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Search results

  1. Dormouse

    Funniest INTP pics

    Actually, most of these didn't make sense to me. :slashnew: Tranquility is neither edible nor pictured therein. Perhaps it's meant to be ironic? I've always thought of INTPs as more twitchy than tranquil.
  2. Dormouse

    Summer playlist

    Summer music, for me, has always and will always be the outdated pop songs that were perpetually blaring at the pool I used to hang out at. Also Trooper.
  3. Dormouse

    Higher level of Brain power during Winter?

    I actually pseudo-hibernate during the winter. The meager supplies of energy I can divert from the act of keeping myself warm are channeled towards scavenging for scraps of food and blanket. So no, I don't have a higher level of brainpower.
  4. Dormouse

    Greetings fools.

    So, a priest, a rabbi, and a gravedigger walk into a bar...
  5. Dormouse

    <3 Leonid Afremov.

    <3 Leonid Afremov.
  6. Dormouse

    Fictional and non fictional INTP's

    I've been waiting for someone to bring him up. :) <-- Pleased to know I'm not the only one who watches silly cop serial killer shows.
  7. Dormouse

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    Speaking of body image... I think the whole 'must be ultra skinny to be beautiful' attitude is very harmful and in it's own way promotes weight gain. There seems to have been a backlash, in that people who've tried dieting to look abnormally thin and failed reject the entire system. This...
  8. Dormouse

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    @ Cavallier It certainly isn't the only factor, but I think in statistical terms it does represent one of the greater (Or at least more noticeable) correlations. I do partake in a rather sedentary lifestyle, but I walk five minutes hike five miles to school everyday and partake in many...
  9. Dormouse

    Why has obesity become the norm?

    Lifestyle changes associated with the onslaught of technology, for one... There are now a myriad of ways to amuse yourself indoors that didn't exist a decade or two ago. I mean, really, to contact a friend I don't even have to walk to the telephone. Everything I could potentially need...
  10. Dormouse

    I must say I love your posts. Please don't stop adding links, it makes them much more...

    I must say I love your posts. Please don't stop adding links, it makes them much more interesting and informative.
  11. Dormouse

    Animal Morph!

    I've changed my mind, I want to be a fucking aardwolf. Aww!
  12. Dormouse

    How the hell do I control my raging P?

    Heh. Exact same thing here. I don't know why, but restaurants are the worst. I've literally skipped meals because I couldn't decide what to order. :confused: Now my system is pick whatever, regret it later and sulk for the rest of the meal.
  13. Dormouse

    I must commend your taste. Florence and the Machine is/are one of my favourite artists, for...

    I must commend your taste. Florence and the Machine is/are one of my favourite artists, for today. :)
  14. Dormouse

    Hey! You're still around! *looks below* Happy birthday I suppose. :p

    Hey! You're still around! *looks below* Happy birthday I suppose. :p
  15. Dormouse

    Animal Morph!

    Excluding all magical animals, I'd like to be a whale.
  16. Dormouse

    "Look, we'll eat your mum, and if you're feeling a bit guilty about it afterwards, we can dig a grav

    Hmm, my first guess for Dutch Blitz was some kind of music, but I guess that was off. Welcome, great to have you here! :D
  17. Dormouse

    Fishbowl for Thoughts

    I imagine you'll be carried away whether you wish it or not. They don't drown anybody, they just erode your will over time.
  18. Dormouse

    Fishbowl for Thoughts

    Resistance is futile. Might as well let the waves carry you and the words of others design your mind.
  19. Dormouse

    Bad book?

    For anyone who ranted about Twilight above, I dare you to read vampire diaries. I fucking dare you. It's actually the book Twilight ripped off, but in my mind it will remain forever far, far worse. I haven't read the entire thing, so maybe I shouldn't judge, but I will anyways because I could...
  20. Dormouse

    Im on the cusps of an INTP and an INFP..

    That indicates nothing other than indecision. You'll change your mind again, probably tomorrow-ish. Brace yourself for future bouts of thinking-I'm-an-extrovert, thinking-I'm-a-sensor and thinking-I'm-an-untypeable-God-thing-muahahaha.
  21. Dormouse

    Souls are actually rather rare commodities here. You can get a pretty good price for them on the...

    Souls are actually rather rare commodities here. You can get a pretty good price for them on the blackmarket, I hear. (To make soup. Apparently soup gathers its remedial properties from actual souls. Also, they're needed to seal the cans. You wouldn't believe how much research it took me to...
  22. Dormouse

    Reincarnation placement test

    Another Deep-spacer.
  23. Dormouse

    You mean X-Babies ? That's right, it had to have happened. That said, I recommend soup. It's...

    You mean X-Babies ? That's right, it had to have happened. That said, I recommend soup. It's like, good for the soul, if you still have one. :)
  24. Dormouse

    Placebo Effect

    I'm inclined to say an AI fabrication would only fall victim to the placebo effect if it wasn't fully aware of all of it's functions. For the placebo effect to trigger any reaction there would have to exist a plane the AI wasn't monitoring. Basically we'd have to outfit it with a...
  25. Dormouse

    I recommend babies with barbecue sauce and cilantro. Or, you could irradiate them and build a...

    I recommend babies with barbecue sauce and cilantro. Or, you could irradiate them and build a circus out of super-powered toddlers. :D
  26. Dormouse

    This will lighten you up!

    YouTube- Mando Diao - Gloria (Official Music Video)
  27. Dormouse

    I don't see any storks here. I thought there would be storks. :'(

    I don't see any storks here. I thought there would be storks. :'(
  28. Dormouse

    Do you like danger ?!

    The perception of danger is fun, like when you go rock climbing or on a roller-coaster. Real danger is meh, you don't have logic telling you it'll be alright and the outcome is uncertain. So yeah, I like quasi-dangerous physical activities like the two mentioned above and other things that...
  29. Dormouse

    The inner mind (or, your recurring fantasy outside of reality)

    Well, I'm not so sure I would go so far as calling them plans. Basically it revolves around immortality, the immortality of one or two people as opposed to society as a whole. (I don't want to get into the problems that would arise if everyone could live forever... Ugh. We'd have to start...
  30. Dormouse

    The inner mind (or, your recurring fantasy outside of reality)

    Like the others here, I have a variety of fantasies, most of which manifest through unwritten stories, of little notes I jot down. Or drawingsy things. Immortality is my current topic of interest. That and survivor guilt. The two go so well together... That said, my inner world is not a...
  31. Dormouse

    Shape Personality Type Profile

    Box/triangle combo.
  32. Dormouse


    Score = 4. Oh joy. Though to be fair a lot of the answers provided didn't apply to me. I would have fallen somewhere in the middle.
  33. Dormouse

    Word Frequency by: location, gender, and age

    That too. Though I was going more for a 'swearing isn't an accessory to thinking' outlook. Also, that there are markable differences between 'fuck my life' and 'I'll fuck my gf/that hot chick/your mother tonight'. You'd think there'd be less stigma against females swearing on the internet...
  34. Dormouse

    Word Frequency by: location, gender, and age

    Durrrr... I wrote a long response to you, Words, but it got caught up in the spam-blocker thing. I'll just sum it up here and delete this soon as it pops up. So basically, the words you provided examples of can be used in a variety of contexts, making the data impossible to interpret. Not...
  35. Dormouse

    Word Frequency by: location, gender, and age

    Okay, I see where you're coming from, which I believe is that coarse language indicates less tact and therefore Te/Ti, but... No. The words you've chosen can be used in a pretty wide range of contexts, eliminating any value they would have held in determining this. Also, fuck is just another...
  36. Dormouse

    Word Frequency by: location, gender, and age

    The colours red, brown, black, white, gold, silver, scarlet, crimson, bronze, auburn, azure and green were used more by males. Pink, violet, purple, lime green, maroon, turquoise, teal, yellow, jade, olive, beige, khaki and navy were used more by females. Blue, gray, indigo and orange are...
  37. Dormouse

    Nice avatar.

    Nice avatar.
  38. Dormouse

    Word Frequency by: location, gender, and age

    I've heard far more women call Meagan Fox hot than guys. There's a whole feminine culture based on rating and comparing each other's looks. Plus, those words would be used a lot in fashion blogs and the like. Interesting: The word 'music' is used more by guys, the word 'song' by girls...
  39. Dormouse

    Hi there

    I third this, welcome. And worry not, we're quite tolerant of lurkers so long as they don't mess with the alarm system. :)
  40. Dormouse

    I just noticed you posted Eet by Regina Spektor on the songs that make you tear up thread. I...

    I just noticed you posted Eet by Regina Spektor on the songs that make you tear up thread. I couldn't agree more.
  41. Dormouse

    INTPs and Pets

    Words, I must warn you that we shall most likely end up dueling if you ever wander into my territory. The insects here are under my protection. Lay a hand on so much as a mosquito and I will have your head. :)
  42. Dormouse

    That post was too good to lose. :)

    That post was too good to lose. :)
  43. Dormouse

    What's you favorite style of Art?

    Colours. Also sharpness. I like defined lines and a clear palet, gradients and jarring contrasts are nice too. Anything that tricks the eye... Anybody else into Escher?
  44. Dormouse

    All I can say are four letter words in a four octave range- screaming your name

    I'm pretty sure that most people here don't take MBTI too seriously. It's fun to act like you do, though, or puzzle thoughtfully over somebody's type, or bullshit your way into sounding like you know something. I mean, really, the whole system is so open to interpretation and that's what...
  45. Dormouse

    Worst Music Ever

    ... please tell me that's not from an actual-real album. Congratulations, that's by far the worst thing I've heard on this thread. And probably ever.
  46. Dormouse

    Towel day

    Yessssssss. :D I'm afraid my towel might be a bit small, though, it'll have to fit in the pocket of my apron.
  47. Dormouse

    Instant Dislike

    My brother ran a cross-country race in a polo shirt once. I laughed.
  48. Dormouse

    Forum rules

    It's kind of insulting they don't think members can recognize trolls and idiots on their own. [/SPOILER]
  49. Dormouse

    Love Song favorites

    YouTube- Jaymay - Snow White Only because the chorus perfectly matches my usual course of action.
  50. Dormouse

    Which fictional character do you identify with / would you like to be?

    The less developed a character is, the easier it is to project our own personalities on to them. So long as they have one or two defining traits we can relate to. Plus, most anime characters are pretty awesome, and it's way cooler to see yourself in this exaggerated freak than in somebody...
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