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Search results

  1. Chimera

    Time is precious

    The irony of a trolling centered around the worth of time/life...
  2. Chimera

    What are INFJs bad at?

    This. It goes beyond feeling like you don't belong--that's the shallow part of it. It's a keen fear of letting people into the dark, of putting certain parts of themselves (ourselves?) out there, because they (we?) know exactly how delicate some emotions and such are to try to handle. And like...
  3. Chimera

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    Needs more tea, fish and chips, bad facial hair, and controversially spelled words like "colour" and "favourite". But I think you're on to something here.
  4. Chimera

    INTP family reunion stress

    You'll love it even more when your body starts failing you. >:[ /bitter
  5. Chimera

    Do you like your type?

    All types have the capacity for fun...sadly, the world just seems to be tailored a bit more to the extroverted. Make an ENTP be alone for a bit, then see how much fun they're having. P:
  6. Chimera

    Do you like your type?

    I do believe personality is more or less fixed, but fixed in a...fate sort of way. I believe aspects of personalities change, all the time...but I believe that there are aspects of personality which are deep-rooted in us, such as a strong introversion (I don't mean the "I can't function in...
  7. Chimera

    user avatars.

    I'm frequently staring at some harmless thing (like a shadow), struck by how it looks like or represents x, y, or z. One time, on one of my railroad strolls, I stopped by a field with grazing cattle in it. One particular cow came over and stared straight at me, and 30 minutes later she was the...
  8. Chimera

    Hope your all cozy in your cocoon of intellect.

    It was much more entertaining when I misread it like this. Either way, the first sentence doesn't make sense even in a structural way. D: "and if you don't have the wits...to make it in a brutish world." ....then, what? The first page of any thread must be based around the grammar, spelling...
  9. Chimera

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

    /unlurk necessary link: http://www.awkwardzombie.com/index.php?page=0&comic=031411 /lurk
  10. Chimera

    OH GOD

    I'm feta up with all the cheese. It really grates on my nerves...ricotta do something before it's too late!
  11. Chimera

    Character Strengths - Yet Another Personality Test

    Your Top Strength Judgment, critical thinking, and open-mindedness Thinking things through and examining them from all sides are important aspects of who you are. You do not jump to conclusions, and you rely only on solid evidence to make your decisions. You are able to change your mind...
  12. Chimera

    Are you monotone?

    Only when I'm tired. Otherwise, my voice is pretty animated....though sometimes in an awkward, hard-to-decipher way. I've taken to being sarcastic without the vocal cues... Well, it would be fake for you, to start out...but I bet it would be like changing any other habit: start out strained...
  13. Chimera

    How do You deal with stress?

    Ah...I was talking more about the little embarrassments of life. Of course if you trip and fall flat on your face, people are going to talk...but little things like stammering on the phone or stumbling (or the millions of possible slip-ups that coalesce into a big mass of anxiety) tend to not be...
  14. Chimera

    Do you wear shoes?

    First instinct when I step in the door is to kick my shoes off. It's kind of unfortunate when I'm wearing shoes that actually take some effort to get off, because I might just stand there kicking at the air for a few seconds before I remember. I have to try to figure out when it's acceptable...
  15. Chimera

    Do you like your type?

    I don't write with weird breaks. (No actually, I just kind of press enter whenever my thoughts shift. >> ) I can be a typical forumgoer, if you want. Though honestly the blandness of this line is making my eyes burn. I'm so curious what makes you think I'm an infj. I've been told I act...
  16. Chimera

    What really burns your biscuits!

    Paradoxes and things that don't make sense. Lately, the individual. That's been bothering me. People like to say that we're all made equal and we all have equal oppurtunity, at least here in America. Or that we should treat everyone equally. Sorry, that's bullshit to me. I think it's pretty...
  17. Chimera

    Do you like your type?

    (I don't know my type; I balance on the edges of the f/t and j/p knives. I'll tentatively say that I'm infj.) And...I am indifferent about my type, whatever it is. There's no point in liking or disliking it, since the way I am won't change unless I cease to exist. Even people who seek to...
  18. Chimera

    How do You deal with stress?

    Most of my dealings with stress are psychological nowadays though. :confused: Even if a lot of it ends with me mentally cussing myself out for not being practical or rational about a situation. I used to freak out about talking on the phone because I dreaded the awkward silences. And I...
  19. Chimera

    A Pointless Introduction... ... !

    I joined here when I was 14... Goddammit, now I feel old. :aufsmaul: Now now Lobster, don't ruin the fun. People enjoy attempting to scare off newcomers...sadly, they're horrible at it.
  20. Chimera

    Keeping an intp man happy?

    ^ The article really did make intp men seem childish. In a bad way. "Clean up after me, keep food available for me, don't bother me," etc...personally not my cup of tea.
  21. Chimera

    Personality Disorder Test

    Low all the way down. I lol'd.
  22. Chimera

    Life as the other sex

    As a believer that we're largely shaped by our environment, I most likely would be largely different personality-wise than I am today, given that males are treated differently than females. I'd probably still hate facial hair though. I probably would get beat up a lot. Referring to everyone...
  23. Chimera

    Do you use Facebook?

    Hmm...I'm in agreement about the coworkers thing, but why not older relatives? [/CENTER] Sometimes I wish you could add a "personal message" when you reject a request like you have the option to do when requesting friends...but facebook is a land of sugar and roses; no one can dislike...
  24. Chimera

    Hmmm. Says you've been here since March, but since I've only noticed you posting recently, I'll...

    Hmmm. Says you've been here since March, but since I've only noticed you posting recently, I'll pretend that you just now joined and say: I can tell you're going to be a perfect addition to our collection of oddballs here, and I'm glad you're not just lurking because your input makes me smile...
  25. Chimera

    Do you use Facebook?

    Fully agreed (except the hipster part, because I don't want to be shot.) Facebook is just another social tool. I communicate about things better when it's non-verbal, so it's rather convenient to me. Will that impact my ability to keep up relationships sans-Facebook? Meh. Don't think so...
  26. Chimera

    A Person's Viewpoint of this Forum.

    I'm sure that by then, everything will be in movie format. ... Back to fearing.
  27. Chimera

    A Person's Viewpoint of this Forum.

    /wave :) Like Editor, your post made me happy. But it also made me intensely fear for the future of my generation. Therefore, it's a perfect balance.
  28. Chimera

    Explain the sexiness of high heels

    I agree that high heels make the legs look good, but all I can picture when I think of them are the high school girls I see tottering around daily in hooker shoes. Oh, if only I could give one a little shove...it would be like dominoes... Also, I sincerely doubt it's possible to walk quietly in...
  29. Chimera

    does identifying with your "type" (particularly INTP's) bring you fulfillment?

    Stumbling into mbti sent me to this place. It also gave me a framework to work off of as I tried to figure out how I tick. I was content with thinking of myself as an intp for...a year or so, maybe? Everything seemed to make sense, and I fit in here. Then I took one of my vacations from the...
  30. Chimera

    What's your sign?

    I'm fish. DON'T CRITICIZE ME, I'M A DELICATE (needy, clingy, emotional) FLOWER. ;-; I just noticed, this forum has no sad or crying emote, unless I'm missing it. Supwiththat?
  31. Chimera

    INTPs and their amazing ideas

    I can't find what I want in a big store. I don't feel like asking an employee. Solution: store-specific electronic maps, similar to GPS. Also, there needs to be a graphic design-oriented iPad (for lack of a better term). You know, something that you can use photoshop or sai or whatever on, and...
  32. Chimera

    Heh, I'm no good at eloquently accepting compliments, but do know that I sincerely appreciate...

    Heh, I'm no good at eloquently accepting compliments, but do know that I sincerely appreciate it. Being held in high regard by someone I admire is...well, satisfying. ^^; Oh, LoR...I don't know what's become of her. I keep waiting to see that old bat reappear, but she's been stubbornly silent...
  33. Chimera

    INTP shit you did as a child

    I wasn't writing poetry, but I started a "novel" in 3rd grade, and 64 pages in (typed, mind you, and none of that huge font nonsense) I decided to bring it to the school librarian to edit. One of the characters was a girl from an abusive household...apparently it was believable enough to get the...
  34. Chimera

    Are you sure I'm antisocial?

    I've actually found it somewhat useful to just be blatantly honest about my antisocial tendencies. Only with people of some importance though. Potential friends or people I'm forced to work with, for example. It's absolutely possible to strike up a truce between introverted and extroverted...
  35. Chimera

    warryer's guide on social success

    I'm sticking with my original interpretation of this, which was "who gives a shit what my guide to social success is?" Much more amusing that way.
  36. Chimera

    I used to be Yellow

    I remember you--your name always made me cringe. ^^ Welcome back~
  37. Chimera

    dancing woman test: right brained or left-brained

    God I love this thing. For me it starts at counter clockwise, switches to clockwise by the next kick, then I'm stuck seeing her just kicking back and forth in the front. Tip: If you can't see the opposite direction, try focusing on the toe of her kicking foot while forcing yourself to...
  38. Chimera

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    It's nice to be recognized every once in a while, but it's always a surprise...I'm more of a shadows person. And it is sad when the newcomers have, you know, 600 posts in a matter of weeks, but then again, you know what they say about quality and quantity. And I was like 15, but now I'm an...
  39. Chimera

    Basic Guidelines for Social Success

    This was silly in the first place. :3 People here will never like being told how to act socially. I imagine it's like trying to teach an overly social (read: obnoxious) person how to be quiet at the appropriate times. It doesn't help that there is no cut-and-dry recipe for social...
  40. Chimera

    If a 5yr od pointed a gun at you

    Ooh, I like this one. I'm gonna change his firearm to a water pistol. Or one of those cork gun toys I had when I was little. Those things were cool. In all seriousness though, I'd probably shoot, miss, and die. My entire body would be shaking from anxiety and anticipated guilt, and I'm sure...
  41. Chimera

    Don't do well with calendars

    I can be staring straight at a calendar and still get the day wrong. It's far more fun just to guess.
  42. Chimera

    Dream Places to Live

    Somewhere safe, with the person I love, and with a good internet. Scenery-wise, I'd love to live in a mountainous area or near the sea, on the fringes of a small town with plenty of space to roam. But that part is much less important to me.
  43. Chimera

    Hand Injury?

    If I chop off my right foot and am forced to hobble around on my left, does that mean I will turn into an extrovert? :eek: edit: Whoops, way to be the caustic-to-a-first-poster one, Chime. Uhh. I'm not a psychology buff, but I'm pretty sure that if they showed personality changes, it's not...
  44. Chimera

    The Concept of the American Dream

    Eeesh Editor, trying to rack up your post count or something? You're plenty distinguished enough already. You don't have to up your numbers with false double...excuse me, triple posts. Or maybe technology is betraying you in your old age...? ;) To me, the American Dream is some crack-brained...
  45. Chimera

    Teacher criticized me for being too philosophical.

    It's a little disheartening to see so many responses here echo the sentiment of "tell them what they want to hear and move on". It unnerves me that the passive attitude is so embraced by the people who claim to have such a higher level of thinking. Sure, it's easier in the short term, but once...
  46. Chimera

    favourite animal introspection

    Fox for adaptability, living alone or with its family, and cunning. Crow/Raven for intelligence and resilience. Bat for being nocturnal, very social, and the only flying mammal. (edit: hrrm...that's interesting...)
  47. Chimera

    Foot Thread

    Pretty sure my dislike of feet comes from my older sister showing me pictures of trench foot...when I was 5. Or perhaps from her habit of putting her sweaty feet by my head on the ride home from her soccer practices. According to my parents, when I was little, instead of sucking on my thumb...I...
  48. Chimera

    It's strange, isn't it? There's nothing keeping us here, yet we keep wandering back... It's good...

    It's strange, isn't it? There's nothing keeping us here, yet we keep wandering back... It's good to hear from you again.
  49. Chimera

    Nail polish

    I like to grow my nails long. Ridiculously long. Painting them is a combination of a stress-reliever and a desire to have them be aesthetically pleasing. I'm known for using dark red, green, blue with a design in a lighter tint. My favorite design ever (that I've done) were black with a...
  50. Chimera

    Foot Thread

    I threw up a little. Hands are beautiful. Feet are not.
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