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Search results

  1. Chimera

    New Years Resolutions!

    Sculpt a dragon. Kick my self-worth up a few notches. Eat more. At least a full meal a day. Sleep more. At least four hours a night. Be more confident or apathetic (whichever works) in social situations--screw social norms or expectations. Enjoy my youth rather than focus on its limitations...
  2. Chimera

    INTP=Long Posts?

    Love of reason. :D (Where has she run off to...?)
  3. Chimera

    Do you Long for passion or to be passionate ?

    Ironically, literature is my escape from everything right now. Except instead of reading myself away, I write. I guess that would sound like passion to some people, but it's not. . .it's like a drug I've become dependant on; I don't feel the effects any more, but it's habit to resort to it...
  4. Chimera

    Do you Long for passion or to be passionate ?

    Ironically, I've been thinking about my lack of passion a lot over the past week. Part of me thinks "Hey, this is great: the less I'm attached to the less I have to lose." Another part of me is in the back of my head sobbing from the numbness, and afraid that at this rate I'll lose all drive...
  5. Chimera

    INTP=Long Posts?

    I always contradict myself too much when I start typing. My flow of thought is very convulted and hard to follow sometimes, so I feel like I do a lot of backtracking and unnecessary explaining/specifying. Then again, I don't exactly post enough for it to be noticed. :phear:
  6. Chimera

    What do you want to accomplish? What keeps you from doing it?

    I would have liked to be an artist. Unfortunately, I've learned early that I'm hardly good enough to be professional, income would be an issue, I don't have the passion to go to school for art, and I would be trampled in the art field because I don't like being the center of attention. I...
  7. Chimera

    List of Assumptions

    I think my list will be somewhat...scattered. I'm feeling pretty ill in the head. (Also, I haven't read the other posts here, I didn't want to feed off other ideas. I'll read them after.) I assume... - Everything I think I know is subject to change. - I truly know nothing. All I have are...
  8. Chimera

    The Sleepless Club

    Aww, I feel cheated. I didn't sleep saturday night or sunday night, went to school yesterday, crashed around 6 pm...nothing. What a bitch. I want some hallucinations.
  9. Chimera

    The Best Personality Type For You Test (for romantic partner)

    INFJ - The Counselor You scored 50 I versus E, 20 N versus S, 50 F versus T, and 80 J versus P! I guess it could also be INTJ, ENFJ, and ENTJ. Wide range. I'm good to go. :p
  10. Chimera

    Intuition & Manipulation

    Oh my. Well, you know how contorted my thoughts are on manipulation, but...I'll try to put a few things into words. No. I think of it like...you've cracked the pattern of a string of numbers; now whenever you stumble upon that pattern, you'll recognize it. After you recognize a system...
  11. Chimera

    Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology Quiz

    I'm cursed to be in the middle of every personality test ever written... Uh, no, no, and no again. I don't care about achievements, I have few goals even in-game. . . The only part I identify with is the "lots of high scores" and the last sentence. I lack the ambition to be an...
  12. Chimera

    Languages you know/are interested in

    I took two years of Spanish in school. I have a basic understanding of it. I decided to take a semester of Latin this year, and my teacher has strangled almost all the passion for the language I entered her class with. She is a terrible teacher, and is more interested in telling us about all...
  13. Chimera

    Any Clear Identity?

    All I know is that my identity is in a constant state of change. When all other musings about identity go sour, that's the thought I go to for some sense of stability.
  14. Chimera

    Avatar Changes

    -blink- You...it....but.... It's like you ripped off your face and replaced it with a seagull! :( I guess it's not that bad. I don't know if it fits you 100% though. P: @nemo: Actually, I recognize you when I'm prowling around the forum. So much for anonymity. :p Is that even a word? >>...
  15. Chimera

    Controlling your thoughts

    I'm so used to incorperating emotion into everything, I can forget what it's like to use pure rationality (just like I can't use pure Feeling either). Lately I've been trying to shut my F side up at will so that I can consider things first rationally, then weigh it against my emotional reaction...
  16. Chimera

    Avatar Changes

    What conformists; someone mentions avatar change and everyone jumps to throw on something different. :rolleyes: I would find something new too, if I weren't being so lazy...
  17. Chimera

    Warning: spooky thread.

    I was thinking the same thing, RT. :D Anyway, I don't think I've ever been irrationally terrified before. I mean, I take walks at 3 a.m. to an old trainyard and a graveyard; I think I'm somewhat conditioned against the whole "mind locks up due to atmosphere-caused fear".
  18. Chimera

    Why did you pick your name?

    *revives* :phear:
  19. Chimera

    Alignment Test

    How did I miss this test? D: Chaotic Good.
  20. Chimera

    Making Minds Less Well Educated Than Our Own

    True, not to mention I've heard so many teachers pull the "school prepares you for the real world" card. I mean, right now I'm going through my "if high school prepares me for college, and if any degree I get in college will be rendered useless by the work force, then why try hard in school at...
  21. Chimera

    The Oreo Personality Test

    I don't really like them 'cos they taste...off... Buuuuut I take all the cream off in one piece with my tongue (apparently it looks funny), eat it, then proceed to lick the cookie parts until they broke. It's a personal challenge to see how thin I could get one before it snapped. So 6 6...
  22. Chimera

    Making Minds Less Well Educated Than Our Own

    Good grief. School isn't that bad. Yes, we're forced to store ridiculous information to regurgitate on tests. We're required to take classes that are mundane and completely irrelevant to whatever we want to do as a career, or irrelevant to life after school. At young ages we're horded with kids...
  23. Chimera

    How's your eyesight?

    Oh, I just remembered, I did too! In first grade I faked the optical test we were required to take at school because I wanted to see what having glasses was like. Then after I realized it was pretty lame, I "miraculously" got 20/20 vision. Silly adults.
  24. Chimera

    wow i got a new type istp

    I've gotten INTP, INFJ, INFP, INTJ, and ENTP. Online test results are subject to change with your current state. Read descriptions, learn every niche of the system if it's that important. If not, don't sweat it.
  25. Chimera

    Constant Communication With Your Friends. Nonstop, Everyday.

    Munkey: Good suggestions...I'll definitely stop being a procrastinator and get right on it. Oblivious: I'd like to think that potentially harmful technology in the future will have a reasonable amount of safety already in place upon distribution, but what makes me nervous is that new...
  26. Chimera

    How's your eyesight?

    How was I s'posed to know? I'm hardly in IRC all 12 hours. Or there much at all, really... :o
  27. Chimera

    the other day my dad asked me if i ever "think about the deeper things in life".

    That reminds me of last week when I murmured something sarcastic about some kid being dumb in our class, and a girl sitting near me burst out laughing, saying "Oh my god, I love how you said that so sarcastically! That's so funny!" as if sarcasm was completely new to her. ...I wasn't trying to...
  28. Chimera

    How's your eyesight?

    I'm sure if I got adequate sleep, my eyesight would be perfect. I've been tested a few times and got 20/20. At my present situation (spending ~12 hours online per day/night and sleeping ~3 hours), I'm very sensitive to light and the area around where I'm focusing my sight gets kind of...flickery.
  29. Chimera

    Constant Communication With Your Friends. Nonstop, Everyday.

    :phear: Maybe I should get to work on building my underground facility for when the world gets screwed...
  30. Chimera

    Social Skills

    Why can't introverts set the social standards... :( side note: I'm good at blending into social situations and can put on a nearly perfect extrovert facade. I just choose not to most of the time. Too much effort for too little gain.
  31. Chimera

    Constant Communication With Your Friends. Nonstop, Everyday.

    I'm at the computer during almost all of my free time, and can be contacted in a few different ways...MSN, AIM, and facebook are the biggest ones. However, I'm almost always appearing offline (or actually offline), and facebook I only check once a day. Sometimes I want to be in the midst of many...
  32. Chimera

    Ethical Decisions

    1. If the thief runs toward me, I'd make a grab for the bag or possibly trip him. If he runs the opposite direction...sorry lady, you go run after him. 2. Anything valuable of mine is marked in some way, so I'd look for the mark and then quietly confront them about it. 3. If they're a good...
  33. Chimera

    How do you react when somebody close to you dies?

    My grandmother died when I was little, but other than that I've been relatively untouched by death in family/friends. I feel the death of family pets very strongly though...probably because I'm so reliant on my connection with animals. When my cat Milo died, for example, there was a sort of...
  34. Chimera

    What was your childhood like?

    Super extraverted. Opinionated, fearless, leader of the pack, loud. At school, I always gained the respect of my teachers the very first week of school. I raised my hand to answer almost every question (never called out--it seemed rude to me), always wanted to assist the teacher in any way...
  35. Chimera

    Where Will You Be in a Year?

    Junior in high school, probably struggling to decide what I want to do with my immediate future (i.e. stressing over college). Pondering the dull chaos of high shool. Still mildly frustrated with my passive existence. Refining my opinions on various moral qualms. Completely clean of drugs...
  36. Chimera

    Feeling Underestimated

    Sounds like a reasonable reaction to discussion. I'm just odd and would much rather internalize my responses rather than externalize them. Probably because I make random leaps in logic and have trouble explaining myself when pressed. :P Dear god that sounds miserable. "Hi, you don't like...
  37. Chimera

    Feeling Underestimated

    When people talk down to me, I stop talking and probably just smile. The person appears very conceited to me, and in my head I'm thinking "Ugh, who the hell do you think you are...you've just shown you're not even worth the effort it would take to change your impression of me. Go away." Since I...
  38. Chimera

    What Tarot Card Are You?

    The Moon. Inverse is The Chariot.
  39. Chimera

    I drew an A

    Actually, I like the unbalance. It makes it more interesting.
  40. Chimera

    Sleep Times

    @AI: Ick, waking up at 5:30 against your will? I mean, I have to be up early for school, but on my days off I automatically sleep in past noon... I'm curious, (it might be too personal and you don't have to answer, but) why did you stop drinking?
  41. Chimera

    Sleep Times

    Lately I've been falling asleep ~3 a.m. and waking up at ~6 a.m. for school. I haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep on a weeknight in a verrrry long time. I do all-nighters regularly. On weekends I sleep from 6 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. My parents and I have gotten into small fights over my...
  42. Chimera

    Do you think you fully belong here?

    I've been here for about a year and a half now. I wander around and away from the forum (sometimes for months at a time), but I keep coming back. I don't know if people notice me or not, but that's okay; I don't post much. I've made some unforgettable friends on this forum. There are a select...
  43. Chimera

    Booooooooris :D p.s...just lost the game. :]

    Booooooooris :D p.s...just lost the game. :]
  44. Chimera

    Favorite time of the year

    Depends on my mood. :P (These are seasons from the northeastern states point of view.) Mid to late autumn: The colors are beautiful, especially when trees are fringed with fire's colors and the sky is the perfect shade of blue. There's the distinct smell--musty leaves and spicy sap from...
  45. Chimera

    Have you ever blatantly disagreed with a teacher during class?

    I wish all my teachers would take the understanding approach. I have my first taste of the "understanding" teaching style this semester, from my statistics teacher...in his words (while reviewing for our state test): "These tests are so stupid. The only reason I'm shoving some of this crap down...
  46. Chimera

    how important is touch?

    Depending on my mood... a: I hate people touching me. If they get close, I will physically tense up and move away, even if it's just an inch or so. I have a friend that is very touchy-feely and she enjoys randomly leaning close to me when we're sitting at lunch, which I detest because she's not...
  47. Chimera

    Tattoos, Piercings, Other Body Modifications

    What are your tattoos, Toad?
  48. Chimera

    Tattoos, Piercings, Other Body Modifications

    That was my winning argument against myself. :p I used to want a tattoo and some ear piercings. Now I'm totally fine just drawing on myself instead; it's much easier to change. And I still have no piercings.
  49. Chimera

    Do you chew pens?

    My history teacher carries around this crappy student-made thing that I think was supposed to be a wooden golf club... Anyway, he uses it to bang on EVERYTHING to emphasize whatever he's saying, which would get annoying except he's such a silly man and dances around the classroom. @Cog...
  50. Chimera

    Do you guys suffer from depression?

    ^ I can relate to that, though I take super long walks instead, always at night. Unfortunately, by the time I realize I need to do it, my mood has gone so sour that I'm entertaining ideas of laying down in some ditch and going to sleep.
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