authority. Also, in...
  11. Religion vs Science EPIC RAP BaTTTTLLLLLEEE!!!

    Science vs Humanities would be better.
  12. Would Einstein have smoked weed?

    Why is the question framed as "would" instead of "did"? Surely weed has been around long before Einstein.
  13. INTPs think they smart.

    Yes, INFP's and INTP's are superfluous.
  14. The Problem with Political Authority

  15. What do you do?

    Think about ideas.
  16. How to Become INTP

    Says a lot about the modern business environment. MBTI in it's original form is very superficial. The ideas come from Carl Jung's analytical psychology and individuation theories. Modern psychology is more based from Freud's and behavior psychology, which uses experimental emprical data to...
  17. Please help. Obsessed with attaining academic prestige.

    Once you achieve academic prestige what follows? You should also make sure you are indeed an INTP rather than an INTJ or possibly even ENTX. Usually INTP's care the least about academic prestige compared to those.
  18. What hasn't been written that you would like to read?

    The History of Ideas
  19. Dungeons and Dragons?

  20. I need intp advice: Version 2.0

    Why are you in school? If you are procrastinating about the classes than it seems like you are not interested in the material/course work. Maybe stop going for a while and focus on what you actually want to do. If a degree provides the answer(you don't need it for the majority of jobs, tasks)...
  21. The Hip-hop Thread.

  22. IT / Computer Technology fields besides programming

    Marketing/SEO/Web Analytics
  23. Bitcoin Link Dump

    What's special about Bitcoin is the technology involved. The blockchain, a distributed asset ledger system has the potential to be the Internet of the 2000's as far as inventions/protocols go.
  24. INTP Overview

  25. Bitcoin Link Dump

    Comments on the bottom are lovely. People unfamiliar with anarchy and the philosophies of liberty are going through lots of confusion.
  26. Banking

    Don't need banks just keep cash under the mattress, precious metals, and some bitcoin. If necessary purchase pre-paid cards with your cash.
  27. The Arbiters of the coming Dawn of Science of supreme

  28. If SJs really follow what they taught, what happens then?

    What Cherry said. Basically they become guardians of dogma.
  29. INTP: The Most Independent Type

    How would you define independence as far as type is concerned? Do you think as a function, T is more independent than F?
  30. INTP: The Most Independent Type

    Yeah I think that INFPs are the most independent people in general. I would have to say regarding which is more independent function - F>T is true. Fe/Fi are more abstracted judgements as they deal with like you said harder or more 'certain' truths. Te/Ti process the logic of information or...
  31. INTP: The Most Independent Type

    Ethics is a Fe system. Political philosophy and any other form of social order has used different ethics for its justifications. Regardless of it's merits or validity, an argument can be made about the universalizability of ethical systems that humans follow such as the Golden Rule, categorical...
  32. INTP: The Most Independent Type

    Dude seems like an INFP. Si doms-ISJs are independent people but rely on people or systems for daily functioning. They aren't the types to go against the grain and become a hermit so to speak, unless forced by consequences. It's not that they wouldn't be good at it, but they are duty oriented...
  33. INTP: The Most Independent Type

    You first have to establish what it means for a function to be independent. I take it that a function is more independent when it less dependent on other functions according to a type. We can make a clearer case by distinguishing how each function operates in reality. Using the epistemological...
  34. Deep down do you secretly think the world is awesome?

    Pretty much it.
  35. 25 years to realize thi simple fact.

    I agree for the most part, I think the hardest part or most key is to find a balance between yourself and the world(real life). Maybe finding a simple job that doesn't demand much in the mean time so you can pursue your true interests on the side. To me that's a possibility for the short run...
  36. How do I get back into programming?

    I have a similar experience trying to learn programming. I start learning a tool or language for something than I see something interesting that requires different tools. Deviation has been fairly common. I am not sure if this is related to trying to find something which you are interested in...
  37. alternatives to engineering?

    If you have any interest in finance, business, engineering, or general freedom take a look at cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. The blockchain technology is the one of the most ground breaking inventions in history and its implications have just scratched the surface. The current paradigm of...
  38. What are INTP unique abilities?

    A lot of incorrect typing there.
  39. What are INTP unique abilities?

    INTP - Synthesizing/Systematizing INTJ - Strategizing/Planning ENTJ - Directing/Organizing ENTP - Inventing/Originating ISTP - Building/Operating ISTJ - Inspecting/Persevering
  40. How do you experience nostalgia?

    Yes or the lack of omniscience you are made aware of when trying to understand history which is also anything related to past experiences.
  41. xNxx vs xSxx Correlations

    Very good, I agree with most of it. Types such as IXTP's or EXTJ's share the same dominant function while EXTP's or IXTJ's share the same auxiliary function. Not sure if that makes any difference regarding similarity or differences.
  42. Which Philosopher are you?

    I would take a guess and say most INTPs would fall somewhere in either Aristotle or Kant's epistemology.
  43. Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman and his mass shooting [split from Psychology of the beautiful g

    Re: Elliot Rodger? What about the idea that most of these individuals have had a undiagnosed medical disorder left untreated/improperly or under the effects of SSRI's?
  44. Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman and his mass shooting [split from Psychology of the beautiful g

    Re: Psychology of the beautiful gyal. Se inferior evident.
  45. Elliot Rodger, the Supreme Gentleman and his mass shooting [split from Psychology of the beautiful g

    Re: Elliot Rodger? Right. A symptom of an entitled society - healthcare, welfare, taxation, equal rights, list goes on and all based on the initiation of force.
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