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Search results

  1. DelusiveNinja

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    Why is it that when I wake up I think the weirdest stuff? I had lied to her. I tried to let the cat out the bag yesterday but the cat had already........shitted, suffocated, died, zombified, ate two cans tuna (including the cans), upgraded into a boinic zomcat 9161.3 and shot out the bag into...
  2. DelusiveNinja

    What is you Code?

    I like these colors and the motto. *check approved (this should be blue or black)*
  3. DelusiveNinja

    Interesting, I'll keep that in mind and choose these luxuries wisely.

    Interesting, I'll keep that in mind and choose these luxuries wisely.
  4. DelusiveNinja

    INTP Female, Struggling w/ Feeling Togetherness

    !? Was the rest of my post something you did not want to respond to?:D No matter, I didn't mean that post I'm talking about post like this: Maybe it's a problem on my side or maybe the post that I can't see weren't posted here.
  5. DelusiveNinja

    INTP Female, Struggling w/ Feeling Togetherness

    *raises hand in classroom for young, insensitive, and possibly, immature INTPs* I have some questions. Why don't I see Saccharine's original post(s) on the thread? Was the mistake (if you want to call it that) Montressor made even a typical INTP mistake in your eyes (that is assuming he was an...
  6. DelusiveNinja

    John's Personality type 25quiz.com

    If you meant the supposed replacement happened after you pressed the 'skip button', then I don't think the creator ever intended to 'replace questions'. Instead, the test continues and they give you extra questions, which doesn't necessarily imply that they are replacements for the previously...
  7. DelusiveNinja

    Can you imagine nothing in a world of nothing?

    Me: *talking to self about question* Aunt: What are you talking about? Me: Nothing.
  8. DelusiveNinja

    Does this mean that INTP's?...

    Maybe the INTP stereotype "evolved" into civilization. Before INTPs were able to attain the autonomy they desired, they were forced to adapt to another INTP stereotype or social role. This may prompt the question: How did most INTPs act 'back then'?
  9. DelusiveNinja

    Enneagram Test(with Tritype)

    Type One: 13 Type Two: 0 Type Three: 16 Type Four: 28 Type Five: 51 Type Six: 41 Type Seven: 22 Type Eight: 5 Type Nine: 36 Your probable Enneagram Type Your main type is 5. Considering the wings you should be a 5w6.
  10. DelusiveNinja

    Does this mean that INTP's?...

    I am not interested in conforming to the expectations that I deem unreasonable and I try not to concern myself to much with the status of society. I would care if it fell apart because then it would affect me drastically. 1) I would miss technology, books, and music, maybe even anime. 2) I...
  11. DelusiveNinja

    Thought Stimulation, How Much Type Based?

    I think I'm an INTP (for right now). I also get that sensation when I come to new realization after reading something or have an impractical idea that may have a practical application or application to another idea that I'm interested in at the time.
  12. DelusiveNinja

    Ask BAP

    Careers considering: Mathematician, Computer Scientist, or some form of Electrical or Computer Engineering Vocational topics: Formal Sciences, Physics, Applied Sciences (Architecture & Design, and Engineering), Economics Playboy status or Academia: Linguistics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Space...
  13. DelusiveNinja

    Ask BAP

    I'm not on any time limit I just want to have 'maximum prior understanding(?)'. Why not linguistics could it be a waste of time? I don't find it very interesting but I thought it would be beneficial to have the ability to use language and communicate my ideas in an advanced fashion. I have a...
  14. DelusiveNinja

    Ask BAP

    I know why, what, but not how. I'm lost and don't really care for much of anything else in the world but knowledge, understanding, and a small amount of entertainment. I thought about what academic disciplines I found most important and what order may be the best to learn them. Here's the order...
  15. DelusiveNinja

    An alternative to war - a Geneva Convention on paintball

    Comma Gun WAR. Shoots out needles at enemies that inject a substance that causes the victim to have a comma. Bomb people with Sleeping/laughing gas and take them into custody. :confused: i don't know.
  16. DelusiveNinja

    Sub or Dub?

    As long as I can understand what's going on I don't care. If the subs go to fast, I get mad though.
  17. DelusiveNinja

    Getting into philosophy early.

    Theology = religious?
  18. DelusiveNinja

    Ti-Si vs Ne-Fe loops = Jung's "Psychic progression" vs "Psychic regression" ?

    Would this sentence be referring to all types, just INTPs, or Ne users (with Ne present as their Dominant, Auxiliary, or Tertiary function)?
  19. DelusiveNinja

    Ti-Si vs Ne-Fe loops = Jung's "Psychic progression" vs "Psychic regression" ?

    Regression: http://www.jungny.com/lexicon.jungian.therapy.analysis/carl.jung.168.html Progression: http://www.jungny.com/lexicon.jungian.therapy.analysis/carl.jung.150.html From what I understand this piece of information from the second link is relevant here: I disagree, for right now...
  20. DelusiveNinja

    Thread split from scared of sex: Advertising = ?

    That big TV screen sitting next to me is becoming more and more repulsive as I read.
  21. DelusiveNinja


    Maybe there should be a birthday gif for when people log in an it's their birthday. I don't know if it's possible though.
  22. DelusiveNinja

    You have some cool art on here

    You have some cool art on here
  23. DelusiveNinja

    Ask BAP

    What happens when "INTP buildings" fall down?:D
  24. DelusiveNinja

    I.. i'm not sure. type me?

    Welcome. I will go with ENTP also. Sounds like you weren't aware of the social boundaries so people probably found you bothersome. Check out ENFP too.
  25. DelusiveNinja

    Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Disorders?

    I would use this description for those who are confused about LII: http://www.wikisocion.org/en/index.php?title=Logical_Intuitive_Introtim Maybe what I was experiencing wasn't considered Fi or depression. I ended up talking with my mother about the possibility of having a mental disorder and...
  26. DelusiveNinja

    Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Disorders?

    I believe that I have elevated to a even higher level of understanding of my psyche. To classify myself with the theories of personality I would be an INTP with an enneagram of 5w4 and a socionics type of LII denoted by INTj. The newest addition to the information about my psyche would be that...
  27. DelusiveNinja

    Is it possible to become more intelligent?

    I read this article a while ago (before learning about MBTI). If it has merit is up to you to decide. http://www.thefeelgoodlifestyle.com/on-becoming-superhuman-how-to-get-smarter-increase-your-iq-become-limitless.html And I found this while trying to better my thinking skills after "giving...
  28. DelusiveNinja

    Exam Time Limits and Anxiety

    How will they know how much time to give? The way I thought about this was: What if the time they gave you was different? Wouldn't the anxiety still be there for some group of people who can't choose the answers with the amount of time? And what if the number of people in that group ended up...
  29. DelusiveNinja

    Any ideas on resetting a sleep cycle?

    Howl at a full moon.
  30. DelusiveNinja

    Mental Health

    Hypomania/Depression Anxiety - It's not that bad but sometimes I'll think of the possible things that could go wrong with doing everyday things like taking out the trash or driving to the store and after that thought is in my head I will refute doing it and when someone attempts to force me...
  31. DelusiveNinja

    What would you do if you got robbed of everything?

    :confused: You wouldn't call the police to try and get your stuff back?
  32. DelusiveNinja

    What would you do if you got robbed of everything?

    Situation: Let's say you sleep with nothing but your underwear on and you wake up one day with nothing in your house/apartment but a pair of shorts, a car (that starts), the car keys to the car, a laptop connected to the internet via WiFi, and your wallet, containing your driver's license and...
  33. DelusiveNinja

    ok INTPs, i have a MBTI personality test project/idea

    Te (Extroverted Thinking) (30%) your valuation of / adherence to logic of external systems / hierarchies / methods Ti (Introverted Thinking) (65%) your valuation of / adherence to your own internally devised logic/rational Ne (Extroverted Intuition) (65%) your valuation of / tendency...
  34. DelusiveNinja

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    What do you think of this AnnaC? http://intpforum.com/showthread.php?t=7016 The SP Wannabe, to me, reminded me of what you described above. I could be (most likely I am) completely wrong in my assertion, but hey, I don't mind being wrong every once in a while.
  35. DelusiveNinja

    Could you be an INFJ or is that least likely? You talked about having a Ni/Se conflict and you...

    Could you be an INFJ or is that least likely? You talked about having a Ni/Se conflict and you said you can be talkative, which could be a sign of Fe.
  36. DelusiveNinja

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    When I said ordered differently I was referring to something that Architect brought up in the '24 types of INTPs' thread. What if the order of the functions "switched up" like this: Ne-Ti-Si-Fe? Is this still considered ENTP? Maybe it's not a switch. Maybe it's a time when one function has...
  37. DelusiveNinja

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    I said I "resembled" an ENTP at home. I am not an ENTP or INTJ (dont think). I think you can say after a long day of "holding Ne back" I have to come home and go on theoretical tangents with some sort of given information.
  38. DelusiveNinja

    Can types be suppressed according to circumstances?

    I think due to certain circumstances you can have your functions be ordered differently. For instance, when I am at home I closely resemble ENTP (without friends) and when I am at school people think I am INTJ but, I think I am an INTP adjusting to my surroundings.
  39. DelusiveNinja

    Thread split: Why learn physics by yourself/electric fields vs. magnetic fields

    Re: Why learn physics by yourself I thought about this this morning and I think I agree. Since nothing is true and you know the rest.
  40. DelusiveNinja

    The 5 Stages of Death&Grief

    *remembering when Light Yagami got caught*
  41. DelusiveNinja

    Where do You Find Beauty?

    SPACE is the most beautiful place. I find fractal explorations, sound, math (a collection of numbers forming something), light, cells, and mental images (vivid dreams) beautiful. I find insects, the inside of the body, sweat, heat, and nature (child birth) disgusting.
  42. DelusiveNinja

    You have a marriage offer from a British Royal

    Nope. I want a mediocre lifestyle, living in a cheap apartment by myself. I don't want fame for something I didn't earn. My mother doesn't approve of my dreams because they all are "aiming too low". She wants me to be rich but I don't want the attention. You don't see bums getting their things...
  43. DelusiveNinja

    What makes you confident you are INTP?

    I am somewhat doubtful that I'm an INTP but what else could I be? I am a bit more confident I'm an Introvert with a Rational temperament because the actions I have taken in the past. I have been selfish, heartless, clueless, and distant. Right now, I suspect myself to be INFJ but I'm not...
  44. DelusiveNinja

    Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do

    Hmm..let us see. I pace back and forth when thinking or arguing. (at home) Brainstorm out loud when I have problem. (at home) Frequently, go off on tangents when in conversation with people I'm comfortable with being around. I sneak up behind my mom when she is in the kitchen. She gets pissed...
  45. DelusiveNinja

    People who don't work shouldn't live?

    Society is a system not a person, making society nearly impossible to destroy. Society could be destroyed by a super INTJ or something like Lelouch from Code Geass, but I'm not sure if those people exist.
  46. DelusiveNinja

    Learning From Errors In Language

    Wait, my dad did what? Why is he bringing you novels from 19th century and not me? WHY!! Just kidding, I know what you mean. :) Thank you for the tip.
  47. DelusiveNinja

    Learning From Errors In Language

    This makes me slightly jealous. :D Why this route?
  48. DelusiveNinja

    Learning From Errors In Language

    I've been wanting to ask these questions for a while now. My curiosity is raging! What type of education do you have? Did you go to a good school? Did you pay attention? How did you learn what you know now? Did you study logic (English language arts) independently? :phear: Do you agree with...
  49. DelusiveNinja

    Who am I, what is this?!

    I think you are more ENFP than ENTP. The main reason is because of the way you answer the second question; you have values. I can see some Extroverted Intuition in these: So, ENFP and then ENTP, in my opinion. But if you compare Extroverted Feeling (ENTP) to Introverted Feeling (ENFP), I think...
  50. DelusiveNinja

    John's Personality type 25quiz.com

    65% INTP 9% INTJ 7% ENTP 6% INFP 4% ISTP 2nd results: 30% INTP 18% INTJ 18% ISTP 8% INFP 8% IST
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