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Search results

  1. Dormouse

    Humanity's MBTI?

    If they are born, certainly more than a god comes into play. If personality types are inheritable, I suppose we could assume that certain aspects are more dominant than others and therefore show up more, whilst the recessive traits don't appear terribly commonly. Another possibility is that...
  2. Dormouse

    You are better off not matching up to an MBTI type description...

    Yes, everyone's a closet INFJ! Don't listen to Adymus, he's in denial.
  3. Dormouse

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    So, I've just decided I'm an INFJ. This'll probably last for a couple of days until I change my mind again. Apologies for any psycho-messiah behaviour in advance. :p Yayyyyy. Oh, and I like the idea of divising them by the strengths of their functions. It'd be helpful, giving everyone an...
  4. Dormouse

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    Isn't that everybody's goal? That said, if types can develop their tertiary and auxiliary functions so well, doesn't it imply the order of their strengths are changeable? So there would be a huge difference between, say, INTP and ENTP. (They both have Ti-Ne-Si-Fe, right? I get this...
  5. Dormouse

    Debate: Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

    It seems to me people can more readily agree upon who is ugly than on who is beautiful.
  6. Dormouse

    Behind bars? Pfft. As if mere steel could contain me... I took a crash in Houdini, so hah. No...

    Behind bars? Pfft. As if mere steel could contain me... I took a crash in Houdini, so hah. No posts? Why, a single of my musings is worth more than 9 000 rambling nothings. Also, no picture. What draws people to me is in fact my mysterious and hypnotic nature. :D
  7. Dormouse

    So this is what I want to do in life.

    I was gonna mention you might have to factor in paying for parking, but that's only really an issue in cities so if you're out an about the countryside you should be fine. I suppose finding a job will be your main concern, but that should be fairly easily resolved. Though watch out, some...
  8. Dormouse

    The November Club!

    11 is a nice number, I am therefore fond of November.
  9. Dormouse


    ... I like ESFPs. They're friendly. And I actually like explaning things to S's. It forces me to become a bit more articulate, and they often have a very different perspective. Even if it's incredibly naive, it's endearing.
  10. Dormouse

    No stalkers, I tell you, just natural magnetism. :D As for Anamalech, he's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine...

    No stalkers, I tell you, just natural magnetism. :D As for Anamalech, he's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Always has been, thief's honor.
  11. Dormouse

    Favorite Quotations

    That Aristotle quote very well sums up my view of the world. :) Thank you, Fallenman. As for my own favourite quotes... I should probably order them alphabetically by author. But since I'm unorganized, let's start with Douglas Adams. -I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think...
  12. Dormouse

    My Girl

    I think I'm depressed now.
  13. Dormouse

    Precision in INTPs

    Well, in speech I'm pretty relaxed, though I do nitpick about sentence structure much to the chagrin of my friends and family. Writte, though... Suffice to say I have composed my own lexicon of meanings. Every word has a different flavour, and I detect very different connotations from certain...
  14. Dormouse

    What are your principles?

    Principles? Hmm. Not sure I actually have any... At least any that are more than an amorphous blob. Don't try to fucking manipulate me or I will murder you. Might be one, but since it's a one way street I can't be sure. And conformity pisses me off, especially when it's pretending to be...
  15. Dormouse

    Cat Person or Dog Person? for pet people...

    Why is there no adorable fluffy rodent option? Otherwise, erm, I don't know... Between breeds there's a huge variety of temperaments in both cats and dogs. Though mostly dogs.
  16. Dormouse


    Fukyo... :eek: ahjswhjjhdjkuhneweuu Ahem... Criminology? Lucky bastard. I love libraries. My highschool has a rather nice one. Though small, it's well insulated, therefore quieter and a few degrees warmer than anywhere else in the school. Very cosy, and absolutely nobody frequents...
  17. Dormouse

    Is it an insult to be called an INTJ?

    Hmm, I'm vaguely aware of the existence of a few other INTJs, (or at least an INTJ-ish stream of consciousness in my immediate environment), and they seem like quite nice, logically sound people. There's little irrationality, and their arguments are anything but banal... Blatant disregard...
  18. Dormouse

    Riddle Thread.

    But you can't walk away from a hole, unless you're floating upwards... In which case it appears to be getting smaller. Technically, everything stays the same size, our perception just makes it appear smaller the further our distance from it.
  19. Dormouse

    Riddle Thread.

    Well, obviously you can just rest one finger on the brim of the glass, and stop pouring the moment the juice touches it. It's not really a clever answer, it's what came to my mind first earlier, but it would work.
  20. Dormouse

    Riddle Thread.

    Is this one of those 'It was daylight, the window was open' answer ones? Maybe the room was only painted pitch-black. Or maybe the orange juice was radioactive and glowed in the dark. Was he blind, with a developped accuracy for pouring beverages? Yeah, I'm bad at these things.
  21. Dormouse

    I just took this MBTI test and...

    Shadow? That's almost as bad a main character named Pyro. Or Gizmo. Or Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way. Or Matt. Welcome, cynic. :D
  22. Dormouse

    Lions and Tigers and Predatory Bush Crickets

    For lovers of strange animals and the preservation of nature... http://www.arkive.org/ Has media on pretty much any creature you can think of, as well as a bit of info on endangered species and their protection. Lemurs, antelopes and dwarf adders: Yes, evolution is awesome.
  23. Dormouse

    How long can you go without playing video games?

    What are these video games you speak of? Yeah, I play snake and tetris, but I'm under the impression they don't count.
  24. Dormouse

    Your ideal home?

    Hells yeah.
  25. Dormouse

    Design Philosophy

    Why must all the cool threads die. :( That said, I've been pondering this and the implications it could have on identifying criminals and anyone, really... There'd have to be some kind of branding, a nametag of sorts attached to every vessel. Unless society could evolve to adapt to complete...
  26. Dormouse

    Avatar. Would We Want It?

    I must say I disagree with this. Sadism isn't inherently beneficial... Ruthlessness maybe. An the colonel was pretty awesome. Like a living cartoon character, you could drop an anvil on him and there was half a chance he'd get back up. 'Air? Fuck air! I've gotta go kill those guys!' And...
  27. Dormouse

    my 50oth post yeah! Thank you INTP forum!

    Remember: It's about quality, not quantity. :p Congrats.
  28. Dormouse

    Avatar. Would We Want It?

    At twenty-million a kilo? There was a whole planet. It's very likely there would have been other sources, unless the mineral was depositted by an asteroid or some such thing, but that's pure speculation. They had evolved along the same lines as humans and become extremely territorial. And...
  29. Dormouse

    Avatar. Would We Want It?

    I'm certain there would be ways to extract small quantities of the stuff either from different locations or with the consent and supervision of the natives. It's not worth destroying the culture for... Especially the one represented in the film, their interactions with their planet was...
  30. Dormouse

    Design Philosophy

    Something easy to personalise. I like the idea of multiple bodies and minds, but I believe identity would prove something too many people would cling too. And how would body-language evolve? Would we want some vestige of facial expression to remain? Or maybe the aim would be to conceal...
  31. Dormouse

    Falling in Love or Not

    Falling in love is the act of infatuation. It's rather different than being in love. You can fall in love with a country, an idea, nearly anything. It does not require respect or mutual admiration. It is not easily controlled.
  32. Dormouse

    Bloggers and Opinionated People

    Interesting... I'd like to see the site if only to read the entries, I doubt I'd have much to offer in the writing department.
  33. Dormouse

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Your Aspie score: 80 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 119 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical I did not doctor these results at all.
  34. Dormouse

    Do you plan for the zombie apocalypse?

    I wonder whether there'd be a zombie hierarchy... In that case it might be desirable to catch the bug first. BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR ZOMBIE WARLORD, MUAHAHAHA! Oh yeah, monarch of the new world all the way. :evil:
  35. Dormouse

    Do you plan for the zombie apocalypse?

    I plan to lock myself and a few trusted accomplices in the local mall. There's gotta be enough food there to last a few months. The real problem will be stoping the plague itself... We'll have to unearth the source, and then how best to eliminate, or find an antidote or whatever. This part of...
  36. Dormouse

    Beyond MBTI - Is It Practical?

    The challenge would be finding characteristics that would remain static throughout the persons life. To take Adymus' suggestions, as an example: Male or Female: Okay, under normal circumstances that should remain the same. Sexual Orientation: Again. should remain the same. Age Groups...
  37. Dormouse

    INTP-Rocking back and forth Possible correlation?

    I move my hands around... I have to sit on them in class, which looks equally weird but at least stops me from fanning everyone.
  38. Dormouse

    Are you afraid of robots?

    I'm somewhat afraid of the massive effects the creation of A.I. robots could have on society, but not the robots themselves. And that's probably just me clinging to the past. Unless imbued with intelligence ordinary robots (basically machines) are nothing but tools.
  39. Dormouse

    What's your GPA?

    Huh. Where I'm from, you don't get extra points for enriched courses, but you have to take them or else you can't go into certain programs in college. I suppose both systems have their ups and downs.
  40. Dormouse

    Are INTPs more likely to be vegetarian/vegan?

    I'll become vegetarien as soon as they figure out how to make tofu bacon. Actually, I'm pretty nutrition conscious already, and tend to avoid 'real' meat in favour of fish.
  41. Dormouse

    Memory and Memorization

    I have a terrible memory for names and dates but a good memory for concepts and formulas. I remember things by repetition. Normally I won't know I've memorized it until later. It just sort of materializes. 42.
  42. Dormouse

    What's your GPA?

    How can you get more than 100%? :confused:
  43. Dormouse

    What's your GPA?

    Do these bear any relation to percentages? No GPA where I'm from... (I'm guessing 4.5-5.0 = 90-100%, 4.0-4.5 = 80-90% and ecetera.)
  44. Dormouse

    So now I've gone and done it.

    The description on the back of the book probably said something akin to: ''David is drawn to the quiet new girls in town. His friendship with them is tragically torn apart by their cruel aunt, as an abusive situation begins spiralling out of control.'' And maybe there was a quote: ''A...
  45. Dormouse

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    That's bizarre... My parents ran out of steam for the two others. Their attention was way split between the three of us, but perhaps that's because we were fairly close in age. It's odd, if you take baby photo albums, there are five for me, about one for my younger brother and barely any...
  46. Dormouse

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    Alright, I'd kinda figured she'd have had something to do with that, especially since I'm the eldest and therefore got 100% of her attention. Still, I feel cheated out of emotional apathy. :mad: Oh, now that's interesting... Hmm. I have much to ponder.
  47. Dormouse

    What do INTPs look like

    That's actually accurate. Up until my early teens I would walk around unaware of my mouth hanging open.
  48. Dormouse

    I have to say, I absolutely adore your avatar.

    I have to say, I absolutely adore your avatar.
  49. Dormouse

    if Fe is supposed to drain me...

    Little brothers are punching bags. I actually love children. Especially at that stage, about age four through seven, where they no longer require the upkeep of babies and are beginning to learn not to throw tantrums. And you know, they begin talking. They're just learning to articulate, no...
  50. Dormouse

    Okay, so who do INTPs get along with?

    I love everyone! I'm friends with the whole wide world. :angel01:
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