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Search results

  1. Dormouse

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    The head is a good place to attack though because it induces pain and disorientation. If you can strike them in the forehead with enough force they'll suffer a blackout. If you can get them in the nose their eyes will begin to water no matter how tough they are, the tissue there is extremely...
  2. Dormouse

    Are ESFJ's bogey-men?

    Hmm, the ESFJs I've known are in high school, too, though the ones I've really gotten to know were a couple of grades younger, through a sporting thing. I'd attribute our harmony to the following facts: 1. Small team, forced socialization with 'em 2. I was the oldest, apparently that's a...
  3. Dormouse

    Is the small guy more dangerous or the big guy more dangerous?

    I must say, this depends entirely on context. Even the words small and big could be interpreted differently. That said, my money's on the big guy, assuming they're both average individuals. He's has the advantage of strength, which in the close quarters of a street fight is important. Plus...
  4. Dormouse

    Are ESFJ's bogey-men?

    As an ESFJ in training I am highly insulted by this thread. :(
  5. Dormouse

    For all who have a fe or fi fetish.

    Oh yes. An INTP-produced documentary on how people communicate. I figure it would either be painfully childlike or surprisingly insightful. :p Actually, the two might overlap. (No, really though, you ought to go through with it. I'd love to see the results.) That said, thanks for the link.
  6. Dormouse

    Worst Music Ever

    Hmm, shoot me, but I actually don't mind Kesha that much. For comedic value, that is. Anyways, society has a need for mediocre pop stars to ridicule. And her sound engineers have done a pretty good job, that song is an earworm. I dunno y4, I don't mind Girls Generation, but again they can't...
  7. Dormouse


    ^ Hmm, funny thing, when I'm watching movies with people I spend more time watching they're reactions than actually watching the film, or formulating my reactions to match their expectations of what they should be. Or, trying to tell them how I think it's going to end to prove how brilliant I...
  8. Dormouse

    Poll: Colors

    Sorry, Green >>>> Black. I would vote but I don't like specific colours so much as colour combinations. Or colours with fades and textures and the like. There are very few colourss I can stand all on their own, I suppose some aqua-turquoises and yellow-greens might contest, or certain...
  9. Dormouse

    mood swings.

    Usually something subtle. Some worry creeps up, I'm cued in by somebody's sorta upset looking facial expression or whatever, and I manage to convince myself I'm ruining everyone's day and they secretly hate me/want to throw me into a volcano. So basically I'm doing fine until I realize that...
  10. Dormouse

    I suck at math

    Two is the only even prime, four is a square, and also unlucky, six is all devilish and cool, eight is another cube. Actually, six is awesome. 1+2+3 as well as 1x2x3
  11. Dormouse

    My father may be ESFJ? This may correlate with how our compatibility is shit?

    Hmm, I generally disagree with this, though it's possible I'm misinterpreting something. Why shouldn't we think of our parents as something other than as a mother or father? I would think the key to acheiving a healthy relationship would be to respect them as equals, instead of confining them...
  12. Dormouse


    Actually, I rather like cheddar, and I have a couple of orphans I would totally be willing to supply for this project. (Depending... I'd need to know the precise definition of orphan. Do their parents really have to be dead? Or is being unwanted in this house... uh, their house, and subsequent...
  13. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    See? This is why I'm running for the hills. GTFO of my head. :phear: Also, I'm about to be anal about the writing comment... I'm in an advanced English class, and every student there is a more than competent wordsmith though the majority of them are not Ti-doms. In fact, I think they're mostly...
  14. Dormouse

    What is the best way to make people hate you?

    But it's true... And yes, most of these I would also do for fun. #84. :)
  15. Dormouse

    I suck at math

    One tenth of 23 = 2.3 2.3 x 2 = 4.6 4.6 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 4.6 + 4.6 = 23 Like that? :)
  16. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Well, technically I was kinda fighting you, though I backed down because I said I would and I'm stubborn about going through with things. So, to not sound Ti, small words and short sentences? Got it. Quietly insane? Flattery. :D Upon reading Cheese's post: Addddyyyyy, when is that thread...
  17. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    I would soooo be denying that now if I hadn't said I was stoping. Instead, I shall politely ask how one writes in an INTP manner, that I can cease doing it.
  18. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Those videos were of my evil twin reading (absolutely butchering, actually) a script I had prepared for her. And anyways, I deleted them long ago. Your memory clearly fails you. Plus, I totally don't type like an INTP. :mad: *mutters angrily* Edit: Upon that note, I will cease my MBTI...
  19. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Alright, though adders are cool, being venomous and whatnot. Hmm, well I neither act nor feel like an INTP. Thinking is not something I am good at, I have no memory for facts whatsoever, my imagination is shot (read: terribly inconsistent) and if I actually have Fe, it rarely shows itself. I...
  20. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Ahem. So, Ti and Ne narrows down my options to ESFJ, ISFJ, INTP and ENTP? That is assuming you are right, 'cause seriously, I come off a lotttt different on here than I do in reality. So I'm tending to lean...
  21. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    I resent that allegation. Also, it's untrue.
  22. Dormouse

    I suck at math

    Oh, I know this... 23! Why? Well, there are five sets of twenty three which essentially remain the same when added together, so you just seperate them again... Logicfail.
  23. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Well, I'm really quite OCD and boring in reality. And frankly, far too much of my time is spent contemplating past things. So Si sounds about right. The only thing that wouldn't match up is my absolute lack of any factual memory. I have an INFJ friend who could maybe pass as an INTP, or at...
  24. Dormouse

    ~The Melkor BIRTHDAY club~

    Re: ~The Melkor club~ Forget that, I'd suggest out-cheating him.
  25. Dormouse


    The Princess Bride is epic. Welcome. :D
  26. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Well, I agree that written tests won't generaly be accurate as people tend to project their ideal selves into their answers. Even if they are being honest, denial usually takes care of any dissonance between their actual and perceived personalities. That said, I guess for people that deviate...
  27. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    I've considered being an INFP, INFJ, ISFP, ESFP and INTP. Right now I've settled on ISTP. And I think the INFJ thing only applies to this forum... :p
  28. Dormouse


    Oh god nerdy vampire. :o Yes. So long as 90% of the cast is male. And I think we should include some ruffly haired young street urchin type. And mech-vampires from the future. Though that may get a but heady for the target audience... Also, make sure it's easy to read. Four syllables/word max.
  29. Dormouse


    But give him a sexy evil brother. With a leather jacket, and a motorcycle. That way you can cash in on fetishes both for nice guys and badasses.
  30. Dormouse


    Pfft. Pink is so yesterday. Pulsing neon green out to do it, though. Or black. Black like your corporate-crafted designed-for-marketing SOUL!
  31. Dormouse

    Distinct non-INTP traits

    Are you sure you're INTP Anthile? Given those traits I would seriously recommend reassessing your type. ;)
  32. Dormouse

    Distinct non-INTP traits

    I fail at life? I basically suck at anything academic. Most things bore me. I'm either hyper-excited or sad. I like people, though they hate me. Then again, I might not be an INTP.
  33. Dormouse

    did it all over again

    Welcome, mauve canine. Enjoy your stay. Ejectable shuttles are located to your left, should you feel the need to use them. Please fasten your seatbelt.
  34. Dormouse

    So I've had these two computer problems for a while...

    Poor Ashitaria, his request for technical help overshadowed by the dramedy of a relationship thread. :( That said, I can't help you.
  35. Dormouse

    So I'd just like to officially state that you're the forums hero for the day. Also welcome...

    So I'd just like to officially state that you're the forums hero for the day. Also welcome back. :p
  36. Dormouse

    Advice for the now...

    Is murdering and replacing my past self an option? Paradox time! Ahem, if not... I suppose it would be something along the lines of, don't worry, be happy, 'cause you'll learn to hate the things that stress you anyways.
  37. Dormouse


    Well, I was gonna write something about liking Worth best from the beginning, but Oreo beat me to the punch. That said, to prevent spoilers I'll offer naught but a shallow synopsis of my first impressions of the characters. Leaven got on my nerves. I wanted to hug Kazan. I don't like red...
  38. Dormouse

    Perfect crime

    Giant icecubes is where it's at, guys. Somewhere near a drain it ought to melt away and (hopefully) bring most traces of evidence with it. Other disposable materials, such as frozen meat you can cook and eat after can also be used. Alternatives involve any poisonous local mushrooms, or the...
  39. Dormouse

    Not so much a lurker now, are you?

    Not so much a lurker now, are you?
  40. Dormouse

    If you could sell your soul...

    Unconditional immortality, because as I understand the soul market the buyer only gains possession of it once the seller is dead.
  41. Dormouse

    Introduction of a INTP girl

    Guys, stop sterilizing each other. We need you to produce lots of INTP babies so we can take over the world, remember?
  42. Dormouse

    My first thread

    What I'm trying to say is that he used the comparison to outline MBTI's strengths...
  43. Dormouse

    My first thread

    Actually, I think what he was trying to say that the reason typology was superior to astrology was that it's less rigid, allowing for variances within the personality types and a certain ability to explain the changes a personality experiences as the person grows and adapts to the world. Or...
  44. Dormouse

    Introduction of a INTP girl

    Oh God, the INTPs have discovered inuendos... I recommend running for cover. :phear: That said, welcome. And kittens are adorable.
  45. Dormouse

    Which fictional character do you identify with / would you like to be?

    Well, I dislike pretty much all characters of my own gender, so that doesn't leave me with much. Villains = love. I don't know if that's the same as identifying with, though. Oh, actually, I found alot in common with the main character from Contact, except she was much smarter than I am...
  46. Dormouse

    until someone looses an eye

    Ah, but Proxy himself is treating it rather humorously. Anyways, we all know laughter is the best medicine. That said, I'm rather awed by your ability to go through with the presentation with a bleeding socket. That'll be +stat even if the eyepatch isn't. That said, with all sincerity I...
  47. Dormouse


    Nonono. No shooting, more taking hostages. More fun that way, plus you can milk them for cash later on.
  48. Dormouse


    Thoughtpolice! Thoughtpolice! It was all hypothetical, we swear! Now banish this no-good snitch.
  49. Dormouse


    We need someone to drive our truck, which should definetly be armoured and bright pink. You know, to create an SEP field. :D
  50. Dormouse


    Booyah. Can I be the lookout? I promise not to get distracted, and anyways, sirens are really loud. Plus, I'm nearly blind so they'll never suspect us!
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