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Search results

  1. Waterstiller

    INTP with BPD

    Who has an income to tax these days? lol. :sigh:
  2. Waterstiller


  3. Waterstiller

    INTP with BPD

    Interesting observation.
  4. Waterstiller

    Who is a virgin?

    My heart goes out to the people who answered the last option honestly. :( I did it at 21 with a friend who had a crush on me because I wasn't sure of my sexuality. Didn't enjoy it. Turns out that I have to really love and/or trust someone to enjoy it. And then it's fantastic. But those people...
  5. Waterstiller

    Naberus's Gender

    Just so you guys know.. "hermaphrodite" is somewhat offensive to the intersex community. And I fucking hate that song.
  6. Waterstiller

    The "Descartes was an INTP" thread.

    If anyone has any doubts that he was INTP after watching this, I don't know what else to say other than he spent his life doubting everything and didn't do much of anything besides thinking and sleeping. (After reading biographies and the notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, my best guess is that...
  7. Waterstiller


    Suicide at the age of 45 deep in the jungle where nobody would ever find me, and if they did there won't be identification on me. Nobody would know I was dead - I'd just take off one day saying I needed to explore the world and give a trustworthy friend a stack of letters (on differing...
  8. Waterstiller

    Intp formula.

    Yeah, all of that applies to me. Especially the quiet times of beauty. I used to sit in my grandparent's backyard and watch the sunset every night; the smog was kinda bad in Anaheim and it would make the sunsets otherworldly in comparison to anything else in my life. I also got to watch...
  9. Waterstiller

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    Chimera is cute-smart Decaf is MBTI-smart LoR is dirty heathen polyamorous-smart Everyone's stupid differently.
  10. Waterstiller

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    If I say I used reverse psychology would anyone buy it?
  11. Waterstiller

    Androdgony anyone?

    Allow me to make this more complicated. M = Male/Masculine F = Female/Feminine Green = me Brown = partner F)-------[--[------]----|----]---------------(M Body/physical sex F)-----------[--[------|---]-]---------------(M Gender identity/subconscious sex...
  12. Waterstiller

    Who is the smartest on the forum?

    I nominate Tiger.
  13. Waterstiller


    Wishing a happy birthday to Eeyore always struck me as futile. Birthdays are fine as long as they're someone else's. I never mention when mine is, but usually some annoying friend remembers and it spreads like a virus. Never resulting in presents; only awkward phonecalls and unwanted attention.
  14. Waterstiller

    Content INTP's - Your passion/motivation/inspiration?

    Yeah. I was trying to think of things that keep me living last night and here are a few: Ah-ha's, me-too's, daydreams, waking up after a good dream, this song, Introverted Intuitives, romantic chemistry/tension/prospects, cereal, Eggo mini muffin tops, tea, rainy days, playing guitar...
  15. Waterstiller


    xkcd 1/0 PBF A Softer World Venus Envy/Misfile/Abstract Gender
  16. Waterstiller

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    ... You're full of hilariously cool and sentimental ideas. I respect your mind. I'd guess the average age an INTP will start to have sex is ~20.
  17. Waterstiller

    MBTI Posters: Sexual Representations of the Types

    I wonder what the average age is for an INTP to lose their virginity.
  18. Waterstiller


    I abhor violence and try to avoid it in any media. I also abhor gross stuff being shown for the sake of shock value. However, it doesn't bother me any more than people yelling at eachother in argument or inflicting verbal or emotional abuse. I get a little nauseated in each case. I'm entirely...
  19. Waterstiller

    INTP vs INTJ

    Thank you so much for that link.
  20. Waterstiller

    How many people here are NOT INTPs?

    I like the non-INTP's here. There's a special place in my heart for INFP's. :hugs: (I only tend to ignore argumentative posts.) Oh.. and I'm quite certain Descartes was INTP.
  21. Waterstiller

    Eye issues

    Perfect, last time I checked.
  22. Waterstiller

    What type do you get along with best?

    INFP, INFJ, and INTP. ENFP's on occasion.
  23. Waterstiller


    I wish you an ideal birthday, LoR. :)
  24. Waterstiller

    INFP relying on thinking judgement?

    Same here. I had a difficult time figuring out if I was dominant Ti or Fi. Then I asked a few people, including my INFP mom, and they laughed at me. I'm a hopeless thinker who thinks herself stupid. The "ah-ha!" moment came for me when I realized that I had been often criticized as I was...
  25. Waterstiller

    Speed Reading?

    When I read for data or official purposes I tend to use techniques I learned in analytical reading and thinking classes; scan for main points and secondary points, their relations, and trash the padding. Most forms of informative media aren't meant for INTPs and seem to be a waste of time to...
  26. Waterstiller

    INTP terrible at algebra

    I'm so sick of it. And I hate every math teacher I've ever had with the exception of one guy who looked exactly like Ned Flanders and was excited about it.
  27. Waterstiller


    I cry easily when something bad happens in a film to a character I identify with; usually when a fear or intention of mine happens to them. I can only identify my feelings when I witness them outside of myself. It's kind of masochistic to seek out these experiences, but I'm always searching for...
  28. Waterstiller


    I cried over a cow one day as I was watching an episode of 30 days where a hunter lives with a vegan family. I was half-way through a chicken sandwich at the time and I couldn't finish it. I had been wanting to go vegetarian for a couple years, but it was too difficult to do it with the peer...
  29. Waterstiller

    Psych Experiment: Names

    I agree. One of the better experiences of my life was the moment I chose my name and wish more people could change theirs without hassle. But my own experience was more or less a total rebirth that is impossible to really communicate. I picked my name on my last birthday. I was depressed and...
  30. Waterstiller

    How many books do you possess?

    I like them too, but usually the non-fiction sections are really depressing. "So this is what my neighbors have been reading?!" I'd guess that half of the damned books there have a picture of the author smiling a ridiculous smile on the back.. right next to a claim that the book offers the x...
  31. Waterstiller

    Need help ASAP on paper.

    Then I should hope that you always try to live up to your own standards and never try to work within theirs. In the least it might net you a nice GPA. :) I want to go back to school now. :confused:
  32. Waterstiller


    (I think I'm only going to quote shit from now on, if it's not too annoying. If it is, just keep me in check.)
  33. Waterstiller

    INTP body issues

    It is very irritating. (6'1" here) Shoes are even worse.:mad:
  34. Waterstiller

    This forum is so warm

    I almost replied that Shadowmouse's post was romantic yesterday. But I got post shy.
  35. Waterstiller

    Fictional Characters

    I agree. Now.. what about Frink? ;)
  36. Waterstiller

    college majors

    I did whatever was easiest for me. Philosophy was the path of least resistance. I wanted to major in psychology, but it was too annoying at UC which is generally all about research. The problem now is that I have a degree and it all felt a bit pointless. I'd figure out right away whether you're...
  37. Waterstiller

    How many books do you possess?

    Reading is the only thing that really helps me not feel so alone. It's a one-way thing, but I consider myself lucky to sit down with some of the greatest minds in all of humanity and just listen to what they have to say. It's forced listening. It's getting a chance to peek into someone's mind...
  38. Waterstiller

    Feelings of Contentment

    Damn you, imagination. I blame my feelings of discontent solely upon you. But I also blame you for my greatest joys. :confused: :shrug:
  39. Waterstiller

    Think Different.

    I generally use this as a checklist to type people.
  40. Waterstiller

    This forum is so warm

    This forum is probably the nicest community I've ever found online. We're supposedly robotic, cold, analytical, and depressed.. but empathy seems to be a reigning characteristic here. I've felt slightly less than human my entire life. Perhaps in some ways this forum has reinforced that feeling...
  41. Waterstiller

    Merry Christmas

    Hope you all have a wonderful time with your friends, family, and chosen family. <3
  42. Waterstiller

    Most Popular WebSearches of 2008

    Travis Barker died? Clay Aiken came out? ... I think I can honestly say that I never searched for anything on that list. (possibly Obama)
  43. Waterstiller

    What's the story behind your Avatar?

    Mine's a joke.
  44. Waterstiller

    Is this an INTP thing??

    Really? I feel I've got a pretty good handle on flirting as long as it's mutual. And I can shut people down pretty quickly who are hitting on me by analyzing their flirtation.
  45. Waterstiller

    Anyone do this?

    I want to round up INTPforum.com's finest and most sadistic minds to create a dark sitcom that would act as viral deconstruction of polite society. The goal being the end of all social graces.
  46. Waterstiller

    Is this an INTP thing??

    Haha, yes! Answering questions precisely is why I can be so awkward in social situations. The INTJ's in my life actually act on a specific interpretation of the question (often unaware of the other party's loss of interest) whereas I attempt to say nothing at all and perhaps blurt out a vague...
  47. Waterstiller

    What's your top five anime?

    Was it because you never thought you could get into such zaniness? I can't believe I (of all people) never watched it before now. I've only just finished the first season and already the romantic tension is killing me. I'm not sure how I'll make it through another 4 seasons but I'm addicted. :o
  48. Waterstiller

    farewell Nia

    Nia, your last post was like the end of a good book that leaves one content but also sad that there's nothing left to read. I hardly think you loony for your experience of God; I'm slightly envious. I hope that you live the rest of your life feeling like you do right now and that you grow in...
  49. Waterstiller


    I've always had a few close friends throughout the years. I tend to make my introversion known and so the crazier friends will get the hint and not hassle me with doing certain things. I'm fine with being forgotten; it's encouraged. In the past I used to be called all the time to go do things...
  50. Waterstiller

    farewell Nia

    What a shame; you will be missed. I hate getting attached to people. :kicks rock on the ground: I can understand (from the linked post) why you'd not appreciate some discussion topics, and I can understand why overcrowding is an issue. But I do not agree with your argument from age. The age of...
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