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Search results

  1. Gorgrim

    Type Theory / Natural Selection

    I think evolution will turn the world upside down, less F's more T's. more N's less S's, in terms of personality qualities.. these next 100 years. It would seem like there would be less use for the types, imo, the way thing's are turning out.
  2. Gorgrim

    MBTI discussion on HN

    what the fuck! how can it go anti-clockwise? I can't make myself see it. tried for 10 minutes. hmm...
  3. Gorgrim

    What other type irritates you the most?

    I like other introverts, I've found some interesting more adult introverted people too. ( im 18 ). but it does appear that it's harder to talk introvert to introvert, unless I know them well, it can be abit hard. The most redicolous types appear to be judging types, who FEEEEEEEEEEL.... it...
  4. Gorgrim

    Intp~the perfect criminal?

    I am content merely contemplating which way you could land a perfect crime. Sometimes I do think of what you could possibly get away with if you wanted. :eek: but I don't actually wanna commit crimes, I don't want to do things against people that i don't want them doing to me, now, should I...
  5. Gorgrim

    INTP vs INTJ

    i cant get into contact with them for some reason...
  6. Gorgrim

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    I happen to be decent at learning physical things If i try, but it's hard to maintain my skateboarding, and hard to practice enough for new tricks. At the time I started skateboarding, which is about a year ago, I also started playing Warcraft III DotA allstars. If you can be talented at that, I...
  7. Gorgrim

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    What about losing your leg function. Confined to a vehicle. I imagine having a small hovercraft, that I would get around in, with personal wireless internet, ofcourse. possibilities ^^
  8. Gorgrim

    NoID10ts 1,024th post!

    :phear: lobotomy? :phear:
  9. Gorgrim

    Relation between Jung and Freud ’Unification theory of classic psychology’

    Psychology needs more work to be an exact science, because living humans are insanely complex processes that evolved through natures wit. But from my point of view it is all based physically and logical. that which is the neurological. I like your proposed idea, decaf... biology needs to figure...
  10. Gorgrim

    The Maturity of Functions

    I find it really hard to relate to others what I want to say. appearently my teachers don't understand me much. Si helps there? what exactly helps me attain practical-ness and objectify my thoughts on paper?. I think im lacking here the most, together with feeling.... I'd say my intuition works...
  11. Gorgrim

    Relation between Jung and Freud ’Unification theory of classic psychology’

    I went over this in my head........ subjectiveness / objectiveness. Abstract / Practical. it was clear that the J types i know are practical people, and the P types are more abstract. what isnt clear is subjectivity / objectivity. to start of, i catagorised functions: thinking as...
  12. Gorgrim

    What profession do you want/are you doing?

    friend of mine just finished university and has a degree in molecular biologi. i've opened my eyes abit for biologi. But i still really like mathmatics, aswell as physics. I've also started playing guitar, mainly in the sparetime. i think it's an awesome stress relief to play music. Luckily...
  13. Gorgrim

    Forum Sigs

    Awesome. With a 100% score it's no good, without 1% extroversion you can't even chat ^^ I think i am quite perceptive still. I just wonder if this judging is rubbing of on me, now that I seem more involved in getting the job done. ( this beeing Highs-school work). There's an INTJ, the INT type...
  14. Gorgrim


    tempting! --- Decaf your profile picture reminds me of a physics teacher at my school who's a really intriuing guy, think he's intp.... hmm. not many intp's around in high school it seems. i have a facebook. It's a great tool in theory. I don't use it much though, it's good for checking on...
  15. Gorgrim


    loads of insight in this thread. Althought i find blood hard to think of or look at. The thought of blood deterred me from hurting myself like that. But in my earlier days I have comtemplated other ways and i've hurt myself by punching things for example. I wonder how you relief yourself...
  16. Gorgrim

    End of dream

    nice one EB. I'd problably sleep abit longer, read abit, see some TV, get lunch, play guitar, play Warcraft III... :D
  17. Gorgrim

    Is INTP passed genetically?

    I remember feeling abit different even from 4 years old, I grew up in a home with 2 half-siblings... extroverted both. Both my parents are ENTP, my half-sister and half-brother are ESFJ and I think ESTJ. My dad's brother ( identical twin ) is INTJ i think. But i only lived with my mum and...
  18. Gorgrim

    Can an INTP understand emotions?

    What you described Chim is pretty accurate to me. I guess i just tend to be too passive and observe instead of helping people with emotional problems. I try to help out subtlely. INTP's understand emotion's of others and alot less the emotions of themselves. Answer would be yes in my case...
  19. Gorgrim

    Stereo or Headphones?

    So. I agree that my personal music needs to be private, and even people i was really close with I felt alittle odd handing my samsung mp3 to. I enjoyed a friend of mine's earphone from his own mp3 and such, but I didn't like others hearing my own much. to me though it bothers me ofcourse to...
  20. Gorgrim


    Engineer? i tried to find it too. subtle it is. Okay, so I had to do a 5 minute presentation in english class, and I was asked to talk about just about anything I could think of. 5 minutes wasn't enough, yet, the problem was that I am kind of extremely anxious/nervous and was obviously...
  21. Gorgrim

    Psych Experiment: Names

    1. 18 2. Anders 3. Yes i am always called Anders in real life, only have a nickname online. 4. Aye, i'd definitely say there are some quite stereotypic names. Mostly old names that people don't use anymore, or overused "popular" names, to be honest. 5. Danish names might not suffice for...
  22. Gorgrim

    Just realized... fear.

    Infact what jenny describes has me remembering something. Back in school I was asked to explain a certain thing about the story, that we were about to analyse. I wasn't tuned in, atleast, if i was on a road, all the left and right turns had been cut off, and I started to physically shake and...
  23. Gorgrim

    INTP vs INTJ

    Yeah, me too i think though Ididnt test it it seems likely
  24. Gorgrim

    interactions with ENFJ

    I think ENTJS can relate to us better than most people, and i think INFJS find us fascinating. I feel like infj's find me less weird than most. INFJ/INTP is interesting :D i am only curious, but are you female too? the two ENTJ females wanted to be friends? I think girls if interested in you...
  25. Gorgrim

    BoP - Bits of Paper

    I end up panicing eventually when I feel like theres too many papers lying bout. I have a huge folder for my notes/info for all classes. Or ofcourse, they are thrown out, drawings, or random weirdo notes that are ugly and useless.... o.o Ultimately I wanted a folder for each subject in...
  26. Gorgrim

    INTP personality and school

    I'm beginning to realise the High School level in the danish schoolsystem makes it impossible for me to get these so called: "How you're doing grades" that are offered a couple times through the year to tell you how you are doing. I just got it back. It was really odd. I got a B+ in biologi...
  27. Gorgrim

    Waht types do you meet most and least often?

    Persues you said a hawk INTP is rare. I aint sure i understand much difference in a Hawk and Eagle.. What would that be?.
  28. Gorgrim

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Scrubs, House, The Office( maybe its because I havnt worked in any office jobs yet myself ) but I think its hilarious Simpsons, N3mbers ( anybody saw this ? ) Reno 911 ( can be abit funny tbh ) The daily show, David letterman - Gilmore girls :O Veronica Mars ( saw it abit ) Good old...
  29. Gorgrim

    Psyco/Social Alcoholism Study part 1

    mostly never. A couple times only, when i've wanted to learn my class mates, i'd drink with them. Or when im celebrating things.... I don't feel the urge otherwise, i do find it rather funny though, but I really don't feel the need to party and drink, or to party... much. I'm introverted and...
  30. Gorgrim

    commentary on "suggestions for growth for INTP's"

    Re: comentary on "sugestions for growth for INTP's" "suggestions to do things that INTP's fail at anyway... except" :D Except explaining things simple to people, that's easy and i can always explain something to ppl willing so they understand. But, the hardest thing is to formulate what you...
  31. Gorgrim

    Book Resources

    Sounds good.Im actually to hear that, I love playing guitars, it brings out other sides of me that I want to spend more time on. On the subject of books, I found two really good ones in my school library, afraid I havnt been able to loan them yet. So i've sneaked one out to read inbetween...
  32. Gorgrim


    What? nobody was addicted to sugar? :) I actually had a sugar addiction when I was going to school away from home. Basically couldnt stop myself from trying to attain sweets. Used all my money, stole even... I know better now though... I couldnt keep myself from buying it though, and the...
  33. Gorgrim


    First of I tried the: Short Report - Personal Portrait It made sense some of it, so it's not all bad, however, some of it really shouldnt have been there. So again, it is not a complete picture but it does have soem sense. Then I tried Astroclick portrait: I found it excellent. It fits well...
  34. Gorgrim


    I seem to like this Tiesto guy. Though Generally, what I percieve as techno music is horrible. The mindless BOOM BOOM music seems to "violate" my mind. :confused: It really needs to give me something to think of, which much of it really doesnt seem to. It's just loud and annoying to me, for the...
  35. Gorgrim

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    My bad Fusion, got myself onto the wrong track. woops.
  36. Gorgrim

    The strangest secret by Earl Nightingale

    To your Diary Entry: I could have been trying to write the same thoughts almost, much of this I recognised in myself, been asking some of the same questions, and rambling in the same way in my mind..... Offtopic: Has people heard the abbreviation NLP -> Neuro-Linguistic-Programming? Many...
  37. Gorgrim

    Midnight Snax

    I do have some habits of eating before bed. In denmark though, its tradition, aswell as in the region around ( england , germany, sweden etc ) to bake Rugbroed.bread with rug instead of wheat. And since i cant find an english explanation ill leave it there. So you cut it in slices like any...
  38. Gorgrim

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    So you play DotA? im going to guess the costum warcraft III TFT, and not one of the many copycat games that seem to float around once in a while? I play that myself, actually. Have been for a long time. Although it has no ACTUAL genre I would call it a 3rd person shooter - but FPS describes it...
  39. Gorgrim

    Fictional Characters

    not sure how Jordan thinks. But beeing more aware of type-traits opened up my eyes abit when I try to find out what types of people they are. When analyzing characters in books mainly.
  40. Gorgrim

    Book Resources

    I'm glad all of you listed some books you thought were good. I definitely wanna get into reading some more in the upcoming months. Shame shipping is abit harder when you live in denmark though.. offtopic: gonna be buying a guitar first, though...
  41. Gorgrim


    Ahaha. So small in the picture. love it.
  42. Gorgrim

    Self Esteem

    Isnt soul quite a subjective word? I went with soul because I liked it better. Mind.... Mind and Body? I hear it like that sometimes, as seperate things. My Soul, or Brain-connections, I think you could say. Is what really determines how everything I do or AM works. Its the essence of me...
  43. Gorgrim

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    I've got some dreams I remember, early ones people forget me or I end up somewhere I shouldnt be , and get attacked.. ( animal cage with mammoth? ) I've been attacked with axes, but the most MOST horrible dreams I had again and again as a child, is this Dark Shade... it is everything horrible...
  44. Gorgrim

    Bond, INTP Bond

    A friend of mine is ESTP, actually, interesting, but it doesn't fit because 007 acts differently in the Sense/Intuition than a ESTP, that much is clear imo. Bond is too different from a ESTP type, for some reason, It seems harder to look at the big picture and adapt to an ESTP, than me ( intp )...
  45. Gorgrim

    How do you feel emotions?

    Same here. Eventually im wondering why im still happy, and suddenly its kinda worn off..
  46. Gorgrim

    how do you deal with small talk when its forced upon you?

    Uhh, If small-talk is reassurance that you "accept" eachother, then I understand why people bother, and I wouldn't mind people liking me. I just avoid trivial things for the most part. If I can re-direct a topic onto something good, I do that. I however take stuff out of topics and see what I...
  47. Gorgrim

    About Introverts

    Nice article. Both alittle funny and a little true. Are 75% of people extrovertedly-preferred? or was that just something he pulled out from nowhere. I almost always feel like its less than 50%. But Can you guys not agree with: "Second, when you see an introvert lost in thought, don't...
  48. Gorgrim


    Hadrian? I ain't so great with roman emperors, but I seem to remember Hadrian as one of the only ones. He's my favourite of the roman emps.
  49. Gorgrim

    Exams and how INTPs cope with them.

    Yes... indeed ^^
  50. Gorgrim


    Tigers are my absolute favourite animal, I always had an idea that they are alot like me and wouldn't mind me too much... it's a dream of mine, to have a huge place to have pet tigers. I would like them to be my fellow companion. If that would somehow end up working. Animals seem to like me...
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