How does the above link to below? It appears that a few deductive steps are missing.
Everyone receives unwanted advances from the opposite gender or the same gender. There are a certain few who have undesirable traits which would be less frequently advanced upon. If a person has worth of character they will respond in a mature manner. Responding with resent is an extremely immature course of action.
The assumption is that women receive more unwanted advances than men. This assumption is based on their more selective criteria.
ProxyAmenRa said:
A question you have not proposed is why would someone become resentful.
I've just been throwing around several words describing various states of unease, actually. I don't know if they resent it or feel threatened or scared or whatever. I've come across different responses. To be honest, a lot of women I've met enjoy being sexualised. It's a source of power when rights are more or less balanced between the sexes. When not balanced, it's a source of danger. Perhaps those that do experience whatever negative emotion feel they have less rights? It appears to me to be somehow connected with danger - to the physical self or the mental/emotional self (objectification). Anyway, those are the factors I considered when trying to trace out a path between sexualisation and discomfort of any sort.
If you're asking about resentment in particular, I'd say it has more to do with the second sort of danger - a feeling of being objectified more than the average male, and thus having personhood obscured. Again though, this only applies to some women; some others enjoy the power and veil of secrecy objectification affords (thus increasing power as the core self is protected from direct contact and hence harm).
ProxyAmenRa said:
Explains why my x girlfriend beat the crap out of some guy who called me a name under his breath. She is a black belt in Taekwondo. Though, she did give him an opportunity to apologise.
Aussie girls
No I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Amongst siblings as well you might observe the weaker one engage in violence when angry. When older this is tempered somewhat by rational consideration as you said. Passionate underdog violence still does occur though.
ProxyAmenRa said:
That was a domestic violence campaign. Ironically, the call centre linked to the phone number to call on the advert had received a large proportion (not the majority) of calls relating to wives beating their husbands up. Such situation are propagated because the shear majority of males believe it is wrong to physically harm a female and they feel that no one would take them seriously if reported.
Violence on the streets which is predominantly males engaging in physical violence against males which occurs at a far greater frequency than violence against women. Women engaging in physical violence each other even occurs at high rates in certain age ranges and locations.
Yeah, I know male-male violence is more common. I think male-male rape is supposed to be the most common sort of rape there is, though it's severely underreported.
I'm not sure why you're bringing this up though. Are you suggesting men have more reason to be afraid than women? Perhaps they are more likely to be attacked, but women often lack the ability to adequately retaliate (weaker, less experienced), at least in the moment (women with resources can later pursue the attacker through other means).
Even if women have less reason to be afraid, I don't see how this affects the issue. They have more reason to be afraid of men than of other women, at least in the area of physical violence. Male-female violence is still more common than female-female, especially sexual violence. (I think.)
ProxyAmenRa said:
If they exhibit the same levels of aggression, they have the same capacity for engaging in violence.
I wouldn't agree with that. Aggression can be expressed in ways other than physical violence (eg passive aggression, malicious gossip, verbal abuse, etc). Men (supposedly) show a greater tendency to express aggression in physically violent ways than women.
ProxyAmenRa said:
There are innumerable accounts recording women beating, torturing, sexually assaulting and psychologically abusing their children. Such crimes are never reported in the mainstream media.
Countless biased articles have been published over the years to further a certain agenda of portraying men as the route of evil.
I doubt it's an agenda, as women have only recently come into any sort of significant power.
However, bias is both possible and likely.
ProxyAmenRa said:
Understanding that because a person is greater than you physically and could potentially cause detrimental harm does translate to fear. If a person has a fear of someone greater than them physically then there is other factors at play with that person.
I meant in considering the potential for harm, size and ability would be a factor.
ProxyAmenRa said:
There is no reasonable argument to link sexualisation with the dehumanisation of women. Your opinion is correct.
I'd say there are, if one doesn't have easy access to all the facts - which most people don't. What they do have access to is popular opinion, their own private circles and their own personal experiences.
The reason I don't hold that opinion is because I (believe I) have additional facts.
ProxyAmenRa said:
There are some who believe such things but they are quite hypocritical because they don't not view women's sexualisation of men as dehumanising. They are deluded by social stigma or perceived societal values to think that women don't sexualise men.
Yes, I've been quite amazed by some of the conversations I've been privy to, on public transport or with female friends. They'll completely objectify a passing stranger and then complain about being treated as sexual objects in the same breath. They will espouse feminism and the championing of women's rights over actual equality. But then, inconsistency is present in most (all?) people, and considering popular opinion on men's appetites and tendencies, their beliefs can perhaps be pardoned. The prevalence of the male over female tendency to violence, sexual assault and sexual activity is supported by numerous studies, which bolsters its marketability. As you've pointed out though, new studies are bringing to light possible biases in previous ones, and will perhaps challenge the prevailing views.
ProxyAmenRa said:
I train in Kendo for a hobby. One of my friend's wanted me to train with his group to practice for a tournament we will all be competing in. To my amazement none of them could speak english apart from my friend. All their girlfriends were there as well. Afterwards we all went to karaoke. I had a really fun time even though I don't speak a word of mandarin and had no idea what people were talking to me about. Since, I didn't speak the language I had a surplus time to just observe them. Their exhibits of body language and expression of attraction were no different from what I have observed else where.
This is among people who know each other, correct?
ProxyAmenRa said:
Perhaps, some women just don't care to follow imposed societal norms, not consciously aware or off in their own little world disconnected from their surroundings.
Masking body language of sexual intent, desire or arousal has been well documented and can be easily identified. Try not to display and you still display.
To think of it now, not many women care to mask it. Australian culture could be a large part of it. This just demolishes the arguments propagating false perceptions about women's sexuality.
Yes, everything leaves a trace. Staring and lip-licking seemed like an expression of uninhibited lust though. (My assumption here is that in the East it is more likely to be inhibited, making this kind of display more uncommon - given the same degree of arousal, the expression would be more discreet due to conscious restraining.) Perhaps I'm interpreting it too narrowly. It sounded like a long, uninterrupted eye-lock on your crotch, ie not a continuous and unintentional drift back. If it was the latter I'm much more inclined to agree it's universal. Same with the lip-licking - was it more like a quick and unconscious flick to the lips, or did she look like an ad for Maccas?
On this point though, I've sometimes caught myself in compromising positions relating to people I have absolutely no interest in. My eyes fall to rest someplace and I wander off in my thoughts; I don't usually register what I'm looking at. Dry air, mozzy bites, other itches etc have contributed to certain behaviour that could be associated with nervousness, arousal or the intent to attract. Because I've read a little into body language, I've become more aware of mine than the average person, with the result that perfectly innocuous behaviour makes me wary of sending the wrong message. Could it be that by 'doing it by the book' you've wrongly interpreted a bunch of innocent actions? Reading a few signs in isolation is different to naturally being in tune with people's body language in general; the latter is more holistic and reliable, I'd say, unless you have a very thorough and complete grasp of body language (I'm not sure if this level of understanding can be taught without some natural affinity) that takes into account every minute change and the relation of each part to the whole picture, and then again to the context.
General note:
I don't have in-depth knowledge on any of these issues. I'm not an expert on rape or violence. That's not really what I was trying to talk about, but this has been interesting in directing me towards more areas of study. Beyond my hypothesising, I probably can't provide any more concrete data than anyone else.
My main point was (iirc):
Sexualisation could be more psychologically distressing for women than for men because of differences in desirable-partner thresholds, physical strength, rates of sexual violence, and possibly frequency of sexualisation, leading to a more cautious, fearful mindset.
---> whether or not rates of general violence are equal is not relevant here, I think.
Additionally, sexualisation may tend to obscure the self, especially where the self is not strongly invested in sexual appeal. This could be more distressing for women than for men because
Women are sexualised more (which assumes that sexualisation is generally unpleasant), or
Women desire a smaller range of men (ie, most of the men doing the sexualising are unwanted and akin to the gay men/repulsive woman experience for hetero men).
I'm sure there are other possible reasons.
What exactly is sexualisation anyway? I'm starting to get lost in the words. I don't really think it's possible for men not to see women in a sexual light. However, it may be similarly difficult for women to revise their attitudes. (Not really; I think attitudes are a lot more revisable than sexuality.)
Hmm... I'm actually starting to wonder if rape may occasionally be an expression of default equality, at least from the male POV. Considering everything is out there to be conquered and dominated, seeing the female as simply another rival instead of being either unduly elevated to an untouchable pedestal or beneath one's notice (sometimes the latter leading, through a series of convoluted and condescending arguments, to the former) could be a signal of equality. The victim has been given a 'fair go' and has lost.
More traditionally and generally though it's associated with male entitlement.
(And I don't mean to imply that rape is an acceptable expression of equality, simply that it may be one in antisocial males with a strong drive to dominate.)