Here to bring back the love!
I was just wondering due to a debate I have induced in the yes man thread, are there many libertarians in this forum?
In response to latro I was referring to Laissez-faire Libertarian. I tend to steer away from associating libertarianism with right-wing because conservatives are an odd bunch.
Wikipedia has a list of different so-called libertarian philosophies:
-The term libertarian is like the term christian, it means something different to just about anybody you ask.
-Libertarianism is like drinking alchoholic beverages, take it in moderation or you end up a fucked-up mess.
-Libertarian economics is only for the obstinate who refuse to see what has always happened whenever the power money players were left unchecked. In other words, it's just goddamn stupid. Now before anyone says "but...but...the government will (fill in the blank) due note that government is just a concept and isn't inherently inept or evil. It's just that the people who we elect to run it aren't very good at it. That's our own fault.
EDIT: I just have to add that philosophically, I'm a hypocrite, since I'm using the federal pell grant to pay for my education - free government money.
(I can't skip the opportunity to point out hypocrisy, even if it's my own).
But I am a pretty radical left.
Pah! You seem similar to the average supporter of our so called "center-right" coalition.
(I'm a member of a debating society).
That sounds interesting. I love debate.
What's an average session like? And how do you join one?
That sounds interesting. I love debate.
What's an average session like? And how do you join one?
The main two reasons that the idea has fallen out of favor is that it relies on market fundamentalism to push the idea that all economic problems are a result of regulation, and despite the fact that continued deregulation has lead to serial bubbles and economic crises (yes, I know this is debatable, there are plenty of ancap economists who would love to tell me how wrong I am), the best response is that those were not failures of the deregulation but failures of the fact that things weren't deregulated enough...?
The other reason being that underneath it all the philosophy of ancap typically relies on simplistic, black-and-white, classist arguments about people always deserving what they get (i.e. the poor are poor because they are unfit, the rich are rich because they are fundamentally better than the poor, efficient people and corporations always prosper and inefficient ones don't, etc.). Overall this has made it clear to me that ancap is simply a push for a system that will reward a few elite members within it at the expense of the rest, backed up by arguments about how the ones disenfranchised by the system deserved their disenfranchisement.
The Austrians argue for a free market in currencies not controlled by government. I guess this falls under the libertarian argument of not enough deregulation.
The recent economic crisis was fundamentally caused by the US federal reserve due to interest rates being kept at ridiculously low levels for an extend duration which subsequently resulted in risk of investment to diminish fuelling speculation in the housing markets which was additionally propagation by US government subsidization and backing of subprime mortgages.
Some would say that the speculation was allowed to occur due to lack of regulation. I blame cheap credit created by government.
So your upset that different types of labour performed by people whom have different skill-sets are valued differently?
In an anarcho capitalist society, a person and or corporations become wealthy because they provide goods and services which people demand and are willing to purchase under their own free will. Hence, the person and or corporation is rewarded for its service to society and the reward is that people purchase the goods and services they provide. I see no injustice or inequity.
In our current society for a person and corporation to become affluent they use government's coercive powers to reap the wealth from the masses. We are forced to subsidise monopolistic large corporations or those who do not produce goods and services we demand through regulation or the transference of wealth via taxation. I see injustice and inequity in this system because those who reap the wealth of society or not deserving. This is a production of socialism and conservatism; they both believe in preordain power structures that have the right to coerce others; in reality they have no right to do so.
Further more, in our current system the low skilled and people who are not able to produce labour of sufficient value are detrimentally effected by taxation to provide welfare for the middle class.