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Search results

  1. Agent Intellect

    Education Overhaul - A Modest Proposal.

    First, this proposal is not all that modest. It would be expensive, difficult, and very different from what we have been doing so far. That being said, this system would need to be funded. In order to do this, there would need to be tax increases. This is a curse word in the western world, and...
  2. Agent Intellect

    The High Club

    I got high for like the first time in several months or so on Saturday night. It's probably a good thing that getting high doesn't really 'do it' for me, considering my problems with alcohol. Smoking just makes me extra introverted, going Ne crazy in my own head, yet I'm unable to retrace the...
  3. Agent Intellect

    The RPG Class Test

    Spellsword 56% Combativeness, 33% Sneakiness, 68% Intellect, 8% Spirituality Aggressive, but with the brains to back it up: You are a Spellsword! Score! You have a prestige class. A prestige class can only be taken after you've fulfilled certain requirements. This may mean that...
  4. Agent Intellect

    Why you can't see infrared

    Infrared is a fairly large range of electromagnetic radiation - a bit larger than the visible light spectrum. It seems a bit vague to lump all of infrared into one category. It's wavelengths are longer than visible light, but shorter than microwaves and radio waves. Visible light are...
  5. Agent Intellect

    Intp intelligence

    I got 130 on the test from OP I got 128 on test from Facepalm (and it was too long, I guessed on the last 7 or so). That seems to be consistent with my usual average.
  6. Agent Intellect

    Schizoid Treatment

    1. neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family That's not me. I enjoy having close relationships, even if I'm socially retarded and the only way I can show 'affection' is by being an asshole and having relationships built on cutting each other down. 2...
  7. Agent Intellect

    Everything except Rap and Country - and Jamiroquai

    I'm not sure how much of the P.O.S. you've listened to, but you should watch the live performance of the song "Handmade Handguns". I think it's better than the CD version. Live Version: [/SPOILER] I think Transformers is the only movie I've ever seen him in. I don't watch very many movies.
  8. Agent Intellect

    Everything except Rap and Country - and Jamiroquai

    I might have some disparate hip-hop recommendations, if you're looking for some more 'unorthodox' styles. Horrorcore: Gravediggaz: Twiztid: Esham: Storytelling: Slick Rick: Sticky Fingaz: JMT & R.A. the Rugged Man: Cage: Conscious Hip-Hop: Common: Mos Def: Brother Ali...
  9. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Astronautalis: [/SPOILER]
  10. Agent Intellect

    I like Cecil Otter's Rebel Yellow a lot. POS has some good songs. Hes sort of an acquired...

    I like Cecil Otter's Rebel Yellow a lot. POS has some good songs. Hes sort of an acquired taste, though. Not sure how to explain it really. I would start with Never Better. Dessa's A Badly Broken Code is good; it's half singing and half rapping, but it has a unique sound. But, if you want to...
  11. Agent Intellect

    The increasing decrease in creativity

    If you can't find new and innovative music, you're looking in the wrong places. Mainstream music (like some of the bands you listed) is a business with the goal of making money. They're going to make music that helps their record companies meet their bottom line, and they're going to keep...
  12. Agent Intellect

    INTP Dating

    From our transient contact with 99% of the people we see in the world, it makes sense that we judge people based on such a surface level. Most people I know, that are married, are not very attractive (from a completely shallow, external perspective). I think most people are able to differentiate...
  13. Agent Intellect

    stupid people

    I often find myself surrounded by people who think they are surrounded by arbitrary, overgeneralized groups of people.
  14. Agent Intellect


    Autogynephilia seems to be an inborn fetish that occurs in transgendered individuals. Fetishes (paraphilias) haven't really been pinpointed as far as cause goes. I'm interested in where 'preference' ends and 'fetish' begins. I've always had strange tastes in women (at least by most other...
  15. Agent Intellect

    The Universe!... Yes.

    This conversation is beginning to sound similar to the atomism of Democritus. Empty space is 'something' because nothing is nothing. The fact that there is empty space necessarily means that it's not nothing. Also, general relativity depends on the warping of spacetime, which would mean that...
  16. Agent Intellect

    The Universe!... Yes.

    Maybe an n-dimensional brane? Perhaps it's fractal, and if we zoomed out from the universe far enough, we'd see that it's completely contained in the atom of another universe (or the inverse - zoom in on an atom far enough and see a universe)? Perhaps a strong (perhaps even solipsist) view of...
  17. Agent Intellect

    The 4-Variable IQ Test

    Your brain is roughly: 5% Interpersonal 30%Visual 10%Verbal 55%Mathematical
  18. Agent Intellect

    Self Concept

    I suffer from: Depression. Tourettes. OCD. Alcoholism. Ignorance. Mortality.
  19. Agent Intellect

    Self Concept

    Scientist Perplexed Grungy Reasonable Ailing
  20. Agent Intellect

    What songs are you listening to? /Redux/

    Mr Lif Rage Against the Machine [/SPOILER] Army of the Pharaohs This is kind of how I've been feeling lately:
  21. Agent Intellect

    Modern Day Socrates.

    This thread was inspired by my reading in the textbook, but doesn't have anything to do with my school work. A lot of people (on this forum, included) make claims like "morality doesn't exist" yet they usually live under the social mores of wherever they live. A lot of people here argue about...
  22. Agent Intellect

    Modern Day Socrates.

    That sounds reasonable, I'm just going off the account I read from my school textbook. What coincidence is that? I think it would be interesting to philosophize from the streets, but I don't think anyone would take you seriously. Most people passing by are probably late for an appointment...
  23. Agent Intellect

    Modern Day Socrates.

    I've recently read a bit about Socrates (for my philosophy class), and it explained that in the time of Socrates, he was somewhat of a staple in downtown Athens. If one took a walk through town, they were likely to see Socrates, disheveled, dirty, and willingly impoverished out in the street...
  24. Agent Intellect


    Could be. I considered it, but it had started to get worse in the 3 weeks I took to dry out before starting the medication. But, it's very likely the medication isn't helping - I've heard that OCD could either be a problem in the dopaminergic system or a problem in the serotonergic system. But...
  25. Agent Intellect


    I am a degenerate alcoholic. I haven't been drunk since the beginning of July, but once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, I suppose. I've noticed that since I stopped drinking my Tourette syndrome and OCD has gotten a lot worse (to the point where my neck, face, and chest muscles hurt on...
  26. Agent Intellect


    The forum has a formal debate section, but it never really took off.
  27. Agent Intellect

    Which Science?

    I don't think I'm qualified to give you advice on what to do with your life, but if you plan on going into medicine or anything related to biology, you're going to have to take organic chemistry classes. I recommend reading this book before taking any organic chemistry classes. You can pretty...
  28. Agent Intellect

    PhD Vs MD Vs PhD/MD

    You can do research with just an MD, but you won't get all the practice from a PhD program. MD will cost a lot of money, while PhD can sometimes be free (I'm looking to go for one in neuroscience at MSU, which one can essentially get paid to do). A professor of mine (who has a PhD) told me that...
  29. Agent Intellect

    Different Thinking Styles

    Your results for the Holland Code Quiz are as follows: Realistic: 4 Investigative: 13 *highest Artistic: 8 Social: 2 *lowest Enterprising: 0 *no score Conventional: 2 *lowest Your Holland Codes are as follows: IAR
  30. Agent Intellect


    I agree with much of what John Locke (the father of libertarianism) says on a philosophical level, but I think libertarianism is just as unsustainable in practice as communism is. Locke says that property (including money) is 'anchored' in labor - that the property we accumulate is the value...
  31. Agent Intellect


    I would try more natural anxiolytics. l-Theanine has worked decently for me. It's the main 'relaxing' ingredient in green tea (that you can get as a supplement). It works synergistically with caffeine (essentially you get all the positive effects of caffeine without any of the negative...
  32. Agent Intellect

    Unmotivated For Adult Responsibilites

    My car had the "service engine soon" light on for almost a year before it got so bad I had to take it in. Apparently all it needed was a 50 dollar tune up. There have been times when I've gone two weeks wearing the same pair of pants everyday. I'm too lazy to do laundry. There is a sizable pile...
  33. Agent Intellect

    What Should You Major In?

    Philosophy You scored 26 mental chops, 15 work ethic, 19 bullshitability, and 4 practicality!
  34. Agent Intellect

    How old are you people?

    Why is 23 the cut off line? I don't feel/look/act like an 'actual adult' and I'm 25.
  35. Agent Intellect


    I dissected a human. Well, I didn't actually get to do the dissection myself (my cheap college doesn't have the money to get a stiff for everyone), but I got to see (and touch) the liberated organs. The cadaver we cut up died of lung cancer, so the lungs were blackened and tumorous. I found it...
  36. Agent Intellect


    Because qualia is awareness. Different qualia are how we distinguish this as being different from that. Red is red rather than blue because if the experience of blue represented what red represents for us now, we'd call it red. As far as I can tell, what the actual experience of 'electromagnetic...
  37. Agent Intellect

    Forum Members - Audial Impressions

    I can see it. Somehow I think this is more of a visual impression of the person in the video compared to my profile picture: ---------------------------------- Here's mine: Cog: Blob: Anthile: Animekitty: NoID10ts: Kantor: PhilosophyKing: SpaceYeti: Adaire:
  38. Agent Intellect

    String Theory and Consciouses

    You're talking about brane theory. The problem with being able to enter the higher dimensional bulk would be that, in spatial dimensions beyond three, gravity and electromagnetism would be much weaker. Electromagnetic fields in three dimensions follow Coulomb's law: F=k(q1*q2)/r^2. In four...
  39. Agent Intellect


    This thought experiment is something everyone can relate to. Much of our thinking is done metaphorically - I smell something bad and say "it smells like shit" but it doesn't actually smell just like shit. There is no way to describe the smell of something in words, or to transmit my experience...
  40. Agent Intellect

    intp thinking...

    This sounds very much like me. My thinking is often in the forms of a 'dialogue' either with me attempting to pitch my idea to the imaginary person, or me attempting to defend an idea to an imaginary skeptic. When I'm making up characters and fantasy worlds, I play out dialogues and situations...
  41. Agent Intellect

    A stalker? I've never had one of those before. Should I be worried or flattered? I don't know...

    A stalker? I've never had one of those before. Should I be worried or flattered? I don't know about beautiful, but others have said I have a way of writing in simple, concise ways, where a lot of people (especially INTP's) often like to write in convoluted, overly complex ways.
  42. Agent Intellect

    Beautiful is not often a word used to describe the things I say and do. I'm curious as to what...

    Beautiful is not often a word used to describe the things I say and do. I'm curious as to what arguments you are talking about, specifically?
  43. Agent Intellect

    Why do people like me?

    Height probably isn't a factor. I'm 6'2" and nobody likes me - seriously, I only have one friend (which generally suits me, as I'm not very social, anyway). I would say confidence is probably the biggest thing. I spend a great deal of time pondering contingencies, second guessing, regretting...
  44. Agent Intellect

    We're weird.

    I only want to dance like this: YouTube- RubberLegz - The One
  45. Agent Intellect

    Type and Drug Use

    I've found a good drug. L-Theanine, bupropion and rhythmic music (hip-hop, in my case). It's a strange sensation. Safe and legal, too.
  46. Agent Intellect

    Lecture Video Compilation Thread

    Philosophy/Ethics: Justice with Michael Sandel. Quantum Electrodynamics: Richard Feynman lectures. MIT Lectures: MIT Open Courseware. MIT lecture on Godel, Escher, Bach.
  47. Agent Intellect

    We INTPs are assholes

    I suffer from depression and take medication for it. I split hairs like it's going out of business. And I doubt reality and my own sanity everyday. But I still found this thread funny. I think people are reacting to the poster and not what's posted. If Melkor or NoID10t's or someone had made...
  48. Agent Intellect

    Type and Drug Use

    Most indeedly. In fact, sometimes it will create a hole that wasn't there to begin with.
  49. Agent Intellect

    We INTPs are assholes

    I thought this thread was funny.
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