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Search results

  1. SpaceYeti

    Is reality as we know it simply a hologram?

  2. SpaceYeti

    Why are Individuals Equal(?)

    Because values are subjective, thus nobody has any basis for saying any group is objectively better than any other.
  3. SpaceYeti

    INTP's taking a level in badass?

    You can't be awesome on purpose. You either are, or you aren't. And you are.
  4. SpaceYeti

    Philosophy is dead

    Once you have logic figured out, the rest is just a way to pass time.
  5. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    The games you mention... How many other games came out the same year? What portion of games are even memorable? I remember a bunch of games I played and liked, some I didn't like, and there were plenty I never touched. RPGs in particular have always lacked any meaningful immersion, and...
  6. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    I can think of only a few captivating, truly unique, inspired games. Ten and twenty years ago, games sucked. Remember FF6? One of my favorite games, yet it sucked. Don't delude youselves into thinking games were ever better as a general rule. They're all gamey and silly shells of a virtual...
  7. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    I never said, or intended to imply, that video games must remain in their basal box. My point was that most are, and thus it's silly to hold that against them. Skyrim stinks, but it stinks in an enjoyable manner, and that's only technically a bad thing. Sure, it's garbage... But it's fun, so who...
  8. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    Who plays video games to develop their mind? My consoles say "PS3" and "Wii.U", not "Leapfrog". Don't be pretentious, video games are entertainment, just like any other media. I don't play Mario Kart to learn.
  9. SpaceYeti

    Does roleplaying satisfy?

  10. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    Bah, breaking the economy and giants smashing you a mile into the sky is entertaining. Oh, and the dude with an arrow in his back who must have just heard something. Skyrim is hilarious!
  11. SpaceYeti

    Caloric vs protein restriction

    Don't pig out, but why deny yourself the pleasures of food? Once you're dead, you can't enjoy food, sure, but if you can't enjoy food while alive, what's the point? Extend my life? For what? Am I extra special, does wisdom ride my dandruff down onto younger people? No, life is now. Enjoy it...
  12. SpaceYeti

    Does anyone else find games to be shallow?

    I generally don't buy games until one of my homies is all "This game is awesome!" or "This game is teh suxxorz!". Also, I factor in why it sucks. Kind of like how the reasons Skyrim sucked are the same reasons it was cool.
  13. SpaceYeti

    I feel as if there is an intellectual barrier here.

    A large chunk of the problem is that some people will delve into any question and label it "deep". You'll come across huge debates about bikini-clad women in beer ads, as a generalized example (you might not find exactly this discussion, it's an allegory). Putting boobs in ads increases sales...
  14. SpaceYeti

    Ask BAP

    It depends entirely on context. If we replace the vanilla of a sugar cookie recipe with chocolate, it would not be as good. Vanilla is more of a flavor optimiser, used more like a spice, whereas chocolate works better as a base flavor.
  15. SpaceYeti

    Do you watch porn?

    Also, your father's stash of porn, the movie you stole from your mother's boyfriend's place, and the deck of cards with naked chicks on them that you keep in your sock drawer. Plus your imagination.
  16. SpaceYeti

    What shall ye choose?

    If she's crazy enough to do such a thing, she cannot be trusted to not kill people with the bomb after I've died.
  17. SpaceYeti

    Ask BAP

    Chocolate or Vanilla?
  18. SpaceYeti

    Post your most common nightmares when you sleep.

    My most common nightmares involve being at work and all the responsibility falling on me, but not enough people/time (unreasonably low amounts) to actually do the work-load. Or running late... in the wrong clothes, and making someone else late because I'm their ride. Which is odd, because I...
  19. SpaceYeti

    Why do teens use sex to further advance themselves in a social structure?

    Sex is cool. Thus, having sex is a cool thing to do. Also, it's good fun. Note; I do not advocate sexy young people having sexy fun, I merely acknowledge that it's cool and sexy and fun.
  20. SpaceYeti

    BOOBS!!! And other borderline content: Thread Split

    What was the point of that, anyhow? Did somebody win? Was it me?
  21. SpaceYeti

    Why am I being so pervert?

    I <3 boobies.
  22. SpaceYeti

    Thread split from Texas is at it again: a study of INTP behaviour: Ti/Si loops

    Re: Texas is at it again (creation vs science) This has rely become a discussion about needing to memorize and not? I mean, sure, memorizing can ne useful, not only with numbers, but it's a simple fact that people tend not to care about things which have no use to them. When I look up...
  23. SpaceYeti

    At what point is a person too drunk to consent for sex?

    If the person understands what's happening, they can consent to it... at least, as far as I'm concerned. The law is fairly black and white. If someone has any amount of alcohol in thier system, they cannot legally consent. I think that's pretty silly, since most people are essentially uneffected...
  24. SpaceYeti

    What is a social group?

    A group connected by social interaction.
  25. SpaceYeti

    Who are You?

    "Deep" is an illusion. You either understand something or you do not. Saying something's deep is nothing more than saying you don't have a real answer to a baffling and potentially important question.
  26. SpaceYeti

    Who are You?

  27. SpaceYeti

    Social skills

    Make silly/bad jokes, grin like you're making fun of yourself, and try not to offend people.
  28. SpaceYeti


    My favorite individuals are goths (I'm old, I think emo over-rode goth, or something); The people who are such individuals, so unique, that they all dress alike. Individuality as "I am me and not someone else" is patently true, whereas individuality as "I'm a unique butterfly" is pure BS...
  29. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    Every time a thing happens immediately after another thing, that's time. I shouldn't have said "directly", but we certainly observe gravity's effects constantly. Yes, I'm used to people using "assumption" to mean that what's being assumed is baseless, so I dislike the word. I still consider it...
  30. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    Nope. The universe is defined as everything that exists, and thus there is nothing independent of it in a manner that we could interact with it and it not count as part of the universe. The universe exists by necessity. It needs no verification. It's an assumption because it doesn't need to be...
  31. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    This is something that bothers me a lot. When we see blue, the fact that our quale of blue is not the same thing as the ray of blue light doesn't mean we're not really seeing blue, or that the light isn't blue, or that something is somehow not real or it's mysterious or whatever. Yes, we say the...
  32. SpaceYeti


    I really don't think confidence has to do with type, except for how or if you project it. You can be confident while doubting your plans and double guessing things. Either way, confidence is essentially just having self-esteem. While people with low self esteem may withdraw and people with...
  33. SpaceYeti

    do any of you intp's work-out?

    I'm in the military. Working out is part of my job. I would like to outside of that, but I tend not to.
  34. SpaceYeti


    Because you value the things you do more than you value the things other people do based on their own values.
  35. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    Yet we also have no good reason to presume it's not real. The thing is, you determine a thing is real by gathering information about it, via your senses (there's no other possible way for us to gather information about our environment except through sensing it somehow). Our senses show us this...
  36. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    "Existent". Things are real when they actually exist. I'm not trying to play word games, here, or something. This isn't complicated. A thing is real if it exists.
  37. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    Nobody "decides" what's real. Observers observe. We try to figure out what's real, and can come to a consensus, but what we say about what's real doesn't have any effect on what's actually real. Saying the sky is blue is a reaction to observing the sky being blue, it's not blue because we say it is.
  38. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    Bullshit. If humans didn't exist, the universe would still function however it functions, we simply wouldn't be there to watch.
  39. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    It's not an assumption, it's a practical necessity. We must presume the reality we observe is real because observation is the only manner we have of gathering information about our environment in the first place. If what we observe is some sort of false reality, we won't figure that out until we...
  40. SpaceYeti

    are most of you sapiophiles like me?

    *victory dance*
  41. SpaceYeti

    are most of you sapiophiles like me?

    I'm a one... *shy*
  42. SpaceYeti

    are most of you sapiophiles like me?

    I like it when the breasts is large and the booty is firm. In all seriousness, though, yes, intelligence is appealing. It's appealing to everybody, though, so I'm not sure at exactly which point it becomes a "philia". I mean, do you refuse to have sex with a chick who doesn't have a PhD? I...
  43. SpaceYeti

    Graphene, too good to be true?

    I don't care enough to even click the link. I drink tap water and I'm fine. *cough, cough COUGH!*
  44. SpaceYeti

    why do you speak?

    Don't speak I know just what you're saying So please stop explaining Don't tell me cause it hurts (Mouth guitar) ninel-lienel-nie, nie-nily!) Don't speak I know what you're thinking I don't need your reasons Don't tell me cause it hurts Woah-o-oh-oah, no! No! NO!
  45. SpaceYeti

    Are Space and Time Real?

    While Space and Time may not be the most basic, fundamental aspects of our universe, that doesn't mean they aren't real. That'd be like saying your car isn't real just because it's made of smaller parts.
  46. SpaceYeti

    Where has everybody gone?

    Jo mama's house.
  47. SpaceYeti

    Color Intelligence

  48. SpaceYeti

    A theory about the aether etc

    This stuff is already explained, though. What are you talking about? The idea is to explain it better. I mean, if you're trying to come up with an alternate theory, anyhow, which it looks like you tried here. "Super" dense? Not even remotely. It's still the closest to a vacuum there is, with...
  49. SpaceYeti

    A theory about the aether etc

    This idea, and theories similar to it, have been basically disproved throughout history. There are some more modern aether theories, but they always have problems describing reality as it's observed (or at best describe it just as well as Relativity except in a more complicated way). "Empty"...
  50. SpaceYeti

    WHAT have I done?

    Wing it.
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