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Search results

  1. Chimera

    We INTPs are assholes

    I accidentally took it out of context, sorry if that offended you. :l
  2. Chimera

    We INTPs are assholes

    Seconded. ...but that's not why. Even if the op was really intended as sarcasm.
  3. Chimera

    What we are

    Damn, stole my first choice. Weary.
  4. Chimera

    People take MBTI way too seriously

    Labels can restrict and confine possibilities, yes, but they can also lead into a new breadth of understanding, depending on how they are perceived. Labels are names for describing things, no? Calling yourself a girl (generally!) means you have biologically female parts, not necessarily that...
  5. Chimera

    Find your Spirit Animal Test!

    Fox (33) Hawk (32) Owl (30) Crow (25) Sounds like I have the untapped potential of the adviser to a cult leader...
  6. Chimera

    The "whos online" thread

    Do it simultaneously, record it, and post it, because I have no bloody idea what that sounds like but I bet it'd be interesting.
  7. Chimera

    WoW Realms

    Sigh...I never played vanilla, or even BC. I started just after WotLK came out. Still, I'm glad they did away with the 40man raids, simply because...well, people suck. This whole summer, my guild struggled to scrape together a just decent 15 other players to run ICC (since we had a solid 10man...
  8. Chimera

    WoW Realms

    Raids are the most fun part of the game, imo. But the last two raids have sucked. ToC was a joke, and ICC is such a lolfest with the stupid 30% buff. Supposedly they're going to make raid content tougher in Cataclysm, and tweak class mechanics so that there's more "diversity", but I'm not...
  9. Chimera

    WoW Realms

    Dieneki, on Terrokar. Am I the only one who has multiple 80s? >.> Also, I'm taking a break from WoW until cataclysm hits...I'm so sick of ICC.
  10. Chimera

    Nerd Rage scale test :D

    Ehm....zero points. Maybe .5, because of number 11...but I don't scream at them, I just glare. I'm just not that easily excitable. ><
  11. Chimera

    talking online

    Of course not, I speak eloquently and fluidly, without the slightest hesitation nor pause! There is no lapse during which the brain consults the tongue, it is as effortless as... Yeah, no. Text communication please.
  12. Chimera

    Poll: Colors

    Aw hell, this post is going to clash horribly with my signature and avatar... I'm the only one who likes grey? :c Meh. My preferred color changes with my mood. But I'm fond of the entire cool side of the color wheel. Plus maroon. Orange is cool too. Actually I pretty much like everything but...
  13. Chimera

    Smilies we don't need to see in the sidebar everytime anymore

    I don't understand what people are complaining about. All of our smilies have a clear and concise purpose, and are completely necessary for the function of this forum. :dinnerinthesky: And I watch the bats in that one emoticon when I'm trying to convert my thoughts into words. So, tough.
  14. Chimera

    What do you like to eat?

    Sushi. Spicy tuna rolls, fantastic. But I get a different kind of sushi every time I go to the sushi bar. Many fruits, few vegetables. Kiwi, raspberries, lemons, watermelon...yum. More seafood and poultry than beef and pork. Spicy things. I can be a total masochist when it comes to spicy...
  15. Chimera

    Fear of winning

    This. Besides, I much prefer to have the element of surprise on my side in almost any situation. Where would the fun be if I laid all my talent and skill out for everyone to see in a competition? So I just don't compete, if I can help it. Sports are different though. I will crush you in...
  16. Chimera

    The Perception Personality Image Test

    These quizzes are fun things to do when you're bored. No one's preaching about their absolute accuracy. P: Also, I have a tendency to focus on things other than the subject of the photo, which is generally what the photographer is trying to get me to look at. So even though the photos are...
  17. Chimera

    Odd Confessions?

    I didn't have a problem with this when I was younger, but now I do. Horribly. I get a vague idea of what I want to say in my head, then skip to the next topic while my lips are still trying to form words. I don't actually stutter, but my grammar and the subjects of my sentences get very mixed up...
  18. Chimera


    I've heard a blunt object to the head does wonders. I'm the wrong person to give sleep advice; I don't sleep until I've been awake for 24 hours lately, which is when my body starts telling me to find a bed or reasonably soft surface. Or the floor. The floor works. Good luck conquering your...
  19. Chimera

    INTP's and crying

    To me, crying is only bad if there are other people present. But I cry more from frustration and hopelessness than just...sad things. I only try not to cry if I'm in a situation that doing so would have negative consequences (not being able to think clearly, to perform a task put to me.) And I...
  20. Chimera

    Female INTPs

    /hate My post in here is two years old. ..../haaaate
  21. Chimera

    Are you an Aspie (Assburger?)

    Ugh, I read directions well... I took the test without realizing the first option was "I don't know". I had to go through and move everything up a point. -__- Your Aspie score: 105 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 123 of 200 You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits...
  22. Chimera

    The I've been away too long and hardly recognize anyone here, who are you people? Club

    Oh come on, I was saving that acid for someone special! D: AND YOU HAD TO GO AND CONTAMINATE IT! For shaaaame... @Cog Everyone's XIII. :rolleyes: Wait. No, everyone's Face. Or were they the same person? NO. I bet everyone's actually controlled by you, and this place is a trap! YOU'LL NEVER...
  23. Chimera

    The I've been away too long and hardly recognize anyone here, who are you people? Club

    I don't think the title is blunt enough, really. ... *throws confetti*
  24. Chimera


    I lied, I measured my handwriting and it doesn't go over 2 mm in that journal. >>
  25. Chimera

    Don't Remember Dreams

    Becoming a lucid dreamer was my self-project last summer. I still have the dream journal I kept. I don't have lucid dreams very often anymore, but I make a point to scour my mind in order to remember my dreams. It bothers the hell out of me whenever I can't recall a dream the next day, but...
  26. Chimera


    I write small. I keep a story journal, where the letters are so small (maybe 2-4 mm) that if I didn't write them, I'd have no idea what the thing said. I try to be nice to my teachers and write a bit bigger though. Also, my handwriting is disgusting when I write with pencil. I like the...
  27. Chimera

    How long can you go without playing video games?

    How long can I, at this very moment? Maybe two days. During the week I have raid to attend. :p I've gone months without games before though.
  28. Chimera

    What do you do in your spare time?

    Warcraft. Add little bits to that story in progress. Read. Listen to music. Warcraft. Visit intpforum. Poke around a few threads. Leave. Shower. Stress about future things. Be harassed by extroverted friends. Take a walk as deceivingly far from humanity as possible. Make things with clay...
  29. Chimera

    What happens in the meadow at dusk?

    If I said, then everyone would want to go out and see them. And they have to stay secret, for their own good.
  30. Chimera

    If you could sell your soul...

    How bird of you. :] Oh. I guess that doesn't say "fish"...
  31. Chimera

    If you could sell your soul...

    Magic. Then I'd figure out how to get my soul back. :]
  32. Chimera

    Do you find WoW boring?

    No no no no no vent, x9001. Some people would have to learn to be extroverted for that to work, lol. People already freaked out when we first got a forum Snapvine. No one wanted others to hear their voice. Speaking of, I should go take my entry off that...
  33. Chimera

    Fe: overdrive

    I know exactly what you're talking about. I wish I could say I can talk deadpan to anyone, but that would be a lie. There are some people who I see as too...fragile. Some situations that seem to call for a bit of extra effort, a smidgen of a lie. That being said, when I'm exhausted past my...
  34. Chimera

    Do you find WoW boring?

    Leveling = sucks. No guild + end game = sucks. Bad guild + end game = sucks. BUT. Good guild + ingame friends + raiding = the most goddamn addictive thing I've ever experienced. See, it's hard to explain to a nonplayer what's so fun about the game, but I'll explain my experience with it...
  35. Chimera


    "You're a _______." "I care what you think...why?" 50% of highschool drama solved. Yay apathy. This is one of the only places I actually capitalize my "I"s. It takes effort to keep them lowercase in other places, but it's a statement...I don't do it here because I know it would grate on...
  36. Chimera

    Looking at yourself in the mirror

    Time to be an outlier! ^__^ I don't mind looking into mirrors. In fact, I enjoy it. The way I look may not reflect who I feel I am "inside", but that doesn't mean I hate my appearance. I look at my reflection a lot; in a blank screen, a car window, a puddle of rainwater. Somehow my gaze is...
  37. Chimera

    Life as an INTP

    Frankly, I'm enjoying how CJ's physical appearance is clearly affecting some of the replies here. The arrogance might have something to do with it as well, but really...apparently people here see a pretty face and it gets them bristling. I wish I understood why there's such a defensive ring to...
  38. Chimera

    Well, that's interesting, because the chocobo you're sniffing is female. c: Yeah, around here...

    Well, that's interesting, because the chocobo you're sniffing is female. c: Yeah, around here people just grow on trees. It's fun around harvest time, because people are trying to hack off umbilical cords but they end up slicing up the babies. More food for the birdies, I say.
  39. Chimera

    I'm Not As Dumb As I Look

    I suppose biting sarcasm isn't exactly the most welcoming response to a newcomer's post. Still, I found Ran's post amusing, but maybe I'm just immune to the "rude" or "hostile" vibe of sarcasm. My apologies to Charlie for contributing to the percieved offense. Welcome to intpforum, enjoy your...
  40. Chimera

    I'm Not As Dumb As I Look

    Plus one. :] A friend of mine is very attractive, but he constantly whines about it because he says it gives people the wrong impression of him. He's quite intelligent too, but people just see the pretty face and make their assumptions. Of course, this friend also claims he would die if he...
  41. Chimera

    But but but...I haven't stolen anyone's chocobo. He's been raised in my signature for months...

    But but but...I haven't stolen anyone's chocobo. He's been raised in my signature for months. T__T Love: something about making babies. I don't think that's advised...or even legal where I am, melly dear. But I'm happy you care. ^__^
  42. Chimera

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    It's a perfectly good idea to vent to a rather large forum of rational, debate-inclined people, in the form of an emotionally charged argument. You should certainly expect every one of them to agree with you. Oh wait... ^__^ Maybe it works for some, but it's not my cup of tea. I'd rather take a...
  43. Chimera

    Shape Personality Type Profile

    Rectangle/Circle Best placed in customer service...? No thank you. This totally makes me come off sounding like an E type, dammit.
  44. Chimera

    MBTI Video

    That makes two of us. ;[
  45. Chimera

    Insecurity/Overcoming your shadows

    *checks* You do not. You do have a really cool hat though, can I have it? Thanks~ ^__^ *is done drawing attention to Oreo's profile picture* On topic...oh wait, Oreo already said what I wanted to. And he used fruit. Damn...
  46. Chimera

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    Remarks on appearances? Seriously? Uncalled for and childish, and you're just hurting your case. (Though I sincerely doubt Kantor cares what you think about his appearance anyway...) This totally got a dumbstruck reaction from me, I couldn't help but comment. ^__^ What doesn't kill us...
  47. Chimera

    *offers Mr. Ersatz some of her sushi*

    *offers Mr. Ersatz some of her sushi*
  48. Chimera

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    I haven't done much reading on the subject (outside of the required "bullying is a no-no" lecture/lessons at school), I can only speak for the bullies I've encountered. I know someone who got beaten nearly to death by his father when he was very young, and he had the mindset of a bully before he...
  49. Chimera

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    Wow, Ash. Okay, first off, I don't claim to fully understand the situation you were put in. It sounds like it was a very traumatic experience, and I give my condolences that you had to go through it. That being said, I have to sympathize with bullies as well as the victims. It is my firm...
  50. Chimera

    Bullying-I absolutely hate it.

    I've never had a problem dealing with bullies. Ever. I got the tools to deal with it early on at home, since my older sisters liked to pick on me a lot. By the time I was in middle school, I was best friends with my sisters, and could dismantle any bullying I was faced with. Some senior in...
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