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Search results

  1. DelusiveNinja

    You remind me of Ryuk a little. Do you see how you may liken?

    You remind me of Ryuk a little. Do you see how you may liken?
  2. DelusiveNinja

    So maybe this is an introduction

    As long as you keep your feet on the ground, you can have your head in the clouds all you want. Just don't do this while you are up there. http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me9bssU10z1rgmauro2_r1_500.gif You'll have to sit in the corner.
  3. DelusiveNinja

    The Anima in Anime

    Are there archetypes for animus as well? The only one I'm familiar with is the archetype that promotes and encourages the individual who is seeking strength to go forth. Example from Kissxsis (it's kinda bad that I remember this):
  4. DelusiveNinja

    A Revitalization of Spirit

    The ideal precipitate can only be determined after it has been visualized with a worldview different from my current one. This is all assuming that my current worldview will not precipitate the most satisfactory "end game" experience. I can't say for certain what type of "end game" I yearn for...
  5. DelusiveNinja

    A Revitalization of Spirit

    This topic excited me and I started talking to myself. Can I post audio of my rantings on this part? Voice Memo:
  6. DelusiveNinja

    A Revitalization of Spirit

    Strangely, I see this occurring clearly. The vision that could produce this effect would be a vision that shows me the future. Reality will be paused, but during that moment, I will enter an OBE (out-of-body experience). During the OBE, in a rift of time, my "world line" (to reference...
  7. DelusiveNinja

    What is the Meaning of Life?

    Firstly, there is no extrinsic "meaning" to life, but some people may develop some intrinsic "meaning" to it after experiencing something they find favorable. Proof: Squash an ant. Now ask yourself, who cares? Then forget it happened at least 15 seconds later. Warning Rant Ahead:
  8. DelusiveNinja

    I don't know much about Ni. All I know is that I experience these "out of the blue" answers...

    I don't know much about Ni. All I know is that I experience these "out of the blue" answers frequently when I am doing something. For instance, I could be talking about any given thing and all of sudden I would say a word that fits into the context of the conversation that I'm having but besides...
  9. DelusiveNinja

    The best 90 minutes!

    That very well could be my position now and in such case I would do exactly what I am doing now.
  10. DelusiveNinja

    What is the hardest question?

    That is where this is headed.
  11. DelusiveNinja

    Yes, I wondered if you had had an experience similar to this description. Do you have a vision...

    Yes, I wondered if you had had an experience similar to this description. Do you have a vision as of now? And when you say vision are you also including worldview or do you think global/all-inclusive prospectives have little to do with what Ni is? What is your occupation? As I was snooping...
  12. DelusiveNinja

    Why are negative emotions not justifiable motivators for action?

    I think you are right about that, but if no one can say what person's intentions or motivations are how do we judge a person's actions? By the situations in which precedent actions cause? Or by popular opinion? The values of our integrity are the values that are in alignment with our self...
  13. DelusiveNinja

    Morning Person, Night Person, Evening Person

    It seems I've been missing out on some good music in my detachment from my cultural norm.
  14. DelusiveNinja

    Hello Puffy. We both knew it would happen one day..... Does this ring true for you as the...

    Hello Puffy. We both knew it would happen one day..... Does this ring true for you as the explanation of the famous Ni-Ti loop? "Ni keeps on trying to switch perspectives, while the Ti keeps trying to look for consistencies and inconsistencies. This is ultimately a fruitless endeavor, because...
  15. DelusiveNinja

    What is the hardest question?

    Shouldn't you have stated that the correct answer to the question "What is the hardest question?" is the question "What is the hardest question?" Why did you say that the answer is "What is the hardest question other than this?" :storks: I also wonder if this is the true answer. I know that...
  16. DelusiveNinja

    Why are negative emotions not justifiable motivators for action?

    What is wrong with self-interest in the pursuit of self-satisfaction? Is there no such thing as an unacceptable motive for action then? Is it not the motive that is problem, but rather the aftermath that is caused by the action, which is the precipitate of the motive? Does this wait in...
  17. DelusiveNinja

    Why are negative emotions not justifiable motivators for action?

    Why do people shun those who take action by cause of a negative emotion such as envy, greed, or anger?
  18. DelusiveNinja

    Imaginary people,i don't see them

    I am my own imaginary friend and everyone here has played some sort of implicit mind game at some point in our lives.
  19. DelusiveNinja

    What is the hardest question?

    An understood question is to yin as a correct answer is to yang. One defines the other. You can not define a correct answer without defining or having defined an understood question. The hardest question is defined by its most accurate answer and how much time it takes to derive that answer...
  20. DelusiveNinja

    Morning Person, Night Person, Evening Person

    Morning: It is so peaceful during this time period. Nothing special about it other than how the sun's beautiful sunrise gently glistens the dew present on plant-life. Night: This is suppose to be a secret but, I'll let the INTP Forum in on it. I'm deeply fascinated with the atmosphere...
  21. DelusiveNinja

    Obsessive Interests...List Yours!

    You. :phear:
  22. DelusiveNinja

    What is the hardest question?

    A question that can not be answered does not exist because I can answer all of your questions with incorrect or non-related answers. However, a question that can not be answered accurately probably does exist. Therefore, a "hard" question probably refers to a question that is difficult to answer...
  23. DelusiveNinja

    Wrote some "personality" code, any feedback?

    I have been having trouble with eclipse. When I try to run the .exe it says: A java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following locations:....... I have been trying to...
  24. DelusiveNinja

    What is the hardest question?

    Wouldn't it be the question you just asked?
  25. DelusiveNinja

    Thanks again Auburn. The information you have given me explains a lot of the suspicions I had of...

    Thanks again Auburn. The information you have given me explains a lot of the suspicions I had of my type. I also identify with this more "serious" search for truth vs INTPs' playful whimsicality, which probably explains why I feel like an outsider looking in on this forum nowadays. People don't...
  26. DelusiveNinja

    So...somehow, I reasoned myself into making a video. Would you be interested in telling me what...

    So...somehow, I reasoned myself into making a video. Would you be interested in telling me what you think my type is? Could I share the link with you through dropbox? If so, then I would need you to PM me an email address.
  27. DelusiveNinja

    Ranking of Extraverted Functions ( Controversial)

    All extroverted functions are beneath Te.
  28. DelusiveNinja

    Pouncing off of ideas

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ytLI7M4IC0 Elliot Hulse is telling people not to vigilantly judge ideas as good or bad. He is saying to let the ideas flow into your mind and let your body decide whether the idea is right or wrong based off how it reacts to the idea. I am making the...
  29. DelusiveNinja

    What are the biggest issues for introverts?

    What's been on my mind for some time is the notion that my ideas come from this thundercloud made of a tense substance that causes things to go in easily and come out difficulty. An inexorable force is required to get things like kites and toy helicopters to come out of the cloud, and by the...
  30. DelusiveNinja

    Is paper really enough?

    Replace toilet paper with wipes?
  31. DelusiveNinja

    Which Star Wars character are you?

    This test has some explaining to do. :aufsmaul:
  32. DelusiveNinja

    Speculation(s) and Ideas on Psychology, Sociology and Information

    I think I am wrong about that. Reason is a separate process. But when a person, for example, assumes that God exist and values the assumption, even after the majority proves the existence of God to be false, is it still an assumption or is it a value? Must the assumptions be true to be within...
  33. DelusiveNinja

    Speculation(s) and Ideas on Psychology, Sociology and Information

    Reason is within both the value and assumption categories. People can reason on an entirely personal basis (informal logic) or an universal basis (formal logic). Using Words' model, I think that formal logic would be more dependent on information (assumptions people as whole make out to be...
  34. DelusiveNinja

    BAP Status

    I agree with this. I'm not an advocate of people seeking external validation because sometimes it can be annoying, but I do acknowledge that people seek it regardless of the level of consciousness in which the urge resides. Having said that, I am on the fence as to whether it is a good idea to...
  35. DelusiveNinja

    I really would like to hear feedback from you on what you think of what I think and if you can...

    I really would like to hear feedback from you on what you think of what I think and if you can relate to Vincent Brooks from Catherine. I've been trying to get a grasp on your personality for a while, but now I think I finally nailed it and successfully put my opinion into words. Anyway....if...
  36. DelusiveNinja

    Free StrengthsFinder online test.

    I am glad this test was linked. This is exactly what I wanted and it seems to accurately portray what I have been racking my brain to find out. Now to focus on my strengths and ignore the weaknesses :). Capitalize: 1. Ideation 2. Maximizer 3. Deliberative/Intellection 4. Focus/Analytical 5...
  37. DelusiveNinja

    I feel the need to tell you that you resemble (at least in my opinion) the girl named Re-L Mayer...

    I feel the need to tell you that you resemble (at least in my opinion) the girl named Re-L Mayer from Ergo Proxy. Oh and since I am here Happy New Year.
  38. DelusiveNinja

    Best Gifts You've Ever Gotten

    A room to spend my day lost in my reveries.
  39. DelusiveNinja

    the internet enables us to transform or project ourselves into artworks

    I think this avatar phenomenon has something to do with this: If it is true that Fe users choose their avatars based off their emotional state or psychological state, then that could explain why a lot of ENTPs change their avatars frequently. This would mean that the higher Fe and Ne is in...
  40. DelusiveNinja

    How can we become immortal?

    "A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death." — John F. Kennedy Become an idea and then I suppose you won't have to worry about death because your vision will carry on without you physically being there.
  41. DelusiveNinja

    Dario Nardi's Webpage (is it stupid or am I?)

    What articles are you talking about? From what I understand this guy is trying to make money. If I were him I wouldn't want too much free information just flying around either. I found this website, which is probably what you guys are talking about, and got this(a list of things you can...
  42. DelusiveNinja

    INTJ and INTP, psychopaths?

    Is he (the speaker) an ENTP?
  43. DelusiveNinja


    I guess you can say that the reason I do things is to fulfill my very vague objective. To me it's as if I am taking shots in the dark and every shot fired leads me to either turn around or take a step forward toward something. Unfortunately, the flash caused by firing the gun only last a few...
  44. DelusiveNinja

    What would happen if we couldn't hear ourselves?

    Yes. I noticed what I said was ambiguous after I had to leave. What I meant was: What if you couldn't hear yourself in speech or internal speech (sub vocalization)? @Rook After a while for verbal speech and from the start for internal
  45. DelusiveNinja

    What would happen if we couldn't hear ourselves?

    What do you think? I am aware that this may defy some scientific laws.
  46. DelusiveNinja

    Thank you for clearing that up. I think I understand what you are saying. In the example you...

    Thank you for clearing that up. I think I understand what you are saying. In the example you provided are you saying that the reason behind the different representations of the street in the conversation is due to different cognitive formatting?
  47. DelusiveNinja

    Hey, latte you lost me here: "This again leads to the implication that when these formats are...

    Hey, latte you lost me here: "This again leads to the implication that when these formats are mapped onto a verbal plane for communication, the parameters of the cognitive structure of the formats from where it is mapped will by implication restrict the way in which what is to be represented...
  48. DelusiveNinja

    Interesting old post I made years ago on a different forum. Good read I think

    I wonder if I am the only one who looked to see if he made this about three years ago and found that it was first published 2 years, 2 months, 30 days ago.
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