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Search results

  1. INTP Types and Marketing

    Internet Marketing
  2. Top 10 Albums

    Scarface - The Diary
  3. How much different would your life be if you never discovered your MBTI type.

    Yeah I agree with bold part. Being spontaneous and direct is something a lot of entrepreneurs are. I find myself second guessing decisions based on my "functional interplay."
  4. Blaise Pascal - INTP?

    I would say INFP. Dude was brilliant and very abstract minded. He was passionate about mathematics and applying philosophical ideals in the defense of science. He also had a life long struggle with religion and theology. Both are part of Fi-Te dynamics.
  5. Don't like people going through my stuff

  6. worst personality type to be

    I see what your saying. I know isfjs pretty well and your right about them needing to feel needed. Maybe my list is not fair but basically I was saying since isfjs have si/Fe they have less of a problem assimilating and accepting social norms. Even though they might want to be more like entps...
  7. worst personality type to be

    lol hardest of the SJs I would say. Even though they are the most understanding, they can always fall back on traditions and rules if needed.
  8. worst personality type to be

    I would rank in order of most difficult to be, especially when younger: INFP INTP ISFP ISTP INFJ ENTP INTJ ESTP ENFJ ENFP ENTJ ESFP ISFJ ESFJ ISTJ ESTJ *Notice how I think being ESTJ is the easiest and their "opposite" is the INFP which has the most trouble. *In general IPs have it hardest...
  9. So tired of school

    Make a blog, website and start writing. Show prospective employers your skills, there's lots of need for content writers, technical writers.
  10. Brainstorming the idea of being an ISTP and not an INTP

    So Se is more narrow in a sense than Ne when taking in more information. It is more concerned with the immediate possibilities. While in another sense Se could be more encompassing of the "relevant" details due to this. Dom/aux Ne users can be said to seem aloof or pulling random connections...
  11. Command & Conquer

    Allied or Soviet?
  12. Brainstorming the idea of being an ISTP and not an INTP

    I generally agree with this. Is this a feature of Ti or Se though? If I am focused on certain subject, I can get annoyed if someone tries to deviate or change the conversation. I am capable of doing it, but I find this can be distracting as I want to analyze thoroughly first. Economics...
  13. Brainstorming the idea of being an ISTP and not an INTP

    How would you describe this difference between Ti-Se and Ti-Ne? I also enjoy taking apart systems in the "real" world mainly social sciences, economics in particular.
  14. Best video game for INTP

    Command & Conquer
  15. Nihilism - Anxiety a contradiction of logic

    Nihilism is based on contractions in itself.
  16. Overrated Intellectuals - Michel Foucault

    Paul Krugman
  17. Snowden, INTP?

    Originally thought ISTP. "Post-Snowden world"
  18. Professions! What is your MBTI type!

    Pilot(aircraft) - xSTP President - ExTJ
  19. Why do women on the internet identify themselves?

    Feminism(and its influence direct or indirect) in general has been huge in the last 50+ years or so. Men are irreplaceable, prone to violence while woman are special and need to be considered so. Look at recent Hollywood movies for evidence.
  20. Bitcoin Link Dump

  21. Career for INFP?

    Just to get a student to as much as debt as possible? Yes
  22. Normal | Normality & Normalism

    We use language systems to communicate with each other.
  23. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    I wonder if this seems more realistic.
  24. Philosophy is dead

    According to Wikipedia: From this definition it seems as this study is based on empirical evidence or experimentation. The epistemology or defining the actual knowledge of what actually is the mind is pure philosophy though. Certain philosophers have dealt with the mind-body problem and have...
  25. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

  26. What kinds of things does your Ti focus on?

  27. Ideal INTP Functioning.

    Ne heavy INTPs might possibly be more of the Sexual/Social or Social/Sexual instinctual variant and also more of 5w6 than 5w4. See this for more information: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin/content.php/133-Instinctual-Stackings
  28. Darkside of Genius

    Superior Intellect & Rational
  29. Problems with Narcissism, Anxiety, and Anhedonia

    What is a key difference between 5w4 and 5w6? I am for sure a 5, but go back and forth between the wings. I have a feeling 5w6 are more concerned with "social" issues rather than natural or mathematical problems unlike the 5w4.

    Hilarious picture.
  31. Audiobooks

    Good for times when you can't read like driving a car or boat.
  32. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Who makes up this government? Government(and their workers) are funded by private persons. Your comparing a private system - Land lords and renters, with citizens and the State. One is done voluntarily, other is done through coercion.
  33. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Rothbard on the fiction of the State:
  34. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    ENTPs.... I am quite familiar with their approach
  35. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Whose house is it?
  36. Philosophy is dead

    What is? LOL, Me too!
  37. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    If I do not want to be forced to pay taxes, then I am ultimately forced to leave. Taxation is force, it is theft. Yes and that is what the State does. Go try to in the private sector, see how it turns out. Not sure what I meant but property rights specifically individual "ownership" is...
  38. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

  39. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    I am forced If an entity such as the State claims to protect property rights of individuals by expropriation(taxation, eminent domain) they are going against what they are claiming to do(protect property). Why cant all contracts be social contracts? Can only governments be capable of that?
  40. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Exactly so you are engaging in argumentation. What is the point of discourse if you are not trying to assert a statement? To just say things for no reason, or to just project sounds or type commands in a keyboard? Argumentation ethics presupposes you have control over your own body.
  41. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    There is none. "The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else" - Frederic Bastiat What if the law is not legitimate? How can an expropriator be a property protector?
  42. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    No it is not metaphysics, that's always the biggest scapegoat when discussing philosophy. By you denying property rights your enter into a perfomative contradiction as your presupposing the right to assert your own belief using your own body(vocal cords, brain) to try to justify that property...
  43. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    They also have the ability to create their own laws in accordance to their property rights. Yes which is why it is dangerous. You keep ignoring the legitimacy of the State. I already gave an example of how implicitly agreeing to the rules only applies if there exists a legitimate...
  44. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    The state is made up of people, but that doesn't mean everyone is part of it. If you are part of the government you have different privileges than non-members. So you can say by voting we are part of the government but since it's a 'public' form of government, minority opinion is excluded which...
  45. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Kind of. This argument implies the State has prior claim to the land in the country. Taxpayers are technically the owners of the land. There might be other reasons why I might want to stay in a geographical region that is not necessarily related to it's laws as well. Also, I am still obligated...
  46. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Social contract is an illusion and can't be justified because if an individual does not agree to enter into it, he will be forced by the State. A contract requires voluntary agreement with the parties at hand without coercion. If this is done through force, it is not a legitimate contract...
  47. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Theory: I never agreed to the terms, simple as that. Practice: Article 1 Section 8 is violated constantly - One example: How are these taxes uniform?
  48. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    The Constitution doesn't have any legal standing as well, in theory and in practice.
  49. Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Equality has no unified meaning, so as an idea it is understood as a social justice issue not as a principle. In this case equality is a revolt against nature, as it goes against property rights. Property rights are inherit or natural and imply inequality.
  50. Free, automated food production for everyone.

    Can't be free if there is scarcity of materials and goods.
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