I know, Thanks dude, I just love to inspire youngsters to seek greatness and to not waste talent.
1- Another thing you should do is getting lost... IN other words, let serendipity take care of you. If you do so, two things can possibly happen:- positive things( meet randomly good/great people, get randomly new and exciting experiences..etc) or negative things(If they don't kill you...(exactly)... they'll make you stronger by tapping in you inferior functions... from that basically, you'll become a better person, you'll grow and develop your inferior or even unconscious/shadow functions).
So yeah, get lost in the world( with the background thought that you'll be back one day, and you'll be back stronger and more able to reach greatness!).
.... Seek Greatness, all the time. If you keep that goal in mind, curiously... great things will automatically happen, since for greatness to be achieved you need to develop outstanding qualities. Greatness implies to have as a main job not only a good-sounding job, but a job in which you have the potential to excel on a world-widely( or nationally) fashion. I laugh when I hear that an INTP chose a job in science... jobs in science are for memorizers( sensors) or scientists(INTJ) not for innovators or theoreticians . Don't want to sound INTPcentrist but our purpose as INTPs- the way we can fulfill our potential to it's maximum- is to create new theories, switch paradigms and upgrade them, mainly by using Ti-Ne= Research activity. I've recently realized that I didnt love science( I mean the modern science based solely on accumulation of knowledge...) that much, what I love is the possibilities that arises with science... the potential of science to make this world an even more beautiful and amazing place, the possibility of science to erase poverty and malnutrition, the possibility of science to heal AIDS, cancer and to take human longevity to a whole new level(200 years), to decelerate the aging process, to connect with extraterrestrial communities.. THAT is what I love about science, the innovation, the research,the brainstorming, the creativity, the models... Things that you cannot get in our schools sadly.
Ok, so what do I mean here? Don't choose a job if you don't feel you can be astoundingly great at it, It's just not worth it at the long term.... Let's say you have 4 outstanding abilities... Choose the job that uses 3 or 4 out of your 4 outstanding abilities( or functions) , that is how you can have a chance to be great comparatively to your peers. The more a job fulfills you at the maximum, the more you can become passionate and the more you can live accordingly to your job.
Also, remember that competence- comparatively to INTJs- alone is not our end goal. We actually don't have end goals. WE are creators, innovators and theory builders.( Actually we build better than we understand theories !) .
Perhaps, INTPs- contrary to INTJ- will never achieve- or even learn - anything great in academia setting unless they are very old and patient enough and have achieved independence to research what they want... Why? Because of he Ti... Ti I believe so is the most independent and inflexible function( While Ni is able to adapt pretty smoothly !). INTPs are the best when they have the freedom to research independently and in an integrative fashion. Which is rarely achieved in academia, where you need to "participate" and where you rarely mix disciplines... The concept of academia is sensor-laden ... Imagining that science is about to research in a certain microscopic field without ever confronting with other disciplines is completely fallacious. Science I believe so is about the big and intricate picture/puzzle. But science has lately been labeled with many other definitions I guess.
So to sum it all:
- accept serendipity
- aim for greatness
- be somewhere, a niche or something... where your abilities can be comparatively to your peers, very usefull.( I'll illustrate this with my case. Perhaps I have typically the mind of a philosopher/ dreamer/analyst/ creator/ rebel/artist and I went into something that at first sight was inappropriate for me( and yes I struggled)... medicine, where like-minded people almost don't exist... Here We find uncreative/ hardworking/ rule abiders/ practical / action people( THE smart SJs and NJs) ... Here People usually don't love research or the thinking domain... They love guidelines and action stuffs. Can you imagine the power and happiness of someone like me once I finish? A guy who can think in a world of uncreative, smart but dumb people? If I go on to do medical research, chances are that I will excell (research is my comfort zone) far more than the practical people you often find in medical research! SO yes, be somewhere where your gifts are in high demands...Perhaps an INTP going on to study philosophy or I.T has less chance to become great because you would be choosing a field with plenty of like minded people and where you can't get a chance to stand out and shine ! )
-choose a job that tap in your multi-dimensional abilities.( and not in one or two of your abilities).
- choose a job where you can be free like the wind... Independence baby.