I dream often. almost everyday actually. i only realized that i did, after hearing "Everyone dreams." so i tried that out. after waking up, i would stop and try to recall the dream before 5 minutes passed. if I don't pause to reflect when I wake up, I tend to forget most of the dreams. also, I think I dream only when i wake up in the morning.
I have read that people who never dream have a (drastically?) shorter life span. so. But I also have read that people who do not sleep at all don't seem to have any physical problems. so.
I have vivid dreams, not always, but plenty enough. But ... by vivid I mean it has a storyline to it, almost. mostly in color. they're hardly black and white. mostly they are blurry and not exactly sharp images.
I can have lucid dreams if I focus, but most of the time it just wakes me up. and it's getting harder for me to take control of my dreams. I dream more when stressed, haven't slept in days, or so. it can often help me with figuring some problems in life, if i take a moment to reflect on the dream itself. though i don't rely on dreams often. i think i should listen to my dreams more often.
at times, i have very "epic" dreams. they're very hard to forget ... they are very interesting. i've saved the world a couple of times in those. and sometimes i will have dreams which happen whenever something similar happens (i'm sick, etc). for example when i was little and sick i would have the same nightmare, about fairies and golems. somehow the Golem represented the Lowest/deepest note on the piano and the fairy represented the highest/lightest note on the piano.
does anyone know which types have the least amount of dreams?