i have pretty high visual spacial intelligence (drawing, imagining 3D stuff, getting proportions right, albeit there is a limit, for instance imagining a human body on a given exotic bycicle/lowrider/cruiser is a difficult trick for me - do his hands reach for the handle bar? is it comfortable? is there room for his legs or is the saddle too low?)
and i have pretty low kinestic intelligence, if i understand the word right:
body coordination:
i was able to learn skateboarding, albeit i never managed to jump and do a trick at the same time (more of a power+speed issue, than a matter of getting the movements right, i think), i can stunt drive a bike downstairs,
but i can't properly catch or kick a ball
and I run into things (stunt drove my bike into street lamp posts and my car into crash barriers because i didn't notice them comming (attention in another dimension))
i can do beginners judo, but i couldn't become good and i don't care for it either.
i couldn't do karate - i would fall over all the time and kick against lamps standing half a meter besides my opponent.
i also don't care about things like yoga, thai chi, reki, which have a strong body component.
i suck badly at feeling into my physical body and i totally hate it.
i mean doing holotropic breathin for just a few moments will freak me out and make me think about death and stuff. i hate and fear this drowning in sensations. it's alien, it's death. that's the point of holotropic breathing, but it seems to take most people longer to freak out.
but i am OK in touch with expressive aspects of movements, like posture and facial expression. or i like to think so. there is always a huge gap between imagination and actual perfromance for me.
i also use my body to show affection (i like to hug or simply touch someone when speaking to them)
i'm at the low end, but there are people who are more sensotarded than me, like my mother, who would never even learn to drive a bike and get extremely scared about walking a thin path in the mountains etc ...
(i'm Ni dom, to the best of my knowledge)
i also suck at music. i like it, but i can't hit a tone or remember stuff. i think that's related. i think composers are often estj. and they are not as visual.