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  1. What books have influenced your world view?

    I have read this book but I am wondering where did the Levaiathan come from? What was the evolutionary process for it come to be? Have you ever read The State by Franz Oppenheimer ?
  2. What books have influenced your world view?

    Have you ever read Memoirs of a Superfluous Man by Albert J Nock? If so what are your thoughts? Do you think he was a INTP?
  3. Your career ascent (or downward spiral)

    1. Mason(concrete) 2. Busser/Host/Waiter 3. Sales Associate/Cashier 4. Valet 5. Customer Service Representative 6. Web Developer/E-commerce 7. Online Marketing/Copywriting
  4. How to study math as an INTP

    For a scientific school yeah but I wouldn't consider the goal of education is to merely learn instrumental knowledge. Perhaps this why the whole system and approach to education has gone down the drain. We went from teaching Latin and Greek to now having Common Core. If you don't understand why...
  5. How to study math as an INTP

    I always found it interesting that math is now taught first without teaching it's origins and logic. In the classical tradition of learning you would learn things like Euclid's Elements and the concepts related to the theorems, along with logic to have a more holistic understanding. Applied math...
  6. Fe inferior

    I agree with your general idea about the dominant-inferior role. INTP seems like the ones who focus on projecting the bottom up approach for influencing society or ideas. This entails emphasizing independent thought, probing ideas and cultivating disinterested reasoning. So for other...
  7. Aaron Swartz

    Not INFP?
  8. INTP TED talk

    Yeah although that argument is similar to, "If u think education system is shitty why do you teach at colleges? or "If you don't like the US government or think it is totalitarian why don't you leave the US".
  9. INTP TED talk

  10. Type Sam Harris

    INTJ, similar mannerisms as Peter Thiel who is a INTJ as well. I agree with QuickTwist he projects Te instead of Fe.
  11. Sales/marketing

    copywriting, direct marketing
  12. Are INTJ's better?

    It's funny because my older brother is a INTJ so you can imagine how that has played out. Pretty much.
  13. George Soros (INTP's Intuition and Theory)

    Yeah he comes across more as a ENTP looking at his work and philosophy. He is in favor of "mixed markets" or rather government intervention so investing and money opportunities are more dynamic, makes sense for someone of his fame and net worth. Also sounds like someone who is less principled...
  14. Thoughts On Space-travel?

    I find it interesting that humans are so keen on wanting to travel outside of earth while we still have a lot of ignorance when it comes to life here. Not saying traveling or colonizing is bad in itself, but it says a lot about the capacity of civilizations to just focus on exploiting it's...
  15. What is wrong with me?

    I originally thought you were a INTJ, but I think you could be a ENTP. Both are N Doms but your posts and style give off heavy Ne and inferior Si vibe. If so try to develop Ti and integrate Fe more.
  16. INTP and anger, anyone else?

    Yeah I think it is a TP thing in general especially ITP's. Ti dominant is usually composed then Fe inferior can come out. I have experienced problems with this but have gotten better through the years.
  17. Intuitives are social.

    Very interesting. I identify more with trying to understand philosophical/social subtleties than anything technological. I enjoy the theoretical ideas surrounding technological processes but get bored quickly with anything related to implementation or static problem solving like you say.
  18. The Challenge of Integrating Si with Ti & Ne

    Personality Hacker
  19. Are SFJs bad at typing?

    Time to declare war! No, but intuitives IN's in particularly need to figure out ways to either ignore or not get effected by their actions. Also a lot of their actions result in certain things that we end up going along with out of necessity. I guess a lot of ideas in the world come from N's...
  20. Your life goals? Dreams?

    Freedom to think and pursue happiness
  21. How would the various types fare in a military setting?

    I can not see INTP's in the military unless forced to be. Military and warfare is for people who don't want to be productive or enjoy mindless control/order. INTP's probably fit the first part but not the second. ENTJ's and INTJ's are too smart to go into military intuitions in this day an age...
  22. INTP as a ruler

    Similar to Marcus Aurelius even though he was probably a ISFJ.
  23. I have no idea what I want to do with my life.

    Why do you want a career?
  24. stoicism and the personality type

    I could see how stoicism appeals to N's naturally more than others, especially IN's. What i was saying is how a developed SFJ could align itself with stoic thinking if they moved past the S details and superficial aspects, and focued on the big picture. I think this is possible, difficult...
  25. stoicism and the personality type

    Yeah your right it's just a tradition after all, although a very old and sophisticated one. SFJ's who have decided to dig deeper than the typical frameworks of organized religion I could see end up at stoicism through experience(Si). NFJ's on the other hand might follow it without much place on...
  26. stoicism and the personality type

    I could see developed SFJ's follow the moral framework of stoicism as well.
  27. INFP: The Dark Side

    I always find it funny when Hitler and Nazis are romanticized as the worst outcome of a corrupt State. Sure the whole regime was a bunch of thugs like any other, but Stalin's regime was worse. FDR wasn't some hero either.
  28. How do you find Satori?

    Reading a book that channels my thoughts in a "connective" manner, usually from the classics or some modern literature which have held on to that tradition. Anything that connects myself to culture. Music is one of them as well.
  29. More artistic than reasonable INTP

    OK makes sense. I guess a Ti focused INTP would concern itself with establishing principles and structure, while a Ne focused would look at it more holistically establishing critiques or broad explanations. Compare A.J. Drenth to William James. Both interested in psychology, but James was all...
  30. Emile Hirsch - INTP?

    Was re-watching some Seinfeld and especially Curb and Larry David seems more like a ISTP than INTP which I originally thought. He doesn't go into ideas or intellectual topics like an INTP would, and a lot of his scenarios are Se based. For sure a Ti dom. Jim Parsons seems like an IXTJ to me...
  31. Energy doesn't exist

    This is like saying concepts don't exist, only objects. Which I guess could be true depending on your definition of existence. Energy is a concept, a forest is a concept, society is a concept, Trees exist, individuals exist, electromagnetics exist.
  32. More artistic than reasonable INTP

    What do you consider as the distinction between science and humanities? You mention Immanuel Kant, he was a philosopher more than anything. Usually philosophy is in the realm of humanities. Science to me consists of the natural sciences (physics,biology), formal(math, comp sci) and...
  33. Keirsey: NT's don't trust intuition

    Seems like ENTP's use Ti for establishing the patterns to focus on, so with this it concerns itself less with analysis on specifics but rather coming to a more whole picture of their possibilities. They are dominant extraverted intuitives so for them decisions are based on how it fits into their...
  34. University is just too fucking hard

    Have you considered that CS might not be something you are actually interested in?
  35. "Being rich isn't about how much you have, but how much you can give."

    A man is rich in proportion to the things he can afford to let alone.
  36. Would advanced software predict the future?

    They could be but the science isn't their yet and possibly might never be. Even the natural sciences have limited causality, we just accept them because they are good enough to predict outcomes. They can be overturn tomorrow if a better theory comes along. I think with human action there...
  37. Would advanced software predict the future?

    You can predict the future without software. Software just increases the processing power. Maybe natural phenomena based off of some probabilistic model, but I am not so sure human action can be predicted in the same light as it's based off of each actors value based judgements(free will) not...
  38. Feeling unoriginal

    Originating is mostly a fiction.
  39. Why amount to anything at all?

    Read better books.
  40. Do you act like a steryotypical INTP?

    Yeah, I always wonder or get annoyed if I come off as serious or more Te based like a IXTJ due to my indifference to many things.
  41. job recomendations

  42. Humanities oriented INTPs = 5w4?

    Yeah compared to STEM there is less work. Humanities is more about getting a education in the true sense of the word and becoming an individual than something practical based. Why pharmacology though? You could always be a writer or something.
  43. Humanities oriented INTPs = 5w4?

    I am a 5w4 and in general I prefer thinking about the "humanities" over the natural sciences. The thing with the natural sciences is that it assumes an ultimate given or causality for understanding truth. You can experiment with a chemical in a lab, identify it's composition and see how it...
  44. What is the subject of your theorizing?

    I theorize mostly about social/political philosophy, and personality psychology. At times economics, education, epistemology, history, and technology. I wouldn't say I theorize about general psychology, because I find the personality branch more interesting and relevant. The scientific or more...
  45. INTPs and Football

    I think INTP's can get into team sports but their interest diminishes over time compared to ISTP's. With solo sports INTP's can probably sustain an interest but it wouldn't be as "serious" as a ISTP would approach it. Si vs Se seems to be a factor in the differences here.
  46. INTP's suck at typing others

  47. Your Take on Technology Advancement: Good or Bad?

    Yeah your right. I think what the OP and others are saying is whether technology is good or bad based off an utilitarian premise of it's advancement.
  48. Personology

    Yeah I thought the same. If I had to guess they wanted to separate themselves from Jung/MBTI, so they created the 4 groups and just focused on that.
  49. Your Take on Technology Advancement: Good or Bad?

    The power struggle been a back and forth for the whole of human history, essentially a race. Certain periods have been more decentralized than others. When the Ancient Rome and Greek civilizations began it was fairly individual based with the advent of agriculture and as power became more...
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