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Search results

  1. Waterstiller

    An appreciation of Love of Reason

    I <3 her.
  2. Waterstiller

    Female INTPs

    Down with normalcy! (says the queer)
  3. Waterstiller

    Kinesthetic Knowledge

    I can juggle and I'm good at most sports. The only problem with me and sports was that I never wanted to play them and I never had any desire to win. There really isn't an aggressive or competitive bone in my body. Disc Golf and downhill longboarding were the only things I ever enjoyed. I...
  4. Waterstiller

    Famous Intps

    If so.. more vegetarian INTP's. :D Being vegetarian seems common amongst the world's most famous INTPs, even though it wasn't very popular. Another interesting thing to note would be their irregular sleep patterns.
  5. Waterstiller

    Famous Intps

    How INTP's convert others to vegetarianism: Socrates: Would this habit of eating animals not require that we slaughter animals that we knew as individuals, and in whose eyes we could gaze and see ourselves reflected, only a few hours before our meal? Glaucon: This habit would require that of...
  6. Waterstiller

    Famous Intps

    Seeing a list of people like that is kind of depressing. So much to live up to. :p I always related with Brian whenever I watched Family Guy. I doubt he's INFP since he seems to be devoid of feeling often. He's the most logical character on the show.
  7. Waterstiller

    Please help cure me of my addiction

    I try to get what I need out of a forum and figure out when to back off. Often I'll dive in head-first and do a LOT of reading and some posting. Once I have to wait long for new data to come in, I have learned to spend the majority of my free energy trying to find something else that is...
  8. Waterstiller

    Female INTPs

    As a trans woman INTP I have had quite a difficult time since I'm barely 'female'. I was putting on a 'masculine' act before I transitioned, and now I'm feeling so much pressure to put on a 'feminine' act. At this point, I'd say that being a female INTP is a more difficult experience if only...
  9. Waterstiller


    Yes. I don't think that it's cowardly to open up on forums. There simply aren't people around me that I can relate to. I've opened up more on this forum than any other; I usually don't have to explain or repeat myself and it's a lovely feeling. I've been desperately searching for a 'group' of...
  10. Waterstiller

    Psyco/Social Alcoholism Study part 1

    Introvert. I might drink at family functions or parties. I've been sober at most of them lately though. 0-3... a month.
  11. Waterstiller

    Favourite Musical Instrument

    :p He's worth checking out, I swear. This one's hip hop.
  12. Waterstiller


    It's weird that I'm alive when considering that bit of data along with transgender suicide rates. :confused: As far as how I've been able to quell suicidal ideation.. it depends. No strategy can help if I'm too far into it, but if I'm lucky enough to realize the patterns I'll usually recite a...
  13. Waterstiller

    Favourite Musical Instrument

    Saul Williams has been doing hip hop.
  14. Waterstiller

    Favorite Beer

    Fat Tire Newcastle Blue Moon Pyramid Apricot Guiness Maybe I should go to a halloween party. :confused: I'd rather drink Wilson Creek Almond/Pineapple Champagne though. As for wine I like a Riesling or White Merlot. Mmmm..
  15. Waterstiller

    Shirts an INTP might like

    That's great. <3
  16. Waterstiller

    presidential census

    I'm voting Obama. For a lot of reasons. Main one? Palin's psychotic.
  17. Waterstiller

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    The most prominent dream I had last night involved my dad not being my biological father, and when I was introduced to my real dad he was Korean. Then I remembered thinking "this makes a lot of sense!" and looked in the mirror and saw that I was a sexy hapa guy. I looked a lot like Dennis O. I...
  18. Waterstiller

    Shirts an INTP might like

    Funny.. I never went there because I didn't have a desire to get an ironic shirt, and that's all the ads made me think was there. but this is amazing: ..and sold out. :(
  19. Waterstiller

    The strangest secret by Earl Nightingale

    I'm skeptical of websites with banners of individuals who smile like that. And audio that starts off with that type of music. And narrators who speak in such a manner and say the forthcoming message has "magical quality about it". Sorry. :o I'm interested in reading your diary entry though.
  20. Waterstiller

    Shirts an INTP might like

    This is true, but I'm too lazy and cheap for that. This one is for sale, but I have a feeling it would look weird on me. http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=6032
  21. Waterstiller


    :mad: @ the length of your username. :rolleyes: @ your post.
  22. Waterstiller

    Shirts an INTP might like

    These have been on Teefury.com but unfortunately are no longer available: Circuit by toganulesto Vectalicious by Jeff Sheldon Daydreamer by Mitohapa And these two are on a shirt.woot derby right now and I want them so badly but they're trailing behind the joke shirts. Go there and vote...
  23. Waterstiller

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    I suppose that killing is acceptable for me, but when it's the main thing in a game, I dislike it. I still enjoyed Half-Life 2 but that was due to atmosphere, sound, and story. I like to use my brain, not my reflexes. Plus, I'm completely non-aggressive. I'd like to see more innovation and...
  24. Waterstiller

    Any Hardcore Gamers Here?

    I've always liked to play adventure games, games that had really good stories, or games with great atmosphere. I'm also intrigued by graphics and hardware, but usually don't care to actually play the game. Especially if killing is involved.
  25. Waterstiller

    Self Esteem

    I put "beautiful mind" but I also find it hard to discern between mind and soul. I'd say that I presently think I'm all of the options aside from "irresistibly" attractive. As far as what people perceive of me, the people I'm closest to seem to appreciate my mind/soul a lot. I'm seen as...
  26. Waterstiller

    Accepting Praise

    I've learned to just say 'thank you'. If it's the type of praise that I don't really agree with and it's for something that I'm insecure about, I'll usually try to just say thanks. But it's obvious that I don't really agree with them and I always try to move the conversation elsewhere...
  27. Waterstiller

    Overloaded Intuition

    I am not sure that my Ne or Ni can be overloaded. It's when I'm forced to use Se and remember facts/details that I'm overloaded. Easily.
  28. Waterstiller

    Social Gathering FAQ

    Social interaction is great when we can chameleon, but what happens when the ability diminishes? For me, one-on-one communication is really easy with just about anyone. However, when more people come into the mix, that's when things start to break down. I'm anxious and don't really know what to...
  29. Waterstiller

    INTP depression prone?

    Decaf, your momma was right. You've aided me a lot and I'm paying it forward. I'm sure you've made an impact on others (here and wherever you go) as well. So yeah, there's that something in most of the people I've seen here. As far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has earned the air...
  30. Waterstiller

    What should be a simple assignment...

    Honestly, if your teacher is INTP, I'd imagine he'd be amused by any of Cognisant's ideas.
  31. Waterstiller

    INTP depression prone?

    The physical manifestation of feeling is something that I can relate to. Not so much with aggression, but it always helps me cry if I can swat at a pillow.
  32. Waterstiller

    INTP artists

    Yes. I think my interest is specifically in how to cultivate my every-day (every-post) use of language. It lacks flow and style. I'm too inhibited, stunted, aimless, and disorganized. The same can be said of lyrics I've written. :confused:
  33. Waterstiller

    INTP artists

    That's an excellent description. I don't know how to properly phrase my question, but I suppose I'm wondering how people here have developed such an art. Perhaps someone could start an appropriate thread? (I'm not eloquent enough to have such responsibility)
  34. Waterstiller

    INTP depression prone?

    I forget which, but on one INTP profile it mentioned that INTP's are likely to listen to music that fits their current mood. If I'm feeling depressed, I need depressing music. If I listen to upbeat music when I'm depressed, it'll make me feel alienated. Likewise, this is why I think INTP's are...
  35. Waterstiller

    INTP artists

    I appreciate visual arts, but am unwilling to learn to create them. I have ideas popping into my head constantly but it would be way too much work to transfer the image from my mind to paper. I'd rather focus on musical skill sets than visual. I can currently play a lot of instruments. I hate...
  36. Waterstiller

    How do you feel emotions?

    I stumbled upon this today and thought it was really interesting. www.emotionallyvague.com Especially question 2 (the page stumbleupon dropped me off at).
  37. Waterstiller

    Favourite Musical Instrument

    I've fallen asleep numerous times with classical guitar in hand. It has such a naturally soft sound that it tends to walk along with me into dream land. I'm all about aimless playing. That's all I really like to do. I play my best when fully trusting intuition and stilling my mind.
  38. Waterstiller

    Dreams and the Subconscious

    Oh god I had some weird dreams last night. The most normal one was that I kept on finding out that my friends were the authors of all these major book series. The guy I'm currently pursuing was the author of the Redwall series. :confused:
  39. Waterstiller


    Damn. :( :hug:
  40. Waterstiller

    Favourite Musical Instrument

    I've got the 12" Remo with one of the older skins. The newer ones are weird. Fusionknight: Try to find a Javanese Gamelan ensemble near you and go play. Lots of gongs. It was the best part about college. :D
  41. Waterstiller

    Favourite Musical Instrument

    I'm in love with my djembe. I think I know the space you're talking about. As for what I like to play most: 12 string guitar. I play quite a few instruments but this is my favorite by far. Fingerstyle. I love most instruments, but mainly these: Piano, cello, harp, classical guitar, 12 string...
  42. Waterstiller


    I don't really feel as though I have a distinct voice. Which is why whenever I made youtube videos I sound a little weird. When speaking I do the chameleon thing. There are so many ways that my verbal communication will change depending on who I am speaking to. I tend to match the dynamics of...
  43. Waterstiller

    How are You today?

    My sister is ISFP and whenever there's a disagreement (which is constantly) she won't listen to a word I say. It doesn't help that she gets agitated and yells so easily either. My strategy of late has been to keep calm, validate her feelings, express how I feel, perform an action that shows I...
  44. Waterstiller


    While the other links in this thread helped on a theoretical level, this helped me a lot as well: http://litemind.com/overcoming-procrastination-self-talk/
  45. Waterstiller

    INTP depression prone?

    I've dealt with depression for most of my life, off and on. I never really cared to live until recently. One of my most prevalent thoughts has been the wish for non-existence, but not particularly suicide. I've been happy for the last 3 days though. I have read and watched a bunch of helpful...
  46. Waterstiller

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    I agree that we read into it however we want to. That's just my perception of it. :shrug: Also, it might prove interesting to look at the ancient Greeks and Romans and what their intense homosociality correlated with.
  47. Waterstiller

    Men from mountain, Women from valley

    There's a lot of truth still tucked in. Like, the quotes you mention are the narrator questioning his sexuality.. Perhaps another re-watching is in order to look for homosexual subtext? Palahniuk is gay, btw.
  48. Waterstiller

    What's your top five anime?

    I just finished Noein today and have to say that it was incredible. I'd put it at #2 on my list. Jawdropping. I'd say it's pretty much tailored for INTP's. It deals with identity, time, quantum physics, multiple dimensions, causality, and has great character development/interaction. And does it...
  49. Waterstiller

    INTP body issues

    Fascinating post, cryptonia. As for whether or not INTP's can be that way, I'm beginning to wonder if we can choose people's happiness over truth if we deduce that aiding their happiness is the actual truth depending on the circumstance.:confused:
  50. Waterstiller

    INTP body issues

    Yeah, I definitely agree with grey matters. It's something my mom had always told me as well. When she was younger, she was kinda chubby and not as 'pretty'. But people were drawn to her. When you're a strong person who is sure of yourself it tends to warp other people's perception of you. Once...
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