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Search results

  1. Personology

    Interesting never knew his son was a AI researcher, I will probably buy it eventually. Funny how he mentions how the SJ's ignore this type of stuff the most.
  2. Your Take on Technology Advancement: Good or Bad?

    I think the important issue is who controls technology. If individuals are more empowered by it than I would say it's better than worse. In this light you are just adding on to the productive capacity and advancement of society. Now if States or other criminal factions get a hold of technology...
  3. What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    Yeah I'm not sure. Stupid in general I guess, screw IQ,EQ or any other tests.
  4. What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    Maybe, but than you would figure if they were actually *smart* enough they would become bankers instead. Being a bureaucrat requires a certain level of idiocy and incompetence compared to their other superior cohorts.
  5. intp/istp

    Great description between the differences of N and S, especially the introverts. I have always felt that science was more sensor based. Intuitives like exploring unexplored realms, so when something becomes established it becomes a sensor specialty. Cliche example is Einstein who saw physics...
  6. What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    Having lower IQ makes it easier to be a politician or bureaucrat.
  7. What are lower IQ people better at than high IQ people?

    Doesn't surprise me. ISTJ is like the standard bearer of what something like this test is designed for.
  8. Overvaluation of being well rounded

    Few if any people are truly well rounded. This meme you mention seems to be the inferior Ne from the SJ's giving credence to a shallow understanding of being well rounded. I was in the the US public school system and it was acknowledged to choose your career and interests early so you can...
  9. Gentlemen - How is your libido?

  10. Personology

    Lol, yeah I was reading some reviews where they said similar things.
  11. Personology

    Right, though our judgment is all we have to filter and process input. Ultimately I only believe in it because it is enjoyable, I take most pleasure in the pursuit of truth. Everything we think or know can all be wrong. As a civilization I think we are far from truly "understanding" most...
  12. Personology

    No I don't believe in astrology. I don't believe in science either. All systems of knowledge are based on vague correlations and relative causation. I believe in my own judgment, trying to see things for what they are as best as possible.
  13. Personology

    Anybody read this book? Looks interesting, Keirsey(PUM) seems to have a fetish for words and precise language constructs which I share.
  14. Need help in becoming a better writer

    Besides writing regularly, read everyday for a sustained duration. Books are the best as they are thorough and require more concentration than other forms.
  15. Original thoughts

    I think reading works from those who have come before you is necessary to acquire an experienced mind. Before the democratization of education, students learned mostly from the classics. The value is similar to like the intellectual "not re-inventing the wheel". Originality or being original...
  16. Hello Fellow INTPs

    Welcome, you strike me as a INTJ from your writing. Don't rely on tests and examine the cognitive functions of each types. Numbers 2, 5, and 6 sounds more like Ni not Ti. Oh and my brothers name is Daniel and he is a INTJ. That is why you must be a INTJ.
  17. Telecommute / Work from Home jobs (organizing my thoughts)

    What about other online related work? E-commerce, blogging, marketing, web development, ect...
  18. How much can society be trusted?

    Really depends on what your idea of what society is. I see society as just a collection of individuals cooperating with one another. As society is a collective concept, what it's based off depends on what the whole believes in. I trust individuals but I cant really trust the concept of it's...
  19. Utilitarianism

    Yeah I'm not saying it is wrong, I would argue it is actually necessary in a society like ours. Point is that certain folks shouldn't worry or get caught up in the idea that you have to be utilitarian minded if you don't really want to be. You see it all over this board where fellow INTP's...
  20. Define "human"

    Exactly. Thinking comes from consciousness. Those things mentioned are like ISTJ specialties that can and should be handled by a computer. What about things like thinking about consequences of certain choices or evaluating patterns in history?
  21. Utilitarianism

    A lot of criticism against INTP's or those with similar traits, is this idea that learning for the sake of learning or "intellectual masturbation" as some say is useless. Even INTP's fall into this trap of whether they should live for self or the world and often get depressed or anxious to...
  22. Does anyone get the feeling that INTPs are failed ENTPs?

    Sometimes I think that. Then I realize ENTP's love the INTP's distance with the world(Ti). INTP's are the like Russian concept of the superflous man.
  23. Define "human"

    This why the whole notion of AI coming to existence really depends on the public opinion. If enough people believe a machine can think than they do. Something like intelligence and humanity is so subjective there will always be disagreements no mater how sophisticated our mechanical...
  24. Define "human"

    I think this question is what limits our understanding for the doctrines of evolution and artificial intelligence to be successful. There is no clear consensus what Man is and has been. Who then gets to define what constitutes as evolution and general intelligence. Typically its up the...
  25. It is better to do nothing then to do something

    It's better to do nothing than to be busy doing nothing.
  26. Ebola outbreak

  27. Ebola outbreak

  28. Stoicism. Your opinion and your usage.

    Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is one of the best "self-help" books. It's the OG one at least. Right, the most consistent or practical way is to combine elements from Epicureanism. Basically focus on own pleasure(eschew away duty, have minimal happiness) while controlling your pride, ambitions...
  29. Does this irritate you too?

    That site has some interesting material. http://cognitivetype.boards.net/thread/135/ssh-albert-einstein http://cognitivetype.boards.net/thread/169/physics-fine I was always under the impression that the natural sciences such as physics were in the realm of Te-Fi(empiricism in general) and how...
  30. Does this irritate you too?

    Yeah I have noticed a lot of people who think they are INTJ's. Mostly SP's and some SJ's. There seems to be some kind of introvert trend nowadays, could be related to Susan Cain's book Quiet the Power of Introverts. What's ironic is I think Susan might actually be a ENFP instead of INFP that...
  31. Do INTP normally test positive for Schizoid on online tests?

    I scored 30... Schizotypal is common as well.
  32. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    Maybe by trying to distinguish categories of studies. Ne wants to incorporate everything but categories of knowledge do exist. AI, psychology, philosophy and others fall into the area of cognitive science. If these are your primary interests than thinking about specifics in physics or geology...
  33. A proposal for the problem of INTP laziness

    How would you explain the ENTP? They are Ne dom's so would they have an advantage or would it be easier for them since Ti serves their Ne? Is there a bias toward focusing on the external? It seems like the discussion points how being Ti'd out all the time is not necessarily good(which I agree)...
  34. INTP main character in a movie?

    Dr. Daniel Jackson from Stargate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LApMrCt2RJg
  35. Looking for an Einstein quote

    Not what your looking for but another interesting one: "If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of...
  36. What is your dopamine addiction?

  37. Is being an INTP worth it in the end?

    Way you put it sounds like we have all joined the INTP cult... But I agree with a lot of the other comments on here. Also your still pretty young -17?, just chill out for a bit that's all I have to add.
  38. Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)

    Good educational supplement, but I prefer learning primarily from books. As far as becoming employed, really depends on who is doing the hiring. I could see some thinking the certificates are a gimmick.
  39. Changing the world

    Indeed. "We live in an information economy, but I don't believe we live an information society" Yeah the question is whether this will change? They are tools at end of day but will they lead to a new age? Was the Internet and other information based technologies just a mirage as far as being...
  40. What jobs might be useless in an ideal world?

    Anything bureaucratic.
  41. Hypothetical "ENTP" "Rivalry"

    Seems like ENTP's main advantage over INTP is their ability to present ideas that are understandable or relevant to others(tertiary Fe). While their ideas might not be as developed or established compared to INTP's(tertiary Si), they can get it "out there" more effectively so they will have more...
  42. Behaviour and success

    I think there is a difference between Success and success, as well as Ambition and ambition besides the capitalization.
  43. Behaviour and success

    "Having no ambition, I have always preferred the success of others to my own, and had more pleasure in it." - Albert Jay Nock
  44. Sensor Sabbatical

    I generally don't mind STP's or SFJ's. They sometimes have issues with superficiality and stereotyping, but they more or less think similarly(Ti/Fe). It's the STJ's and SFP's who I usually cant stand, especially ESTJ's and ESFP's. What's annoying with them is that have no clue where you are...
  45. High speed toward the singularity 2024

    Sovereign individuals
  46. Types, Functions, and Ideology

    Yeah I see what you are saying, basically by everyone having their own biases and modes of thinking it all comes together to form a holistic understanding of the world. That's interesting as it's sort of like just accepting these inconsistencies, tensions, clashes, and figuring what as an...
  47. Types, Functions, and Ideology

    Thanks yeah there's some good stuff on there. Jung's Psychological Types appears to be the ultimate source as far as books go. A lot of the research is based off his work.
  48. Types, Functions, and Ideology

    Yeah it is an interesting insight as the whole inquiry into philosophy and social theory does not factor people's disposition for certain thinking as it really depends on their temperament. This whole notion doesn't seem to be considered by moralists or anyone interested in the improvement of...
  49. Types, Functions, and Ideology

    I am interested in diving deeper into correlations between different types and their philosophies. How do different types come to different understandings of the world? I believe ideologies are mostly inherited in different traits or temperaments and are not something that can be necessarily...
  50. Seeking feedback on my startup impartu

    You an INTJ :p
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