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Search results

  1. Dormouse

    Say, I do believe we might get along after all. :D

    Say, I do believe we might get along after all. :D
  2. Dormouse

    ENFP? Perish the very thought.

    ENFP? Perish the very thought.
  3. Dormouse

    Pfft! As if you were worthy of being talked French at... And anyways, a good crimina- err...

    Pfft! As if you were worthy of being talked French at... And anyways, a good crimina- err, civilian never confesses. To a false accusation, I mean.
  4. Dormouse

    Hello, from my soon-to-be-watery grave

    Nonsense! That's how I learned, and I did swell. Only one lung had to be replaced, and the brain damage really was negligible.
  5. Dormouse

    Hello, from my soon-to-be-watery grave

    I like that there is a period at the endof your username. It's never too late to throw yourself in the reservoir. Quickest and cheapest swim lessons, that, I'm sure it would prep you for Saturday.
  6. Dormouse

    It’s a Conspiracy!

    Infiltrator! Everybody mob the traitor! :mad: So, I've just decided I'm not an INTP. I'm gonna go walk out the front door now. Free once again! :) Maybe I'll send you guys a cake with a nail file in it, or some trinket.
  7. Dormouse

    It’s a Conspiracy!

    So... What if I hadn't joined this thread? Would I still be frolicking freely through the meadows of liberty? Furthermore, what if I am neither INTP nor INTJ? What then? :phear:
  8. Dormouse

    If you were able to be any (historical or fictional) character, who would you choose to be?

    Does God fit under either of those categories? I would like to be all-powerful and all-knowing. :p That said, I'd settle for all-powerful. Just make me someone with supernatural potency. And some brains. Like a Sherlock Holmes/X-men hybrid... There's gotta be a character like that out there.
  9. Dormouse

    Theme Song²

    I want this to play whenever I'm walking. Nay, striding. Strolling? Whatever. It isn't quite a theme song, more like background music. YouTube- Prodigy - Stand Up
  10. Dormouse

    X-Files. :D

    X-Files. :D
  11. Dormouse

    cal·li·pyg·i·an   /ˌkæl[IMG]əˈpɪdʒ[IMG]i[IMG]ən/ –adjective having well-shaped buttocks...

    cal·li·pyg·i·an   /ˌkæl[IMG]əˈpɪdʒ[IMG]i[IMG]ən/ –adjective having well-shaped buttocks. :confused:
  12. Dormouse


    Your reluctancy to distribute cake is... unfortunate. :aufsmaul: It'll take a strong soul to survive here without the contacts you'd make in the underground sugar-market. Unless, are you partial to icecream, or cotton candy?
  13. Dormouse

    Oodles of Doodles

    I draw a lot of faces, occasionally disturbing looking clown-animal hybrids, clouds, stars and planets, spirals and random abstract shapes. I've got a collage going on of nearly all my doodles from this year, maybe one day I'll find the energy to upload it. :p
  14. Dormouse

    Who would win in a brawl, INTP or ENTP?

    Yeaaaahhh. :D Assuming the ENTP has martial arts training and the INTP has a taser *, it's clear to me they spend the better part of the fight circling each other as the ENTP trash talks and the INTP strategizes. The INTP would be the one to finally attack, executing a thoroughly planned...
  15. Dormouse

    Please tell me your name is a Battlestar Galactica reference.

    Please tell me your name is a Battlestar Galactica reference.
  16. Dormouse

    Me? ... I swear I didn't do it! I'm innocent, innocent I tell you!

    Me? ... I swear I didn't do it! I'm innocent, innocent I tell you!
  17. Dormouse

    ENTP vs. INTP?

    Whenever I see threads with vs. in the title I expect the question to be more along the lines of 'In a brawl between an ENTP and INTP, who would win?'. As of yet I have been disappointed.
  18. Dormouse

    My preciouuuusssssss?! NOOOOO. Or, well, we could duel over it, but I find those to be messy...

    My preciouuuusssssss?! NOOOOO. Or, well, we could duel over it, but I find those to be messy and downright unappealing.
  19. Dormouse


    I found the ending of the film extremely satisfying. Ambiguity is fun, and I'm convinced I can get a good read on people just through knowing whether they expected the top to drop or not. :p What question would you be asking, then? I'm generally torn between thirsting for truth and just...
  20. Dormouse

    Cog's Rep

    Re: *whistles* Do not pay any attention, I am just passing by... I second this petition! :D It'll be like a pokedex of INTPs.
  21. Dormouse


    See, but you'd have to assume your counterpart would be doing the same. In which case it could potentially become something like an arms race for phobias and childhood traumas and other exploitable secrets. Or, instead, your defence mechanisms might just get better and better until you'd...
  22. Dormouse

    Well, assume each star was a wish, and I used them all up. Except for that last one there...

    Well, assume each star was a wish, and I used them all up. Except for that last one there. It's my preeeeeciousss.
  23. Dormouse

    Last movie you watched

    Well, I've been watching a ton of movies lately, so in no particular order: Shutter Island (Meh. Liked it, but been watching too many twist movies lately.) Alice in Wonderland (Entertaining, but the whole world began to seem fake after a while.) Se7en (Rather loved this one.) Rent...
  24. Dormouse


    About the dreams being boring, I believe some studies have actually shown that most dreams are pretty mundane, we just happen to remember the extraordinary ones. So that rang pretty true for me. Limbo seems pretty awesome to me. I don't get why so many people would eschew the chance to live...
  25. Dormouse

    Cog's Rep

    Deserves to die peacefully and without fanfare, as we all know that'd be the ultimate insult. :)
  26. Dormouse

    INTJ Fathers.

    My father is an INTJ. We get along rather well, though our interaction is pretty much limited to weekend marathons of various TV series.
  27. Dormouse

    Parents of INTPs

    Re: INTP Parents INTJ father and ENFJ mother. They're all right I guess, if a little over-bearing. No sob stories, at least.
  28. Dormouse

    talking online

    Anonimity sure is liberating.
  29. Dormouse

    Do you ever find yourself relating to the "bad" character?

    I don't know whether I identify with them, but I have vast reserves of sympathy which are exclusive to villains. I rarely, if ever, connect to the hero of a story, especially if the morals are dumbed down. (Dammit, give them REAL ethical dilamnas. None of this third choice bullshit... Follow...
  30. Dormouse

    INTJ mothers?

    Well, I have a pretty good INTJ friend. She's around my age, so obviously not a mother. I think she's more intent on cloning herself than acctually having children. (We actually recently discussed the whole career vs. motherhood dilemna.) She's opiniated, though quite courteous and never pushy...
  31. Dormouse

    Madness & Motivation

    Because it is not full. Oh, and because it was so nice and organized: These. I would also like to be a better story-teller.
  32. Dormouse

    Sig of Madoness

    I refuse to have an identity. Why bother? It seems to me it would compromise flexibility. And anyways, there is no independant thought, my brain relies on sensory imput. So I suppose I'm closer to the genY school of belief. Since my mind is inseperable from the world and the society which...
  33. Dormouse

    Using Different Voices When Talking

    So, basically this. I have very different voices for different people and different purposes. I've only been called out on it once, when I was answering the phone. Apparently my voice jumps an octave and I sound creepishly cheerful.
  34. Dormouse

    Madness & Motivation

    Can wanting to stop wanting to change who I am count? Maybe an overabundance of ambition and insecurity is my problem.
  35. Dormouse

    Last movie you watched

    So, just finished watching Shutter. ( A Thai horror film, not Shutter Island.) It was pretty cool, some genuinely disturbing moments and a very satisfying ending. The second-to-last reveal I found fairly predictable, but I suppose in some ways that just means the story and characters had good...
  36. Dormouse

    Basically my life story, also WHAT DO?

    I was going to post this long pretentious rant about how I've been there, and then I remembered I'm still 16 and also have no idea what to do with my life. Oh, and I used to think I was smarter than everyone but now I know I'm actually far stupider. With respect to that, I'd say don't worry...
  37. Dormouse

    Is Type Hereditary?

    Father - INTJ Mother - ENFJ Children - INTP, ISTJ, ISFP in that order. This is all hypothetical, of course. I find people I am close to extremely difficult to type. Uh, there isn't much to say here that hasn't already been said. I personaly adopt other people's habits through mimicry with...
  38. Dormouse

    Sense of Belonging

    I rarely feel as if I belong anywhere. Even with great friends there remains this sensation that I'm wearing a mask. Occasionally it slips off, but never for very long.
  39. Dormouse

    Laughing At Your Enemies

    Everybody is simultaneously my enemy, friend and lover, and I laugh at everyone. So... yeah?
  40. Dormouse

    The Many Faces of INFJ

    I've been gone a month and this is still unfinished? :aufsmaul:
  41. Dormouse

    Memory and Memorization

    Names are terribly. I just blame the parents for naming their kids things that sound alike. How am I supposed to tell Jessica and Melissa and Alissa apart? Bah. Plus, I don't like calling people by their names (I dunno, it seems too personal.) so repetition doesn't really cut it.
  42. Dormouse

    Appeal of Visual Art?

    I want to pick it apart and see if I can reproduce the effects. Perspective, shading, colour choice... All work together to create an illusion, to trick the brain. It's so strange how a few lines can bring to mind an entire landscape. Also it's pretty.
  43. Dormouse

    How Smart Are You?

    But... but... You can't measure any of that! *head explodes* :p That said, I agree. However, I think some people take this to an extreme and assume that to qualify as intelligent their every waking thought has to be wordy and philosophical and deeeeeeep. This is virtually impossible...
  44. Dormouse

    INTPs and Lying

    I never lie.
  45. Dormouse

    Other useful personality theories/sources for understanding oneself?

    Theory: Fundamentally, we're all the same, therefore no system of categorization is needed. [/SPOILER]
  46. Dormouse

    Greetings fools.

    But... but... Aren't you happy to know there is far, far, worse yet to come? I mean, heck, you may be depressed, but at least you aren't depressed and OLD! You will be one day. It's inevitable. But not now! Doesn't that make you happy? Also, we really have to take up that Melcute thing. :)
  47. Dormouse

    What makes you happy?

    Colour, mostly. Thunderstorms.
  48. Dormouse

    Memory woes.

    I figure changing anything about the past would kill the person I am now, so I'm pretty much at peace with the mistakes I've made. They used to really bother me, though. Generally my worst memory's were moments of personal weakness. Lying, cheating, letting certain whims get the better of me...
  49. Dormouse

    A Physics Major Feasible?

    I hope it is, since I am also opting for a physics major without being a math genius. Worst case scenario I can drop into health science and go for marine biology, I figure. Plan Bs are nice.
  50. Dormouse

    Funniest INTP pics

    But solitude does not preclude tranquility. One can very well be alone during a hurricane, or alone in a loud factory, but neither of those environments are tranquil. Inner tranquility, maybe? Coupled with self-control to develop the ninja skills pictured on the poster? Actually, the...
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